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Freedom takes a back seat to One World Order

Patrick Lafferty
Message Patrick Lafferty

Freedom takes a back seat to One World Order

Well if that wasn't a slap in the face for Americans. The agency that owns the site says that the signature 1,776-foot skyscraper replacing the towers destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001, will be known as One World Trade Center. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the site. In the words of Chairman Anthony Coscia "the one that's easiest for people to identify with." Would he be referring to the millions of people who belive the One World Order that will eventually bankrupt America?

That would be correct since it was the conspiracy by One World Order that brought down the oudated forty year old World Trade Center. The announcement drew sharp criticism from Ex-Governor George Pataki who had supported the name Freedom Tower. It's uncertain as to reason two towers weren't agreed to but seems that any concept for two similar towers never caught on.

The base of the tower has been a source of controversy. Derek Murdoch suggested that it is alienating and dull, and reflects a sense of fear rather than freedom, leading them to call the project "the Fear Tower and Nicolai Ouroussoff, the architecture critic for the New York Times, calls the tower base decorations a "grotesque attempt to disguise its underlying paranoia" 

This critic thinks it should be called "One Box Cutter Center"  Larry Silverstein stated "By 2012 we should have a completely rebuilt World Trade Center more magnificent, more spectacular than it ever was" as he pocketed a total of $4.55 billion of insurance money paid out for the destruction of the asbestos laden WTC.

Last year at this time, Silverstein sought damages from airport and airlines to the tune of 12.3 billion dollars [NY TIMES 3/27/08] yet the Judge Hellerstein ordered Mr. Silverstein to provide more documentation of his claim, or risk losing it. Any trials in the case are still pending. A lawyer for the airlines says that if Silverstein wins, it could push the total claims beyond the amount of insurance the airlines and security companies have available and subject them to possible financial failure. I am sure Mr. Silverstein will still pursue the 12.3 billion suit.

Well last week Silverstein asked for his own bailout. Silverstein claims to have less than $1 billion left from the $4.55 billion insurance settlement he got after the 2001 terror attacks and has asked the Port Authority and State of New York for the bailout. The Port Authority is considering helping to finance at least one of Mr. Silverstein’s planned three office towers, according to insiders. Mr. Silverstein is requesting financing help on at least two of the three towers. The Port Authority would require concessions from Mr. Silverstein, including possibly future profits should they provide the capital.

My advice to Mr. Silverstein is to "PULL IT" and walk away. I think the decision to rename the FREEDOM TOWER to ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER fits well, but I think the three buildings should follow the history.


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Financial Consultant - screenwriter A self proclaimed "Patrick Henry" who truly believes that death is better than slavery. I call America, a playgound for the elite and a welfare state for the rest. Democracy as defined cannot survive outside the (more...)
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