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No Planes

Michael Morrissey
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The floccinaucinihilipilification of no planes theory (that no planes
crashed on 9/11) has proven to be not only -- how can I say it --
floccinaucinihilipilificatious, but wrong. This applies to the WTC as
well as to Shanksville and the Pentagon. There are two reasons for this

1. The argument that any theories beyond controlled
demolition (of the Towers) would compromise the theory of controlled
demolition is false because that theory has now become as much of a
fact as it is ever likely to become, thanks to the Jones Boys
(stj911.org), and there is no evidence that it has made any impact at
all. I know of no one who changed his mind about the question after
reading the "definitive" thermite paper by Jones et al. They either
believed it before they read it (e.g., after seeing the videos, since
as Dan Rather said on air at the time they look exactly like the all
the other controlled demolitions that we have seen videos of), or they
don't believe it now any more than they did before and never will until
Big Brother says it's ok.

2. Despite repeated efforts by Aidan
and others to get the government to give us some proof that
ANY of the remains (including passengers and hijackers) of the
airliners that supposedly crashed on 9/11 have been verified, all we
have to date is Big Brother's word. Yes, they tell us, four planes
crashed, and these are the planes, and these are the passengers, and
these are the hijackers. They do not give us, however, a scintilla of
physical evidence for any of it.

Oh yes, they have it all,
locked up somewhere, but it is "exempt from public exposure." All we
have are videos and eyewitnesses, and there is plenty of controversy
about both. The videos, it should be noted, do not include the 80-odd
government-held videos of the alleged Pentagon crash, except the one
they did release, which only shows a puff of smoke and nothing remotely
resembling an airplane.

Even without considering the evidence
for video fakery and the contradictions in the eyewitness testimony,
one thing is certain: This is the first time in the history of aviation
that a commercial airliner has (supposedly) crashed, on land (vs., say,
in the Bermuda Triangle), where there has been any doubt at all about
whether or not it actually happened, and where the physical evidence
proving that it happened has been deliberately secreted away and
withheld from public or independent scrutiny. And this unique event
happened not once but four times on 9/11!

So why
floccinaucinihilipilificate about those who question whether these
plane crashes took place? There was a crime -- four crimes, in fact --
so haven't the "leading" truth dogs been barking up the wrong dogs?
Shouldn't we all have been barking at Big Bro, and Big Bro only, from
the get-go? The problem is that in this story, mutatis mutandis, which
is also an expression I've always wanted to use, the dog is barking because he
did NOT see anything, and the other dogs are barking to get him to shut

Woof, woof, says one (or two or three), ain't no bodies here
that I can see, no knife, no rope, no candlestick, no nothing. All I
have are videos, and lots of people saying they saw different things. I
have some lists of people who seem to be missing (except for some of
the hijackers, who have long since reported in alive and healthy), and
some photos of one or two of the ca. six million time-stamped and
uniquely traceable parts that composed the four airplanes and then
"vaporized" on impact (also an aviation first), but I have seen no
evidence whatsoever that these people or these parts had anything to do
with the planes that supposedly crashed on 9/11. All I have is Big
Bro's word that this is so, and woof woof, we all know how much that is

Woof woof woof woof woof, say a hundred others. Shut up
about that. You'll make us look bad. In good time, we will present our
carefully considered, peer-reviewed woof -- which, it is true, is
completely irrelevant to what you are woofing about (since buildings
can be and usually are controllably demolished without planes hitting
them, as in the case of WTC 7) -- but we feel your woofing and ours are
discordant. Your woofing detracts from our woofing, which is more
important because when they hear us they will all come running. They
will not be able to ignore us any longer.

Well, that time has
come and gone. Has anybody heard the clackety-clack of righteous
soldiers, congresswimps, or media hacks rushing to the cause of the
Truth of Controlled Demolition? Has there even been a pitter-patter? In
fact, haven't we just heard the sound of jackboots clomping madly in
the opposite direction, with the summary rejection of the will of
80,000 New Yorkers to have a new investigation (NYCCAN)?

has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that nanothermite was used
(perhaps along with other things) to bring down the Towers. Now it is
time for something else. It is time to prove beyond reasonable doubt
that there were any plane crashes on 9/11. Not time to prove that they
DIDN'T happen, which is I'm afraid what the Jones Boys want (see here.)
Time to prove that it DID happen. And that is not up to us. It is up to
Big Bro.

Show us the time-stamped parts, the black boxes with
the serial numbers on them, and the records of the DNA examinations and
the chain of custody, all of which is standard procedure in the
investigation of such matters -- except in the case of 9/11. Show us
the credit card records of the passengers who bought tickets, or did
they all pay cash (another first in aviation history)? Surely some
passengers used or ordered rental cars in addition to the hijackers --
the story of which is as full of holes as all the rest of what Big Bro
has told us.

Yeah, it happened, says BB. Didn't you see it on TV? Case closed.

Woof, woof, woof.
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Former teacher, born in the US now a German citizen. Author of "Correspondence with Vincent Salandria," "Looking for the Enemy," "The Transparent Conspiracy," et al. I blog at morrissey.substack.com.

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