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Congress Exhibiting Institutional Breakdown

Rafe Pilgrim
Message Rafe Pilgrim
Some Congress folk are actually claiming that "although not ideal," the current Frankensteinian bale of paper costumed as a national healthcare billwould be"a step in the right direction for the future."
Sounds like more of the "Hope!" and "Change!"con to me.
Let's face it, the Congress is supposed to represent the will of the People.The polls say that the People want a national healthcare program the likes of other industrialized nations, that the plurality if in fact not the majority favor a single-payer program. EVERYONE I know dismisses and resents any plan thatplaces our medical care in the rapacious hands of Big Private Profiteering Insurance interests.
Single-payer is where the debate should have begun and ended. Where the never-ending debate seems headed is to a plan that might just move America up from the world's 37th "best" system to what? 36th? Maybe High Twenties? Whoopiddydodah!
Let's not try to kid the citizens. This Congress, beholden to itsDaddy Warbucksmasters, has unprogressively diluted the people's will and welfare at every turn, and presents as some kind of "progress" a 2000-plus page monstrosity that no one comprehends EXCEPT FOR ITS ENTITLEMENTS TO BIG PRIVATE INSURANCE INTERESTS.
History will record this bill -- if anything similar to the latest iteration actually passes -- as its largest documented disgrace, withthree times the page-count of Mein Kampf.
This entire fiasco, this venal treachery, along with the Congress persisting tofund the unconscionable War of Lies and the slaughter of innocents 9000 miles from our coast, is a disgrace to America's future history.
But know this, Congress folk, the American people -- despite your apparent disdain for their capacity to stand up for their own best interests --are starting to catch on. The word now spreading amongst the citizens (Do you ever actually listen?) is that not only are you corrupt but that Congress is INSTITUTIONALLY broken, that in its current state it cannot be repaired, cannot be brought up to the minimal level of decency required as an instrument of the electorate's will and welfare.
Know this also: We, the people, will attend to this, we will fix this. We do possess the fortitude as well as the growing numbers. One can only sincerely hope that we act before youdotoo much more damage, and that we can mustersome minimumpatience to do so constitutionally.
........"Just" a citizen, Rafe Pilgrim
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