WMD is All We Found Last Night
Patricia Ernest (Pissed Off Patricia's Blog )
You probably suffered through the state of the union message last night, and if you did, you just shook your head in despair. You heard more about the lies that you've already heard and you also heard that we now spell invasion, l-i-b-e-r-a-t-i-o-n. You heard that Saddam had thoughts of plans of ideas of yearnings of desires of visions of dreams of weapons of mass deception. Then bush said something else while you were trying to figure out what the hell he had just said about Saddam and wmd.
When your mind stopped trying to wrap itself around that confusion, you heard more. You heard bush say that we didn't need a permission slip from anyone in order to defend ourselves. That's about the time you realized that "permission slip" was the term used for that group of Americans who need simple terms so they can follow their simple-minded leader. Color codes, decks of cards, bad guys vs. good guys, thugs, permission slips - they're all the same, just ways of dumbing down for the lemmings. What he was really saying is we will not give a damn what the UN thinks if we get hot to invade another country. We don't need the UN's permission to defend ourselves, because we are the meanest bastards on the planet and we don't need no stinkin' UN badges. How's that for a nice diplomatic comment to Kofi Annan, at the very time we are once again begging for help from the UN? We are begging them to help us undo the deadly mess we have created in Iraq. That sure should help the cause, don't you think? Basically saying, UN will you help us and by the way to hell with you. That's not diplomacy, that's verifiable international insanity. When is this administration going to catch on? The members of the UN are not going to be treated the way we have allowed ourselves to be treated. They still demand to be respected, and they still will not be ordered to send their people into harms way just because we command them to follow our dictate.
Later bush got into social issues, and by now your neck was aching, because you were still shaking your head in disbelief. He said he was going to test all our kids for drugs. Do you want you child tested for drugs? Do you get a choice? Then he went on to scold sporting groups for using steroids. He was really testy about this subject. Later he got huffy about same sex unions/marriages. He showed his concerns by way of basically tinkling on liberal judges. It seems that bush has forgotten that a judge's duty is to interpret the law and see that our laws comply with the Constitution. That being said, bush feels that since apparently the judges interpretation of equal rights doesn't jive with his religious agenda, he will simply change the Constitution.
Apparently bush believes that only heterosexuals should reap the rights and rewards stated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He seems to think the authors of the Constitution forgot to mention anything about banning equal rights for homosexuals. They simply forgot to mention that homosexuals did not qualify for equal rights under the law. See, they gave up their rights when they declared they were homosexual. So now it's bush's responsibility to correct that little matter and take action to be sure homosexuals are not treated fairly. That should teach them to straighten up and fly right! Remember there was a time that no one could find equal rights for women and African Americans either. Realizing that women and African Americans were also human beings, some sensible Americans included them as equal human beings. We were now all equal Americans right? Not so fast. This might be the first time in a long time that a President has taken steps to deny a group of Americans equal rights. Seems he has some holy insight into, and knows more about, the correctness of who should marry who. The Constitution says we are all equal and the Bible says love thy neighbor, but george bush will tell you which neighbor you can love and which you cannot. Loving the wrong neighbor can be hazardous to your equality and your rights as an American citizen. Why does the federal government have time to delve into marriage? Don't we have a war that we need to figure out how to bring to a close? Don't we have a federal deficit that needs the president's attention? Don't we have a loss of jobs that he might look into? I should think that the prohibition of same-sex unions, or if you want to call it marriage, would be way down toward the bottom of his to-do list. In fact, it shouldn't be on his list at all. Leave that to the states to deal with!
Here's why he got into all those particular topics that deal with particular groups. He wants to pander to his followers with a show of his godly concerns. Do you truly think that george bush frets or gives a tinker's damn about who sleeps with who, and who marries who? Does he really lay awake at night and toss and turn because he fears that two men or two women are sharing love? Of course he doesn't, but the people who are writing him the big checks sure do. They are the ones thumping their bibles so hard and so loud that they can't hear the sounds of the dying in Iraq. They can't hear anything but each other. They drown out reality with that incessant thumping. They are the people who tsk tsk Howard Dean because he shows his anger. They complain about the so-called heathens, all the while they are encouraging killing via war. Any good and true Christian who supports the president sending our soldiers into a war based on lies, a war that results in soldier's deaths and the deaths of innocents, when no war was necessary, is not the kind of good and true Christian that I once knew. Sorry, killing for profit still seems like a sin to me, and it also sounds just like murder. It's wrong to be angry, but it's good to create war and cause death? If you are the type of person who asks, "What would Jesus do?", I'm pretty sure the answer has not been the same thing that bush has done. I mean if you are a truly religious person, do you think Jesus would lie to you in order to persuade you to send soldiers into war based on false information? Do you think Jesus would have refused to admit a mistake if he had made one? Would Jesus determine that the earth was not worthy of serious environmental protection? Do you see what I mean? Bush just doesn't seem to sincerely follow the words and deeds of any faith. He simply uses the faith of others as a shield to protect himself from the truth of his deeds and the responsibilities of his actions. Bush uses his so-called religion as insurance against the possibility of being exposed as a fraud. Religion has never been a good excuse for doing bad deeds, but lots of wars, resulting in lots of deaths, have been waged with the excuse of religious differences. Bush preaches holy devotion while waging a wholly unnecessary war. How does he get away with that?
So last night was just more of the same. The war that has been given the universal title of a war on terrorism (in reality it should be the war against Al Queada) will continue for the rest of our lives. As long as our country kills people that we only feel to be a threat to us, there will be people who will fight back, and that constitutes a war. Last night, bush bowed to the wishes of his wealthy religious right. He continued to dictate war and fear. It was a speech filled with wmd. It was a speech containing words of mass deception, worlds of mass disappointment, and we were left with worries and mass depression.
Patricia Ernest, nesters@bellsouth.net gives us this bio:
I live in the wonderful state of Florida.
I am a mom to Murphy (my precious pup) and Fred (my occasionally precious cat).
I share my life, my laughter, my world and all of my love with my husband and have for 16 years.
I would describe myself as a very sentimental and sensitive person who is forever willing to share my point of view whether or not it has been requested of me. This article is copyright by Patricia Ernest, originally published by opednews.com Permission is granted to forward this or to place it on a website as long as the article is included intact, including this statement. Patricia is also the author of Pissed Off Patricia's Blog