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Some questions the pollsters are failing to ask that would really tell us what Americans think:

Rob Kall OpEdNews.com

Do you want the US to go to war?


Are the reasons we've heard for war enough:

- for your son/brother, nephew, next door neighbor to go to war.?

_and die?


Should war protestors and people who speak out against president Bush;

-be put on lists of non-patriots?

-be silenced?

-be put in internment camps?

- be arrested?

-be shot if they engage in law breaking civil disobedience?

(these will tell us just how many right wingers are so far out they're willing to wipe out civil liberities in the froth of hate the dittohead right wing radio talk hosts are drumming up)


Do you believe that George W. Bush has told the truth

-about the al queda Iraq connection?

-about Iraq's efforts to get nuclear weapons?

-about his reasons for going to war?


Should the White House be allowed to restrict which appropriately credentialed reporters cover the White house?


Should the White House be allowed to select which appropriately credentialed reporters ask the president or the presidential press secretary questions?

Do you believe the Iraq war has helped move us clo ser to the Rapture, when Jesus returns?

Do you support George Bush Because he is helping bring about the return of the Messiah?

Please send your suggestions for more "real" questions to Poll Questions at opednews.com


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