Archives for Best Web OpEds

August 2009

Monday, August 31:

Margaret Bassett: Washington Post Redux: Going from the Sublime to the Ridiculous - Print

Sheila Samples: E.J. Dionne Jr. - Saving Health Care Requires Clarity From Obama

Sheila Samples: Todd S. Purdum - Henry Paulson's Longest Night

Sheila Samples: Clinton Has Her Own Problems (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: SPIEGEL - CIA Torture Inquiry: US Not Alone in Examining War-on-Terror Wrongdoings - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - Internation

Darren Wolfe: Health Care Through Central Planning: AHelpfulAnalogy by Karen Kwiatkowski

Sheila Samples: Two Mass Murderers, Two Very Different Stories and Much Hypocrisy

Sister Begonia: Tutu to Haaretz: Arabs Paying the Price of the Holocaust

Sheila Samples: Bob Dole - Obama Should Offer His Own Health Bill

Stanimal: Kennedy Fortune Fueled Ted & Brothers Careers

Sunday, August 30:

Sheila Samples: Thugs of Fortune by Jeff Huber

Janis Kay: Senior Groups Reject Health Care "Scare Tactics" : NPR

Stanimal: Note To Bernanke: No Recovery Without Wage Growth (1 comments)

Eileen Fleming: Message to President Obama and Americans with a Conscience

Darren Wolfe: Health Care Reform by John Mackey

chris rice: Obama's “Humane” Guantánamo Is A Bitter Joke

dick overfield: "Emergency Control" of the Internet

Joan Brunwasser: Hurricane George: Four Years After Katrina

Rob Kall: Why Twitter is underhyped and is probably worth five to 10 billion dollars - scobleizer's posterous

Rob Kall: JAMA: Fiscal Responsibility and Health Care Reform; Single Payer Could Save $trillion/year (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Bill Moyers on the Health care debate, Democrats, and Afghanistan

Saturday, August 29:

Rob Kall: Beware Authoritative "Inside Washington" Sources Who Say The Public Option is Dead | Robert Reich's Blog (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Death Threats Against Obama Increase By 400 Percent

Margaret Bassett: Exposed: The WPost's One-Sided Account of Torture and Abuse

Sheila Samples: Beware Authoritative "Inside Washington" Sources

Margaret Bassett: Health Care Industry Contributes Heavily to Blue Dogs

Darren Wolfe: YouTube - IT AIN'T AMERICA NO MO'!

Mac McKinney: The Secret History of Hurricane Katrina

SM Kovalisnky: Presidential Powers to expand over Internet in emergency | NowPublic News Coverage

Friday, August 28:

Sheila Samples: Organ Theft Affair: Israelis Boycotting IKEA

SM Kovalisnky: Anti-Obama Libertarianism and the cult of John Galt | NowPublic News Coverage

Darren Wolfe: Pajamas TV - InstaVision With Glenn Reynolds - Wrong Door Raids and the Injustice of the Justice System

Rob Kall: Elder Bush refuses to attend Kennedy's funeral (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: Till Debt Does Its Part (2 comments)

Sister Begonia: Israel Still Strangles the Palestinian Economy

Sheila Samples: Michael Kinsley - Health Care: Americans Want Change While Keeping Status Quo

Darren Wolfe: Desperate for Capital, the FDIC Backs Away From Tougher Rules Governing Private Equity Purchases of Failed U.S. Banks

Thursday, August 27:

Sister Begonia: Group: US is monitoring journalists in Afghanistan

Sister Begonia: From U.S. to Israel, racial injustice is not an exception

Jennifer Hathaway: Single Payer Cartoon

M. Wizard: "Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity", by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Wednesday, August 26:

Darren Wolfe: The Political Phase and the Death of Nations

Sheila Samples: Guess What: Cheney's CIA docs don't say what he claims they say—By Scott Horton

Sheila Samples: Obama's Real Reform : Rolling Stone

Sheila Samples: Steven Pearlstein - Michael Steele's Disastrous Idea of a Republican Health-Care Proposal

Sheila Samples: The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency (2 comments)

M. Wizard: Thomas Frank: "Health Care and the Democratic Soul"

SM Kovalisnky: Millennials the most narcissistic generation? | NowPublic News Coverage

Darren Wolfe: Did You Hear the One About... by Floy Lilley (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: The White House Needs to Go a Lot Further with the Torture Inquiry

Sheila Samples: The Deification of Gentle Ben (1 comments)

John R Moffett: The Torture Papers

Tuesday, August 25:

Sheila Samples: The CIA's post-torture profits | Tim Shorrock

Sheila Samples: BOB HERBERT: The Ultimate Burden (1 comments)

SM Kovalisnky: Share, bookmark, email "Columbia University paper sheds light on gays, attitudes , policy | The News is" -

M. Wizard: Obama appoints Monsanto fox to guard food safety hen house (2 comments)

Darren Wolfe: Federal Reserve Loses Bloomberg FOIA Lawsuit, Sensitive Disclosures Forthcoming (1 comments)

Sister Begonia: Sweden flatly rejects Israeli request for media quiet


Sheila Samples: Ben Smith: King on Holder: 'You wonder which side they're on'

Margaret Bassett: Desperate Food Industry Tries to Tar Michael Pollan and Organic Produce

Margaret Bassett: Straight Talk on the Federal Budget Deficit (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Analysis: Bush, Obama Administrations Drew Different Lessons From CIA Report

Sheila Samples: Mary Dejevsky: A mean streak in the US mainstream

Margaret Bassett: What Every American Should be Made to Learn about the IG Torture Report

Margaret Bassett: What Health Co-ops And Seinfeld Have In Common

Sheila Samples: GOP Senators: US Faces Terrorist Attack if Holder Probes Bush's Torture Program (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson - History That Obama Can't Ignore

Margaret Bassett: Is Obama Making a Convincing Case for the Afghan War?

Monday, August 24:

Sheila Samples: Weaponizing Psychology: Treating People Like Dogs

SM Kovalisnky: The Guns of August: Frank Rich and the rising tide of discontent | NowPublic News Coverage (2 comments)

Darren Wolfe: Election Fraud? Elections Are a Fraud!

Sheila Samples: Cindy Sheehan: "Enough Already" (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Grassley Says Obama Responsible For ‘Pull The Plug On Grandma' Phrase

Margaret Bassett: CIA Director Panetta: CIA Report On Torture ‘Old Story,' 9/11 Excuses Abuses

Scott Baker: Sharon Lerner, The Nation: How Our Health System Screws Over Women (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Exposed: The Swine Flu Hoax

Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: All the President's Zombies (1 comments)

Jennifer Hathaway: Jimmy Carter: Losing My Religion for Equality (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Vetting the Health Care Rhetoric

Margaret Bassett: Glen Greenwald: The Beltway Consensus: the Left is to Blame for Health Care Battle

John Lorenz: All the President's Zombies

Janis Kay: Huff TV: Arianna Discusses Obama's Leadership on Charlie Rose

Sunday, August 23:

Margaret Bassett: Tourism Blues Amplified in N.O.

Sheila Samples: Dying for affordable healthcare — the uninsured speak

Sheila Samples: BRAD BLOG : Rep. Anthony Weiner to Joe Scarborough: Health Care is Not a Commodity! (1 comments)

SM Kovalisnky: Statistics show 33% of Americans spiritual but not religious | NowPublic News Coverage

Don Smith: Squandered Opportunity (more criticism of Obama)

SM Kovalisnky: Natural vs Positive Law: Culture Wars A Tale of Two Ideologies | NowPublic News Coverage

Darren Wolfe: Small Government Caused Our Current Problems?

Joan Brunwasser: Robert Reich: Why the Gang of Six is deciding healthcare for 300 million of us (6 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: The Guns of August

Viki_FL: Why Scientists Are Seldom Republicans (10 comments)

Eileen Fleming: Why it is Apartheid in Israel Palestine (2 comments)

Sister Begonia: “Where does the hatred come from?”

Sister Begonia: The Jew on Fatah's governing body

Sister Begonia: Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Sister Begonia: Judge: US wrong to freeze Ohio charity's assets

Sister Begonia: Israeli Authorities Declare Shooting of Tristan Anderson an “Act of War”

Sister Begonia: Gaza mothers, newborns affected by Israeli blockade

Sister Begonia: “Our sons plundered for their organs”

Sister Begonia: US raps Israel over limit on Palestinian-Americans

Sister Begonia: Momentum Slows for Israel's Barrier

Sheila Samples: This Isn't a Recession, It's a Planned Demolition (5 comments)

Saturday, August 22:

Scott Baker: Still crazy after all these years

Joan Brunwasser: Hi! I’m an Evangelical With the U.S. Department of Justice, and I’m Here to Lie to You (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Desertpeace: Misunderstanding Zionism

Sheila Samples: Obama's deafening silence on Honduras | Mark Weisbrot

Sheila Samples: Jim Lobe: US Funding Trips For Christian Zionist To Israel

Linda Milazzo: Frank Rich; The Guns of August (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Why I lLove Britain's Socialized Healthcare System

Don Smith: Obama's Trust Problem - NYTimes

Sheila Samples: Nadler: Obama Violating Law By Not Investigating Bush (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Arlen Specter Mocks Town Halls, Viagra, And Sarah Palin In Comedy Routine

SM Kovalisnky: Inciting Chaos: Paranoia and the New World Order | NowPublic News Coverage (3 comments)

Sister Begonia: Amnesty International Withdraws from Leonard Cohen's Israel Concert Fund

Leon Thompson: DEMOCRATS ON HEALTH CARE: "A Little More Heat, Please"

summer: Tell Me Why? US Participates in Crimes Against Humanity at Ashraf (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Neve Gordon: Boycott Israel (3 comments)

Friday, August 21:

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Progressives Screwed, Democrats Suckered, Republicans Smitten by Joel S. Hirschhorn

Margaret Bassett: As Farmers Flounder, Dean Foods Prospers

Margaret Bassett: Torture and Academic Freedom - Room for Debate Blog

Sheila Samples: Paid Content: The Days of the Internet Free Lunch Are Numbered (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: And Why Are We in Afghanistan?

Margaret Bassett: Former CIA Agent: "What the Agency Was Doing With Blackwater Scares the Hell Out of Me" (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Freedom from Fear (3 comments)

Rob Kall: What's Holding Up Holder in Firing Bushevik U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan? Ask Dr. Cyril Wecht, a Partisan Victim | B (1 comments)

Janis Kay: E.J. Dionne Jr. - When Protest Becomes Intimidation -

B. Ross Ashley: Straight Goods - Beware American fibs about Canadian programs - Right promotes profit over people in health care, pensio

Scott Baker: Larry Flynt Publisher of Hustler magazine and free speech advocate: Common Sense 2009

Scott Baker: Rep. John Conyers Congressman from Michigan: Karl Rove, Rupert Murdoch and Media Bias

Joan Brunwasser: Video: Rachel Maddow: Rove's Sorry Victim Act

Joan Brunwasser: Video: Rachel Maddow: Republican MiNOrity Strategy for Health Care

Josh Mitteldorf: Krugman: Obama 'Shocked and Surprised'

Thursday, August 20:

Margaret Bassett: GOP Senators Call For New 75-80 Vote Superfilibuster Standard On Health Reform (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater: CIA Assassins?

Joan Brunwasser: The Baucus Caucus: PhRMA, Insurance, Hospitals and Rahm (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Matt Taibbi on Health Care Reform: Sick and Wrong : Rolling Stone

Margaret Bassett: At War: John Burns Is Answering Your Questions on Afghanistan (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: MSNBC's Maddow Show Propels Growing Scandal Over Washington's "Christian Mafia"

Sheila Samples: Utilizing Public Airwaves, Media Mogul Murdoch Is Big Muscle Behind Fraudulent Astro Turfers

Sheila Samples: Lori Price: Barack Obama: Change We Can Deceive In -- A critique from the Left

Sheila Samples: Robert Reich: How Tough Is Our President?

Sheila Samples: Obama's Enforcer: Not Really Tough Enough

Sheila Samples: Johann Hari: Republicans, religion and the triumph of unreason

Margaret Bassett: Why Senate Democrats are Giving up So Easily

Sister Begonia: Quiet Slicing of the West Bank Makes Abstract Prayers for Peace Obscene (2 comments)

Sister Begonia: New UN report spotlights humanitarian crisis triggered by blockade of Gaza

GL Rowsey: Obama Piddles Away the Public's Option, By Glen Ford (2 comments)

Wednesday, August 19:

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: human Rights Watch,Savagery in iranian politica prisons

Joan Brunwasser: Kudos to Barney Frank. Leave it to a Gay Guy to Have the Biggest Balls in the Room

Sheila Samples: Hendrik Hertzberg : The States We're In

Joan Brunwasser: Maybe If You Would Lead, We Would Follow

Sister Begonia: Israel Killed White Flag Gazans: HRW

Daniel Geery: Fight to Stave Off Apocalypse, or Welcome It? (2 comments)

SM Kovalisnky: Fascism a Right Wing Projection | NowPublic News Coverage

Margaret Bassett: Rethink Afghanistan (Part 6): Security

Eileen Fleming: The Prince of Darkness and The Wall (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Three Reasons Why a Strong Public Option is Likely to be Part of Health Insurance Reform

Margaret Bassett: A Health Insurance Lawyer Takes on Industry Scare Tactics

Margaret Bassett: What is Obama Defending in Afghanistan?

Scott Baker: Johann Hari Columnist, London Independent: The Republican Party Is Turning Into A Cult (3 comments)

Tuesday, August 18:

Sheila Samples: ICH: AIPAC Sends In The Clowns

Sheila Samples: Mark Weisbrot: Obama Should Change Course and Support Democracy In Honduras (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Winners And Losers In The Americam Warfare State

Sheila Samples: Once Again, Mr. DeLay, You Have the Floor (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Truthdig - Pulling the Plug on the Public Option

Sister Begonia: FEATURE: Resilience of Gaza's people lifts spirits of UN aid worker

John Lorenz: This Is Reform?

GL Rowsey: Unconditional Negotiations, Now!

Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson - Where's Mr. Transformer?

Margaret Bassett: Bloggers Back Obama's Agenda, Not His Strategy

Margaret Bassett: The Political Calculus of Health Care Reform

Joan Brunwasser: This is Reform?

Joan Brunwasser: The News of Its Death Is Greatly Exaggerated

Joan Brunwasser: Video Satire: If Steve Jobs Was George Bush (or Barak Obama)

Joan Brunwasser: It's Now or Never for a Public Option: Why We Need to Take a Stand Against to the Insurance Industry's Greed

Monday, August 17:

Sheila Samples: Robert C. Hinkley: The Commons Exposed

Sister Begonia: UN finds evidence of Israeli crimes in Gaza

Ernest Canning: Wing-Nut Mobs Provide Cover for Obama/Baucus Health Care Betrayal by Ernest A. Canning

Sheila Samples: Israel begins sell-off of refugees' land : Privatisation to subvert Palestinian hopes of restitution

Scott Baker: Robert Kuttner: Killing Yourself with Kindness (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: t r u t h o u t: Mark Ash --| Fight for the Public Option

Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: The Swiss Menace

Sheila Samples: Our Last Chance to Preserve Life On Earth Is Slipping Away (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Why Are Cops Tasering Grandmothers, Pregnant Women and Kids? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Creeping Construction Boom: Jewish Settlements Threaten Viability of Palestinian State

Sheila Samples: Is This Why Eric Holder Isn't Going After Bush Officials?

Eileen Fleming: Intifada

SM Kovalisnky: In Jest, there is Truth : The love that dare not speak its name | NowPublic News Coverage

Leon Thompson: BULLETIN: Obama White House Appears Open to Insurance Co-ops

M. Wizard: "Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama" by Chris Hedges

Sunday, August 16:

Sheila Samples: Jeremy Scahill: US Still Paying Blackwater Millions

Sheila Samples: Juan Cole: No Health Reform for Gaza; But Death Panels they Have

Margaret Bassett: A Public Option Isn't a Curse, or a Cure

Scott Baker: Blake Hurst: The American: The Omnivore's Delusion: Against the Agri-intellectuals

Darren Wolfe: Treasury, FDIC And More: How Many Lies? - The Market Ticker

Saturday, August 15:

Sheila Samples: Blackwater Still Armed in Iraq

Sheila Samples: Who's behind the attacks on a health care overhaul? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Philip Giraldi: Wag The Dog, Again

Sheila Samples: Esam Al-Amin: What Actually Happened in Fatah's Elections?

Darren Wolfe: Is Wall Street Ready for Obama's Fall? by Rick Ackerman (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: Hard to Believe!

Friday, August 14:

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: The New Iran Sanctions: Worse Than the Old Ones.Fp.aug 11,2209

Darren Wolfe: Hotlined

Sister Begonia: False Allegations about Human Rights Watch's Latest Gaza Report

Sister Begonia: Military Forces Sow Terror and Fear in Honduras

Don Smith: Blue Dog Daze

Margaret Bassett: July Data Recall Risk of Recession's Double-Dip

Sheila Samples: Multiple Republican Leaders Voted In 2003 For Measure Similar To Current "Government Euthanasia" Bill

Sheila Samples: The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War (4 comments)

Scott Baker: NY Times: DAVID LEONHARDT: Fat Tax (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson - Bush Years Offer Perspective on Current Troubles

Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Republican Death Trip (3 comments)

John Lorenz: Republican Death Trip By PAUL KRUGMAN

Sheila Samples: Howard Dean Blog: Seniors Need Not Fear (5 comments)

Thursday, August 13:

Sheila Samples: Joe Conason: The Real Death Panels

Joan Brunwasser: Boycott Whole Foods (5 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Eating Meat Isn't Bad for the Planet, It's Our System of Raising the Animals That's Wrong

Sister Begonia: Flying Is Getting More Personal

David Kendall: Economics - Profitability: By Gerhard Adam (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: 'Evil and Orwellian' "" America's right turns its fire on NHS

Sheila Samples: The Nutters Are Coming to Get You (1 comments)

Scott Baker: Teresa Hommel: Why Keep the Lever Voting Machines?

Margaret Bassett: "Death Panel Doc" is all About Life

Sister Begonia: Rights group: Israel killed unarmed Palestinians


Wednesday, August 12:

Sheila Samples: The GOP Laff Riots

Margaret Bassett: Did Rove Follow Siegelman Case? Oh, Yes

Sheila Samples: Mark Morford: Marijuana, gateway drug to Jesus

Joel Wendland: Death panels, euthanasia, abortion: health care fiction and facts

Don Smith: Danny Westneat | Media, pols see shouts, not debate | Seattle Times Newspaper

Sheila Samples: 9/11 Mind Swell (6 comments)

Stephen Pizzo: News For Real

Sister Begonia: Israel Is Wary of Calm Days That May End in Turmoil

Mikhail Lyubansky: Over the top and beneath contempt - Roger Simon -

Monday, August 10:

Jennifer Hathaway: My Favorite Astrologer Covers PCBs

Sheila Samples: Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer -- 'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate

Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Averting the Worst

Sheila Samples: Mass Medical Clinic's Sobering Message : NPR

Sheila Samples: Obama still isn't president in the south | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online

Sheila Samples: SPIEGEL Interview with Author David Grossman: 'Foreigners Cannot Understand the Israelis' Vulnerability' (2 comments)

Scott Baker: ERIC ZENCEY: NY Times: G.D.P. R.I.P.

Margaret Bassett: Is Google Playing by the Book?

chris rice: NEW Torture pictures BANNED by Obama

chris rice: Newfoundland Sexual Abuse Victim Byron Prior Continues

Sheila Samples: Dahr Jamail and Sarah Lazare: Warehousing Soldiers in the Homeland

Sunday, August 9:

Sheila Samples: Robert Reich: The White House deal with Big Pharma undermines democracy

Sheila Samples: Men behaving badly aren't funny anymore | Salon

Sheila Samples: James Fallows: Let's mark this moment in the health debate as it happens

Sheila Samples: The Cheney-Like Secrecy of the Obama White House

Sheila Samples: BARBARA EHRENREICH: Is It Now a Crime to Be Poor? (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: Is Obama Punking Us? (6 comments)

Sheila Samples: Is the US on the Brink of Fascism? (6 comments)

M. Wizard: Frank Rich: "Is Obama Punking Us?" (1 comments)

mhenriday: women at risk Bob Herbert

Sister Begonia: Protesters in Ybor City drown out health care summit on Obama's proposal

David Kendall: Health Insurance - The Smoke and Mirrors Industry (1 comments)

Saturday, August 8:

Sheila Samples: Top 5 Ways the 'Birthers' Are Like the Global Warming Deniers

Sheila Samples: Star-spangled-bannered authoritarian brutes

Sheila Samples: US Still Paying Blackwater Millions

Sheila Samples: Right-Wing Turncoat Gives the Inside Scoop on Why Conservatives Are Rampaging Town Halls (1 comments)

Friday, August 7:

Sheila Samples: Keep shovelling that stimulus - The Globe and Mail

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Could Ahmadinejad's Mix Of Mysticism And Politics Lead To A Power Grab?, Peyvand News

Sheila Samples:   The Great Hiroshima Cover-Up  (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: The Town Hall Mob

chris rice: How to PROSECUTE Bush and Company

Sheila Samples: Mark Morford: 10 amazing truths you already suspected

Sheila Samples: Republicans Propagating Falsehoods in Attacks on Health-Care Reform

Ginger McClemons: David Icke Website - Home

Mike Malloy: Obama’s born identity

Thursday, August 6:

Margaret Bassett: We Could be Facing Another Jobless Recovery

Sheila Samples: James a. Haught: A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush

Sheila Samples: Think Again: The Mainstream Media Opens the Door to Hate (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Hightower: Think Your Food's Organic? Think Again

Sheila Samples: Hiroshima Day: America Has Been Asleep at the Wheel for 64 Years (2 comments)

Darren Wolfe: State Mandates & Health Insurance: Find out what you're paying for (and don't need) video

Wednesday, August 5:

Sheila Samples: Congress' own healthcare benefits: Membership has its privileges

Sheila Samples: The Incredible Shrinking Healthcare Reform: Norman Solomon

Sheila Samples: When Bill Met Il

Richmond Shreve: Birther Humor

Margaret Bassett: Legislators for Sale

Scott Baker: Thomas Friedman: Green Shoots in Palestine (1 comments)

Tuesday, August 4:

Sheila Samples: Why Single Payer Advocacy Matters Now More Than Ever

Margaret Bassett: States in Distress

Sheila Samples: Obama must help Honduras | Calvin Tucker

Sheila Samples: Iftekhar A. Khan: It's the Body Bags Stupid

Sister Begonia: Tel Aviv Murder Reflects Israeli Fears

Sister Begonia: Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: It's Time to Get Out of Iraq While the Getting is Good

Sheila Samples: Even After North Korea Frees American Journalists, Bolton Insists Clinton Trip Was A Mistake

Sister Begonia: Israeli foreign minister to resign if charged

Sheila Samples: Torturing Children: Bush's Legacy and Democracy's Failure (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Comedians Take On Dana Milbank And Chris Cillizza For 'Mouthpiece Theater' Videos

Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson - Obama, Clearly Born in the U.S.A.

Sheila Samples: Right-Wingers Are Stirring Up Xenophobia to Swiftboat Health Reform

Sheila Samples: The Ugly Racism of the Right Will Be Their Undoing | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet

Sheila Samples: Stephen M. Walt: John Bolton's unrealistic "realism"

Margaret Bassett: End the Fed? A Not-so-Crazy Idea.

Monday, August 3:

Sheila Samples: Panetta Pleads for No CIA Punishment

Sheila Samples: "Decline and Fall of the American Empire" by James Quinn

Sheila Samples: Bowing to US's 'naked political power' | Clive Stafford Smith

Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Rewarding Bad Actors

Sheila Samples: Sodomized to Protect Our Freedoms

Sheila Samples: Howard Dean: How Republican Attack Dogs Plan to Thwart Health Reform (1 comments)

Andreas Umland: Russia: The Aggrieved Great Power. By Leonid Luks (1 comments)

Sunday, August 2:

Sheila Samples: Rahm Emanuel: Self-hating Jew or peace-broker?

Margaret Bassett: Panetta’s Pathetic Attempt to Get Lawmakers to Ignore CIA Crimes » Print

Sheila Samples: Joe Bageant: The Bastards Never Die

Sheila Samples: t r u t h o u t | Pay to Play Is Washington's Sport of Kings

Margaret Bassett: Rehabilitation: One Possible Solution for Some Gitmo Detainees

Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: Small Beer, Big Hangover (1 comments)

Sister Begonia: Why Israel Is Nervous (12 comments)

Sister Begonia: Israel defends Gaza war

Darren Wolfe: Recession Is Over: Long Live Depression (2 comments)

GL Rowsey: The Peculiar Class Solidarity of Barack Obama and “Skip” Gates, by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

Darren Wolfe: Venezuela silences radio stations (1 comments)

Saturday, August 1:

boomerang: GA. Rep. Tom Price Bears the Torch for the People's Health (7 comments)

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Prominent Iranian Reformists Go On Trial For Post-Election Unrest

Darren Wolfe: Why Bernanke Is in Panic Mode by Gary North

Philip Knab: Not So Strange Bedfellows: The Warren Buffett - Goldman Sachs Love Affair

weslen1: 10 Myths About Canadian Health Care, Busted.

weslen1: 10 Myths About Canadian Health Care, Busted.


Complete Archives