Text with video:
Rep. Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader, argues in favor of passing HR 11, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act on January 9, 2009.
America should not have institutionalized racism, sexism, racism, pay unfairness, and a lack of ANY checks and balances whatsoever.
It is time to abolish the monarchy, a system of judges, and go with a bolstered Grand Jury System. We could have a Supreme Grand Jury all the way down to the independent ones accessible to all in local probate and family courts. [information] Your getting involved this January with helping a national movement of judicial reformers get the message out to legislators in Washington, DC, would be great.
-Steven G. Erickson
More information on the Lilly Ledbetter story, scroll down [here]
My complaints to legislators about Connecticut's Crapulent Courts [found here]