Archives for Best Web OpEds

July 2012

Tuesday, July 31:

Eugene Robinson: Romney stumbles through his world tour

If Only President Obama Would Visit Israel As Often As Ronald Reagan Did

Mitt Romney Stumps in Israel

Rwanda: Why Kagame and Rwanda Are Under Attack Over DRC (1 comments)

The Betrayal of the American Dream

House of Corrections; Yeah Right!

When a news executive sits on a bank's board, By Ryan Chittum

Monday, July 30:

The Conversion of a Climate-Change Skeptic

E.J. Dionne: Mitt Romney and the go-for-broke election

Dan Froomkin: Reporters Know What the "Voter ID" Push Is Really About. Why Don't They Just Say So?

German Media Slams Mitt Romney's Tour Abroad

Paul Krugman: Crash of the Bumblebee

Sunday, July 29:

Should You Save Your Money or Hide It Under The Mattress?

Who's Winning the War On You?

Robert Fisk: Syrian war of lies and hypocrisy

Charles M. Blow -- Where's the Outrage?

Saturday, July 28:

The State as a Fantasy (2 comments)

Romney Faces Perils and Opportunities in Israel

Romney Pleases Political Donor on Israel

Justice Party Candidate Rocky Anderson at Campaign Headquarters

Friday, July 27:

Mitt Romney Flounders and Flubs His Way Through London

Guilty Conscience or Cynical Ploy? Architect of Too-Big-to-Fail Banks Says It Was a "Mistake'

The battle of Damascus has begun

Thursday, July 26:

Paul Krugman: Money for Nothing (1 comments)

Another London Headache? Romney Fundraiser Raises Eyebrows (1 comments)

A Gold Medal in Outsourcing

Romney Adviser: Diplomacy With Britain Requires "Anglo-Saxon" In White House

Mitt Romney England Trip, Insults Olympics Preparations

Presidential Campaign Round-Up (1 comments)

Reinventing Crony Capitalism: the Context of Geithner's Obscene Rant against Barofsky, (3 comments)

Noam Chomsky on the Shredding of Our Fundamental Rights (1 comments)

Colorado Carnage: Proof of Obama Ineptitude

Wednesday, July 25:

Islamophobia and the Republican Party

Maureen Dowd: Hiding in Plain Sight

Harold Meyerson: GOP's voter ID tactics could undermine a Romney win

Why Corporate Fraud Is So Rampant: Wall Street's Cop, By Preet Bharara

Tuesday, July 24:

Take a closer look... - Rocky Anderson 2012 (2 comments)

Dan Froomkin: Assault Weapons Immune From Post-9/11 Security Crackdown (2 comments)

Should Holmes Receive The Death Penalty? No.

Bungled Bank Bailout Leaves Behind Righteous Anger

Monday, July 23:

Mitt's First Foreign Stumble?

The real question about Romney's Bain career

Jason Alexander's amazing gun rant (1 comments)

A Spiteful New Policy at Guantanamo Bay

LOL Of The Week: Where In The World Are Mitt Romney's Tax Returns? (1 comments)

Texas GOP Wages War On Thinking

Multinationals' Money Talks in Politics

Gary Johnson Grassroots Blog: Johnson Wins Election if Based on Issues (2 comments)

Paul Krugman: Loading the Climate Dice

Sunday, July 22:

Fannie, Freddie, and Mortgage Regulator Balked at Oversight, Watchdog Says

The Whistleblower's Tale: Countrywide Investigator Fired for Doing Her Job While Rampant Fraud Was Concealed (1 comments)

Regions of America Destroyed in the Name of Quarterly Profits

After Colorado: The speech on guns neither Obama nor Romney will ever give - Not facing down the gun lobby is the real c (1 comments)

NBCNews: Rocky Anderson on Mitt Romney Federal Money for the Olympics (3 comments)

Blood on hands of Obama, Mitt and NRA! Condolences are empty words - what actions are you gonna take?

Mitt Romney, Un-American

Saturday, July 21:

McClatchy's Washington Bureau establishes no-alter quote policy Read more here: (1 comments)

Help Air a "Third" Party Presidential Debate!

Israel threatens Iran over Bulgarian bombing (1 comments)

Matt Taibbi: From an Unlikely Source, a Serious Challenge to Wall Street one

Friday, July 20:

Where Is The Line For Revolution?

Andy Borowitz: Romney Claims Dog Ate Tax Returns and Ran Bain Capital for Three Years

Lenovo CEO distributes $3 million personal bonus to production-line workers, By Aaron Souppouris

Paul Krugman: Pathos of the Plutocrat

Thursday, July 19:

ALEC is an Enemy of Liberty

Vice Presidential Roundup

Accidents Happen, But We Can't Afford One in the Persian Gulf (2 comments)

The GOP War on Women is Back (1 comments)

Wednesday, July 18:

Dana Milbank: Dick Cheney offers the GOP familiar advice on spending

Journatic busted for using fake bylines : CJR (1 comments)

Goldman Sachs got break, but not cities - SFGate (1 comments)

Daniel Geery for U.S. Senate (2 comments)

Tuesday, July 17:

Amnesty's Shilling for US Wars | Consortiumnews

Unexpectedly Good News Regarding Energy Trends from NRDC

Thanks, but No Thanks. Kudos to a Vermonter Who Does the Right Thing (2 comments)

David Corn: Romney's Account of His Departure From Bain Undercut by...Romney Testimony

Monday, July 16:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Trial

At Stake: The Future of America's Middle Class

Romney: Teresa Heinz Kerry Didn't Release Tax Returns, Either!

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Distributing, then Confiscating Condoms

Are Drones Moral Killing Machines? NY Times National Security Journalist Says Yes (2 comments)

Paul Krugman: Policy and the Personal

Spoiler or Moral Alternative? Rocky Anderson Speaks His Mind (1 comments)

Sunday, July 15:

Ellen Brown on the Drug Industry's Health Politics (1 comments)

Obama: 'If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen' (3 comments)

Charlie Reese's Final After 49 Years Explains Who Is Responsible For The Mess That Is The US (2 comments)

Saturday, July 14:

Muni Protest Planned For Monday: Activist Group Seeks To Snarl Morning Commute (PHOTOS) (1 comments)

Pennsylvania Is Key To Republican Vote-Blocking

How The Big Banks Run The World -- At Your Expense

The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking?

Romney's 'Free Stuff' Speech Is a New Low (1 comments)

Friday, July 13:

Europe Is Sliding Back Into Its Own Past

David Corn: Did Romney Make a False Statement on His Financial Disclosure?

Keiser Report: From Tommy Guns to Credit Guns (E312) - YouTube

Top Five Reasons Israel Is Losing the Public Relations Battle

Paul Krugman: Who's Very Important?

So How Much Did the Banksters Make on Libor-Related Ill-Gotten Gains?

Thursday, July 12:

London Olympics is a Corporate, Militarized Lockdown -- Why Not a Games for All?

Charles M. Blow -- Romney in the Lions' Den

Cash-Hoarding Companies Neither Spend Nor Lend, Fouling Economy Further (2 comments)

War and Climate Change

Mitt Romney's Wealth Costs Him With One in Five Voters (2 comments)

Favoring China (2 comments)

Michael Tomasky on Mitt Romney the Race Baiter at the NAACP - The Daily Beast (2 comments)

We are NOT Broke!

Wednesday, July 11:

The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama (1 comments)

Religious Right's Ralph Reed Field-Tests Plan for Beating Obama (1 comments)

Tuesday, July 10:

No, Romney Didn't Leave Bain in 1999

Eugene Robinson: The GOP's crime against voters (1 comments)

Romney Supporters Lament Poor, Uneducated Common People

The Battle over the Constitution (1 comments)

Will right-leaning Democrats tumble across the aisle? (1 comments)

Oakland City Council Seeks to Cut Goldman Sachs Ties After Bank Profits from Lowered Interest Rates (1 comments)

Black-Ops Fixers, CIA Assassins, and Families That Control Global Finance

Mitt Romney's Hamptons Weekend

Weimar America: Four Major Ways We're Following In Germany's Fascist Footsteps (4 comments)

Exposure of Banker Corruption, By Jim Willie CB

Reince Priebus: Obama Shipped the Recovery Overseas (1 comments)

Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal Was Right -

Sunday, July 8:

Paul Krugman: Mitt's Gray Areas (2 comments)

The World from Berlin: 'A Costly Defeat for Deutsche Bank' - SPIEGEL ONLINE (1 comments)

Beyond Misery in America: A Modest Proposal for Willard

Saturday, July 7:

How Obama Can Really Hurt the GOP: Focus on Its Radical Economic Plan (2 comments)

LIBOR Scandal: UBS note deepens UK political row over rate-fixing

We Were Wrong on Peak Oil (3 comments)

Repelling the "Nanny State" with "Nanny Judges"

Friday, July 6:

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Global Attack by the One Percent (2 comments)

Chief Justice Roberts and His Apologists

Medicare for All - Rocky Anderson 2012 (3 comments)

Presidential Candidate and Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson on Immigration Policy

Landmark Settlement Requires Feds to Revisit Plan for Coal-friendly Energy Corridors Across West on Environmental Expert (1 comments)

Paul Krugman: Off and Out With Mitt Romney

Thursday, July 5:

America\\\'s Petro-Terrorists: How Speculators Drove Up Oil Prices - Page 1 - News - San Francisco - SF Weekly (1 comments)

E.J. Dionne Jr.: The Founders' true spirit (1 comments)

How Each State Could Be Impacted By Affordable Healthcare Act

Op-Ed: Diamond makes case for judicial inquiry

Wednesday, July 4:

What Hath Roberts Wrought?

Slow And Pointless: What Darrell Issa's Inquisition Won't Dare To Mention

Investigation: Mitt Romney's Offshore Accounts, Tax Loopholes, and Mysterious I.R.A.

Too Quiet, Again, on Health Care

Why conservative economists are aghast at radical reforms by Argentina's central bank. (1 comments)

Tuesday, July 3:

This summer is 'what global warming looks like' (1 comments)

Fast and Furious? How about plodding and pointless

Bill McKibben: Let's Admit the Global Warming Hoax! (16 comments)

Press Still at Assange's Throat (1 comments)

Monday, July 2:

Paul Krugman: Europe's Great Illusion

A portentous skirmish in Ghazni province (1 comments)

The Republicans' Biggest Obsession

E.J. Dionne Jr.: Mitt Romney's Bain problem

The Tea Party's 1776 Shtick: History Mangled

Time To Farm Hemp Instead Of Buying It From Canada...Let US Farmers, Farm

Eastern DRC is a complex security puzzle for Rwanda and too far flung for Kinshasa to control (1 comments)

Sunday, July 1:

The 99.99998271%: Rocky Anderson - The People's Champion

The Dilbit Disaster: Inside The Biggest Oil Spill You've Never Heard Of, Part 1

Strangling the Republic (5 comments)

Grotesque Casino Of Corporate Fascism, Who Destroyed The Middle Class, By James_Quinn (1 comments)

Did the New York Times Lead Anthony Shadid to His Death? Burying the Story along with the Body


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