How Drafts Work

Drafts allow you to save your work and come back to it, later. This accomplishes two purposes:

1) If your typing "times-out" and vanishes, you can Restore your writing by using the Restore button.

2) You can save a series of drafts of articles you are working on, and come back to them later.

3) Please note that drafts are only kept for 90 days. If not updated or changed, they will be removed after 90 days. (For paid members, this is extended to 180 days.)

Very important points:

Note that the Save Draft button only saves a New draft during the first time you use it. If you press the button multiple times,
it re-writes your current draft-in-use.

Also, pressing the Restore Draft button only restores the text you are working on, in this session. Even if you have many saved drafts
from previous sessions, the Restore Draft button only works with your current draft-in-use -- that you saved in this session.

How can you review all your previous drafts?

When you login and before you press Submit Article, you can press the 'My Articles' button. On that page, you will see a View Drafts button. Press that and you will see a list of any previous drafts you have saved. Press a Restore Draft button on any one of those, and you'll find yourself at the Submit Article page, working on that draft.

Note that, whenever you press the Restore Draft button on the Submit Article page, ALL the typing in the current session is lost. It will be replaced with the draft you select. This is true even if you select no draft. So please remember to never press the Restore Draft
button unless you are absolutely certain you do not need anything currently showing on the page.

Also note that the Restoring of a Draft restores it, exactly as it was. For example, if you press Add an Article, but then Restore
an article that you had previously been modifying, (i.e., you had gotten there by pressing Modify), the whole thing reverts to exactly where
you were, when you were modifying the article. (You are no longer Adding a new article, but Modifying a previous one.)

All drafts on an article are removed when the article is published. If you'd like to draft to be available, even after publishing, use the Keep checkbox. This can be useful when developers are looking into some issue.



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