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Korean War Armistice-Let's not Forget How Our Government Forgets

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Let us take notice of two related events this past week: the 60 th Anniversary of the Korean War armistice and the 30 th Anniversary of my walking into Federal District Court, Hartford Connecticut to prosecute a case against the United States Secretary of Defense and the President of the United States concerning a POW they left behind North Korean enemy lines after the hostilities ended in 1953. I won the case with a formal reclassification of the soldier from MIA to POW. The U.S. official position is to continue to deny POWs were left behind, despite the finding by a federal judge that the soldier, we located in Camp 5 was a POW and not MIA as they had claimed, when overwhelming evidence since then points in the other direction, that others were left behind. I have found it appallingly curious how in every other matter of national security importance the government refers to the North Korean government as rogue and deceitful, but choses to believe their assertions that they held no POWs after the war ended. I have captured this era in my new novel We Were Beautiful Once, Chapters from a Cold War (Sunbury Press, 2012, found at Amazon.com). Previously I had written two books that address this travesty: A Deadly Fog and A Road Once Traveled (nonfiction).The Award Winning documentary Missing, Presumed Dead: The Search For America's POWs narrated by Ed Asner, features me in an interview about the court case and further details the lack of our government's response in confronting this matter. Recently I spoke about these issues on MIA/POW Radio and Veterans Radio. The men we sent to Korea did not give up, and neither should we.

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Joe Carvalko is an American author and lawyer born in Bridgeport, CT. His recent novel, We Were Beautiful Once, Chapters from a Cold War (Sunbury Press, 2013) was inspired by a trial he conducted that was featured in a 2004 documentary Missing, (more...)

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