Archives for General News

October 2012

Wednesday, October 31:

Romney Lies About Chrysler, GM (1 comments)

Genomes project publishes inventory of human genetic variation

Steve King: Hurricane Sandy Aid Must Have Strings Attached To Avoid Waste On 'Gucci Bags'

Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein arrested in Texas

Republican Congressional Candidate Opines On "The Rape Thing' (AUDIO)

The Environment, The Election, Money and the Koch Brothers (1 comments)

Political Party Differences or How to Cook the 99% (3 comments)

Hal O'Leary: Who's Insane? (1 comments)

Trial begins for 10-year old boy who killed Nazi father (1 comments)

AT&T, T-Mobile Will Share Networks In New York And New Jersey As A Result Of Hurricane Sandy

Survival and Dignity in an Afghan Winter (1 comments)

For Romney to Adequately Fund FEMA, Mother Nature Must Be Declared a Terrorist (2 comments)

Occupy the Department of Veterans Affairs battles it out with, V.A. and Sandy, vets win (3 comments)

Markets volatile as trading resumes on Wall Street

Will Women Have Short Memories About Hormone Replacement Therapy? Pharma Hopes So (2 comments)

How Romney Borrowed The Mormon Church's Tax Exemption (1 comments)

Right-Wing Fliers Claim Obama Is Anti-Christian (2 comments)

How We Treat Kids: Chicago Schools Flunk Food Inspections

Obama Declares 'Major Disaster' in New York

Tuesday, October 30:

Alarming Sinkhole Continues to Cave In: Seismic Activity, Odors, Health Symptoms Reported (4 comments)

Netanyahu: Iran strike will be good for Arabs (2 comments)

Bush's FEMA Director During Katrina Criticizes Obama For Responding To Sandy Too Quickly (2 comments)

Romney Uses Debunked Story About Chrysler To Undermine Obama's Story On The Auto Industry Rescue

Hurricane Sandy Megastorm: How To Help

Big Dollar GOP Racist Donors Funded Voter Intimidation Billboards

climate change can no longer be denied (1 comments)

Why The Federal Government Should Handle Disaster Relief

4 Pinocchios for Mitt Romney's misleading ad on Chrysler and China

Pentagon Nixed 1998 U.S. Nuclear Scientists' Probe of Iranian Program

Romney Campaign Training Poll Watchers To Mislead Voters In Wisconsin In Shocking Display Of Disrespect For Voter Rights (1 comments)

French officials to exhume Arafat in November

Nonbeliever Nation, The Rise of Secular America (3 comments)

No Specific Warnings in Benghazi Attack

Video: Coast Guard Rescues 14 from HMS Bounty, Sunk by Sandy off NC

Balancing Act: Low-wage workers struggle to care for families, keep jobs

African-American ministers criticize Franklin Graham

Don't Tread On Me: Protesting the Josey Fundraiser (video) (1 comments)

For DHS, Cybersecurity Education Begins in Kindergarten |

Monday, October 29:

Limp crane dangles precariously 74 stories over NYC

Hurricane Sandy Sinks Tall Ship "Mutiny" Bounty, 1 Dead, 1 Missing (12 comments)

The Real Media Benghazi Cover-up (10 comments)

How Would The Paul Ryan Budget Handle Disaster Relief? (4 comments)

Third Party ballot access activists gain legal muscle (1 comments)

New York City Flooding: Storm Surge At Irene Levels, Says Cuomo, Before Hurricane Sandy Has Even Hit In Earnest (PHOTOS)

Video surfaces of Romney's Vicious Anti-LGBT Family Remarks While Governor | Pam's House Blend

Palestinians vow to press forward with UN recognition, despite Israeli and US objections

Vote for Nobody's Jim Babb at Democracy Unplugged (video)

Nuclear Trouble: 16 Reactors in the Path of Hurricane Sandy

New York Times suspends paywall for Hurricane Sandy

AP Poll Finds More Americans Believe Obama Is Jewish Than Muslim (UPDATED: AP Corrects Typo) (3 comments)

Rebecca Solnit: Climate and Clarity (37 comments)

America the Possible: James Gustave Speth's Manifesto for a New Economy (4 comments)

U.S. election: Romney held in disdain in his home state

Murdoch Spins His Web

Romney Avoids Taxes via Loophole Cutting Mormon Donations

Activist Post: DoD Employs Blackwater For 'Stability Operations' in Foreign Nations

Part 2; Transcript Exclusive Chris Hedges Interview; The Template for Harvesting America, Sacrifice Zones and Blood (4 comments)

Obama, Romney: Silent on Significant Domestic Threat -- Bullying in the Federal Workplace (1 comments)

US East Coast States Shut Down Operations Ahead of Hurricane Sandy

NYSE and Nasdaq to close

Sunday, October 28:

Retired NSA Analyst proves GOP is Stealing Elections (1 comments)

Tips on Investigative Journalism From the Most Honored US Journalists-- Barlett and Steele (1 comments)

Hurricane Sandy continues its march to the East Coast

Okinawa slams US rape case, calls for treaty review

The Boston Globe Endorses Elizabeth Warren for Senate (2 comments)

Saturday, October 27:

The victims of Fallujah's health crisis are stifled (1 comments)

Canada, Israel call for UN investigator's resignation (3 comments)

$43 Trilion Lawsuit: Banks, Governmental Officials Targets of Spire Law Group (15 comments)

Loose and Non-Existent Background Checks Cost Women's Lives In Spate of Salon Shootings (5 comments)

Emergency preparedness checklist for perfect storm Hurricane Sandy -- Here's what you need to get NOW (5 comments)

UN calls for worldwide internet surveillance and data retention in the name of fighting terrorism | End the Lie -- Indep (2 comments)

Texas trooper in chopper shoots, kills 2 suspected illegal immigrants (3 comments)

GB Catholic Diocese warns voters their soul is "in jeopardy" on Election Day (5 comments)

Rocky Anderson Campaign: Third Party Presidential Debate, hosted by Ralph Nader

From Corporation to Cooperation: Beyond Greed, Destruction of the Environment and Enslavement of the People (4 comments)

Transcript Exclusive Chris Hedges Interview; The Template for Harvesting America, Sacrifice Zones and Blood (8 comments)

Friday, October 26:

A Lesson in Hospitality by Cathy Breen (1 comments)

State Dept: Texas Can’t Arrest International Election Observers (9 comments)

British ExxonMobil oil chief "assassinated" in Brussels street

Former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi Convicted of Tax Fraud (1 comments)

John Sununu's History Of Racial Remarks About Obama

aaron: Free & equal: Winners of October 23rd Presidential Debate to Square Off October 30th in Washington DC

Iran military action not "right course at this time," Downing Street says

UN Official: Aspects of US Drone Program Clearly 'War Crimes'

New Poll: Americans condemn high levels of corporate political spending, overwhelmingly support strong transparency and (1 comments)

Very Few Voters to Decide U.S. Presidential Race (1 comments)

China Blocks Web Access to Times

Texas Attorney General Threatens To Arrest International Elections Observers (4 comments)

More People Eschew Jobless Benefits Than Scam System

Thursday, October 25:

Israeli TV admits: No rockets were ever fired from UNRWA schools in Gaza during "Cast Lead" | The Electronic Intifada

Anti-Drone Protest Shuts Down Hancock Air Base, 17 Arrested, 13 Held in Jail (1 comments)

TransCanada Pipeline Protest in Fifth Week

Quitting Ambien: Study Shows High Cancer Risk.

UN to investigate civilian deaths from US drone strikes (1 comments)

Washington Post endorsement: Four more years for President Obama

CIA veteran John Brennan has transformed U.S. counterterrorism policy

Texas threatens to arrest international monitors sent to watch US election

WikiLeaks says releases hacked U.S. detainee rules

GOP voter fraud in Virginia

Nick Turse: Big Maps, Big Dreams, and the Failure of the Obama Doctrine

International monitors at US polling spots draw criticism from voter fraud groups (4 comments)

Obama Moves to Make the War on Terror Permanent

Pennsylvania Bill Includes Provision Requiring Women To Prove They Were Raped (1 comments)

Iceland Says Yes To New Constitution (20 comments)

Wednesday, October 24:

Plan for hunting terrorists signals U.S. intends to keep adding names to kill lists

Bob Fitrakis: Romney family and friends will help tabulate the vote count in Cincinnati: Hart Intercivic holds maintenance contracts o

Bogus letters sent to Florida Republican voters

Feds sue BofA for $1 billion over loans sold to Fannie, Freddie

Third Party Nominees Highlight Issues Ignored in 2-Party Debates--in Obama's Home Town (11 comments)

NY Times public editor asks if incoming CEO fit to serve

Special Olympic Athletes Letter To Ann Coulter (6 comments)

The People Have Spoken!

Tuesday, October 23:

Why "peace" was catchphrase in presidential debate

Ben Bernanke wants to resign

Former CIA officer in leaks case pleads guilty to a single charge

Third Party Candidates Join Final Debate (1 comments)

I Knew Sen. George McGovern

*Outsourcing War to former Ugandan Child Soldiers (1 comments)

10/22: Palast at DC's BB&P on $$$ vs. VOTES

Occupy At The Department Of Veterans Affairs For Those Who Can't (3 comments)

In Post-Debate Rally, Obama Says Romney Has ‘Stage 3 Romnesia’

Did Conservative Commentator Ann Coulter Cross The Line When She Called Obama A Retard? (29 comments)

Tom Engelhardt: The Supersizing of American Politics

Psalm of Obama (5 comments)

Obama Can Come Back After First Debate Debacle (1 comments)

Monday, October 22:

Estelle crew were beaten during the attack and by interrogators Canadian Jim Manly still in detention (29 comments)

*Video* Did debate moderator Bob Schieffer refer to 'Obama bin Laden'? (2 comments)

New Generation Of Veterans Skeptical Of Presidential Politics And Political Parties

Nuclear Perceptions Fight Reality (2 comments)

Last Real Indians' Tribute To Russell Means (1 comments)

Who Are The Radical Muslim Activists Visiting The White House? Should We Be Worried? (4 comments)

Russell Means Dead: American Indian Activist, Actor, Dies At 72

Hal O'Leary: Wage Slavery Is On The March (2 comments)

Italian court convicts 7 for no quake warning - Yahoo! News

Extensive coal ash contamination found in US water supply

12 Years Later: Reassessing the War in Afghanistan

Local Judicial Corruption In WV Social Security Office Could Topple National SSA Commissioner (5 comments)

Karen Greenberg: Preparing for a Digital 9/11

Cycling's governing body agrees to strip Lance Armstrong of his 7 Tour de France titles

AIG's CEO Bob Benmosche is still waiting for his "Thank You."

Sunday, October 21:

Bob Fitrakis: Employees of Romney family's secret bank tied to fraud, money laundering, drug cartels and the CIA (12 comments)

Do More Combat Helmets Mean More Combat?

The Silence of the Guilty (16 comments)

Portable Fingerprint Ccanners Aid King County [WA] Deputies

55 Facts About The Debt And U.S. Government Finances That Every American Voter Should Know (1 comments)

The Battle of Iceland

TSA Removes X-Ray Body Scanners From Major Airports

An Ex-Mormon Woman Looks Back at the Church

Rubio Confirms That Romney Will Sign Bill Banning Abortion

Col. Wilkerson on Romney's Chickenhawk Advisors: They "make me sick" (1 comments)

Better Childhoods Through Chemistry (3 comments)

George McGovern, a Democratic Presidential Nominee and Liberal Stalwart, Dies at 90 -

Day Of Enlightenment: A Talk By Cindy Sheehan And Jon Gold (5 comments)

RT's Abby Martin talks to Mark Crispin Miller, NYU Professor & Author of 'Fooled Again' "

Todd Akin Compares Claire McCaskill To A Dog

Iran dismisses US nuclear talks New York Times report

The TV Ad "Air War" Escalates Decimating Democracy (4 comments)

Saturday, October 20:

Libya Changes Governments Peacefully (6 comments)

Iran Said Ready to Talk to U.S. About Nuclear Program (2 comments)

Thanks For Our Wonderful System ;-)))) (1 comments)

VIDEO: Bush, Blair wanted for crimes against humanity: Boyle

Franklin P. Lamb: Damascus Street Notes (1 comments)

Gaza-bound ship Estelle intercepted by Israeli forces

Scientists: Creativity Part of 'Mental Illness' (12 comments)

ACLU fights the good fight to stop government surveillance of our citizens (9 comments)

Friday, October 19:

Canada-Iran: Looking for real democracy (1 comments)

Record Number Seeks Food Aid in the U.S.

The Romneys Made Millions Off The Auto Rescue Mitt Opposed (1 comments)

Fidel Castro suffered a stroke, Venezuelan doctor says (3 comments)

Man Tied To Virginia GOP Arrested In Voter Registration Form Destruction

Feds: TransCanada shuts down Keystone pipeline for 3 days, tests show possible safety issues

British engineers produce amazing "petrol from air" technology (1 comments)

Bipartisan Expert Group: Iran Attack Risks 'All-Out Regional War' Lasting 'Several Years'

Romney Enlists General Behind Iraq Debacle as Key Military Adviser

Is Obama To Blame For Increased Welfare Spending Over The Past 4 Years? (4 comments)

GOP contractor arrested for destruction of voter registration applications

Late Senator Arlen Specter Spoke in Support of Mumia Abu-Jamal

NJWeedman found not guilty in pot distribution case (1 comments)

CIA seeks to expand drone fleet, officials say (1 comments)

Thursday, October 18:

Israeli Envoy calls "Estelle" a Provocation While 7 Parliamentarians Sail to Break the Blockade of Gaza (8 comments)

Family: Former Sen. George McGovern "no longer responsive"

"Lies from the Pit of Hell' congressman's opponents mounting write-in campaign for Darwin

Privatization Madness: Now Private Companies are Collecting Our Taxes (4 comments)

Mitt Romney Profited By At Least $15.3 Million From Auto Bailout: Report

Larry King to Moderate Third-Party Presidential Debate - Free & Equal (1 comments)

Middle Class Voter Guide

In Depth Interview Claims Hillary Clinton Preparing To Step Down

BREAKING: Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down DOMA In Opinion

University of Phoenix closing 115 locations

Worst Radio Ads of 2012

L.A. Times To Post Findings On Internal Boy Scouts Sex Abuse Investigation

In Conference Call, Romney Urged Businesses To Tell Their Employees How to Vote

FBI and NYPD claim to have thwarted planned bombing of Federal Reserve in New York City (1 comments)

Veterans For Peace Illegally Spied on By Boston Police Fusion Center (3 comments)

Hunted: A first-hand account of Gaddafi's desperate last days

God Narrates New Obama Ad (6 comments)

Bob Fitrakis: Does the Romney Family Now Own Your E-Vote? (9 comments)

Dilip Hiro: Washington's Pakistan Meltdown

Larry King to moderate third-party presidential debate (5 comments)

Pa. man arrested outside NJWeedman trial (1 comments)

Why I'm voting for Jill Stein (4 comments)

Wednesday, October 17:

Sherwood Ross: Obama Pushing Discredited Reagan "Star Wars" Plan (1 comments)

Punishing Free Speech and Letting Murder Off the Hook, Justice Denied in Missouri

Israel asks UN to block ship headed for Gaza

George Zimmerman murder trial set for June 10

$11 Million Severance Reported for Murdoch Aide Brooks

E.U., U.S. sanctions against Iran are clamping down on oil exports, agency says

ISDA v. CFTC: How A Judge Abused His Power For Wall Street

The Selling Out of the Middle Class is No Accident: Interview transcript part 1, with Donald Bartlett and James Steele (6 comments)

More Opposition to F-35 in Vermont

Children under Attack in Pakistan and Afghanistan

Ruh roh, Raggy. Someone went and checked Romney’s crazy jobs claims.

The Debates; What They Didn't Say (2 comments)

Tuesday, October 16:

U.S. Joins Israel in Blockading Higher Education Opportunities for Students in Gaza (1 comments)

2 US sailors arrested in alleged rape of Japanese woman on Okinawa; Japan lodges protest

Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate for President Gets Arrested (4 comments)

Police arrest US presidential candidate Jill Stein at debate site (8 comments)

Romney Has No Real Jobs Plan

Elizabeth Warren Endorsed By President Obama

NYPD Sergeant illegally confiscates OWS info fliers, Donations, then gropes protesters breast (7 comments)

Supreme Court won't get involved in Ohio dispute; all must be allowed to vote early

Last-minute Money Against GM Labeling (2 comments)

Romney Is Attacked by His Father's Longtime Aide

Fusion centers: Invading your privacy at your expense

What Moody's Ex-President "Never Knew" (1 comments)

Californians Have the Right to Know About Genetically Modified Food

BREAKING: Supreme Court Leaves Early Voting In Place In Ohio

VOTE - Scarlett Johansson, Eva Longoria & Kerry Washington Hit Romney on Abortion in New Ad Campaign

Get a Tiny Job, Earn a Tiny Payment. Repeat.

Pandit Steps Down as Chief of Citigroup

BREAKING: Details on Romney’s tax plan finally revealed

Noam Chomsky: "The Most Dangerous Moment," 50 Years Later

Paul Ryan's charms fall flat in Irish homeland

President Clinton Explains Mitt Romney's $5 Trillion Tax Cut in 2 Minutes - Video

Live Action Undercover 'Sting' Targeting Four Women's Advocacy Groups

Paul Ryan Scrubs Pre-Washed Soup-Kitchen Pots In Now Infamous Photo Op Disaster

Ohio soup kitchen slams Ryan: "He did nothing" and his team "ramrodded their way" into photo op (7 comments)

Tell Me Lies: Europe Silences Iranian TV Channels (4 comments)

Monday, October 15:

Banks Sued by U.S. Homeowners Over Rigging of Libor Benchmark

How to Rig an Election, by Victoria Collier (14 comments)

Found: Secret CIA Bin Laden Training Facility"or Stage? - Just Wondering -- Alternative News and Opinions

Amy Goodman: Texas Landowners Join Environmentalists for Historic Blockade of Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Charity President Unhappy About Paul Ryan Soup Kitchen Photo-Op (1 comments)

Pennsylvania colleges to allow fracking on campus

Ready Player One

Pakistani schoolgirl attacked by Taliban sent to UK for treatment

Rats, mold won't delay Guantanamo hearings in 9-11 case

Koch Industries, other CEOs warn employees of layoffs if Obama is reelected (1 comments)

Spoiler Alert! G.O.P. Fighting Libertarian's Spot on the Ballot (1 comments)

State-Level Tea Party Activists in New "McCarthyism" Fight Against Agenda 21, Seeing Threatening UN Plot

Jeremiah Goulka: Playing the ID Card (1 comments)

Homeowners Launch Class Action Suit Against Big Banks Over LIBOR Scandal

Retail Sales Jump 1.1 Percent

Study: HPV Vaccine Doesn't Turn Girls into Sex Maniacs (1 comments)

Romney's "Six Studies' Validating Tax Math Face Growing Scrutiny

Moderator Crowley Under Scrutiny Before Debate By Campaigns

Sunday, October 14:

As Tehran offers concessions, the West turns the sanction screws

Iran builds new bomber drone Hazem (1 comments)

Mitt Romney Often Away When He Was Governor

Iran's Hand Is Suspected in Computer Attacks (2 comments)

Arizona Senate Ad Rooted in Bush Era Fight

Ed Gillespie Challenged On Studies Supporting Romney Tax Plan And Stumbles The Math

Arlen Specter, Senator, Dies at 82

Gaza Salafist leader among three dead in Israel air strikes

France raises taxes on rich, cuts spending in 2013 budget

Franklin P. Lamb: Women Demand Civil Rights in Lebanon

Ohio voting dispute makes its way to the Supreme Court

The Wisdom of Weston Price: Reclaiming Our Power From Corporate Control (3 comments)

Koch Sends Pro-Romney Mailing to 45,000 Employees While Stifling Workplace Political Speech (1 comments)

REPORT: Fusion centers invading your privacy at your expense with no security returns on investment

Campaigns Using Personal Data At A "Scale Never Before Imagined"

Saturday, October 13:

Shameless Drug Company Still Cashing in on Bone Market (2 comments)

Romney Supporter Wears 'Put The White Back In The White House' T-Shirt At Ohio Campaign Event (PHOTO) (1 comments)

Israel threatens action against Gaza aid ship (1 comments)

William Koch, Billionaire Koch Brother, Accused Of Imprisoning and Interrogating Top Executive in Lawsuit

Barack Obama asks Bruce Springsteen to show Ohio voters who's boss (2 comments)

Lame hopes for a lame-duck Congress

GOP Consultant Under Investigation For Voter Registration Fraud Quietly Restarts Registration Efforts

Occupy the Pipeline battles fracking threat in New York (2 comments)

Cracks in Maryland and Washington Voter Databases

Friday, October 12:

Three journalists subpoenaed by defense in CIA leak case (1 comments)

Obama nominates new Afghanistan commander (1 comments)

'Fired' GOP Operative Sproul's Companies Appear Still Hard at Work for GOP; Members of Congress Seek Explanation in Elec (1 comments)

About that Voting Machine Company Tied to Mitt Romney and Bain Capital... (1 comments)

Florida Election software Flips Vote: Losers Certified as Winners (1 comments)

Loophole Allows Saudi Arabian Businesses to Spend Freely in Our Election (1 comments)

Consumer Confidence Rises To Five-Year High (1 comments)

Oil in new Gulf slick matches that of 2010 spill (1 comments)

Ryan's "JFK" Fantasy Quote From GOP Rep Hensarling Who Also Compares Romney Plan To GW Bush's "Tax Recipe"

Panetta Warns of Dire Threat of Cyberattack on U.S. (1 comments)

What to Do after 11 Years of War? How About Occupying Your City Council?! (10 comments)

Daily Maverick - Marikana prequel: NUM and the murders that started it all

Cooperatives Champion Balance Between People and Profit, by Kitty Stapp (Toronto, Canada)

At The Vice Presidential Debate: Ryan Told 24 Myths In 40 Minutes (1 comments)

Joe Biden Smiles, Laughs, and Mostly Kicks Ass

JAMA: The Health Policy Election

Letters show Congressman Paul Ryan sought food stamps, stimulus money and money under Obamacare

Thursday, October 11:

Biden comes out swinging at debate, clashes with Ryan

Paul Ryan Can't Believe Time Magazine Released Hilarious Pics

Vermont Asks: "What the Fukushima"? (1 comments)

Four Candidates Confirmed for the 2012 Presidential Debate (3 comments)

Health Care Direction Awaits Verdict of Presidential Race

Loyalty's for Chumps on The Street: Bankers' Man in 2008, Obama's been Dumped by the Money Men (10 comments)

Why We Must Label GMO Foods (1 comments)

Peter Van Buren: What They Won't Talk About (Dept. of Foreign Policy)

Will your vote be counted properly? Might just depend on where you live (1 comments)

Republican Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Libyan Embassy Security Prior to Attack That Killed Amb. Stevens and Others

Wednesday, October 10:

What if Drone Strikes are War Crimes? (1 comments)

JPMorgan's Dimon hits back at government over Bear Stearns suit

Chavez Beats the Devil, Again (3 comments)

Mohamed Morsi issues wholesale pardon for Egypt's political protesters

Big stakes for Biden and Ryan in VP debate

Billionaire CEO Threatens To Fire Employees If Obama Wins (4 comments)

Who is Barack Obama Really? An Examination of Obama's Domestic Policies (50 comments)

Malala Yousafzai, Teenage School Activist, Survives Taliban Attack

New Report Shows Obama Administration Lied To Americans About Libya (2 comments)

Tuesday, October 9:

Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu calls early parliamentary elections

What Would Romney Try To Do To The World? (1 comments)

Tar Sands Blockade Enters Third Week

Devastating Cross Tabs Destroy the Pew Poll Favoring Romney Over Obama (7 comments)

Ex-Powell aide on Romney's foreign policy team: "These people make me sick" (1 comments)

Will We Allow New York To Be Fracked Too? (4 comments)

Arkansas Republican endorses death penalty for children (2 comments)

No on 37 Forced to Pull TV Ad After Misrepresenting Stanford University

Blues-Slide Guitar > Car Alarms (1 comments)

Mitt Romney's Bain Made Millions On Big Tobacco In U.S., Russia

MUST WATCH: Mr. Rogers' Powerful Defense Of Federal Funding For PBS

Despite Court Order, At Least Five Pennsylvania Counties Still Telling Voters They Need ID To Vote

Nation's First Privately Owned State Prison Riddled With Violations Of State Law (1 comments)

Tom Engelhardt: Disaster on Autpilot (2 comments)

Return on Investment Is Dead. Long Live Return on Emotion

Girl who spoke out against Taliban shot

U.S. casualties in Afghanistan September 2012: A closer look

All The Political Parties and Candidates

Report: US Protestants lose majority status

If We Don't Get Serious About Credit Card Debt, Another Recession Could Be in the Cards (1 comments)

Monday, October 8:

Vermonters Push for Police Accountability

Missouri clergy line up behind Akin in "battle for the soul" of the GOP (1 comments)

Two US soldiers killed in Afghanistan as political tensions rise (1 comments)

Romney offers sweeping critique of Obama foreign policy

Pool of Moderates in Congress Is Shrinking

Putting Palestine on the Agenda: The Russell Tribune in New York (1 comments)

NSA's "Stellar Wind" Violates Every American Citizens' Constitutional Rights (22 comments)

"Democracy Now!' Expands the Presidential Debate - Truthdig

Franklin P. Lamb: Fall Semester Brings New Hope for Lebanon's Palestinians

*Tampa Pastor Sues Sheriff for Adverse Possession Arrest (3 comments)

American delegation will fast in Islamabad to atone for U.S. drone strikes (1 comments)

Pulpit Freedom Sunday: Pastors Challenge IRS Ban On Political Endorsements (9 comments)

Another Cheesy Hollywood Movie Parody, Part 1: I See (Through) Corrupt Politicians! (1 comments)

Sunday, October 7:

Hugo Chavez wins Venezuela's presidential vote over Capriles, electoral council says

"Drone Israel downed probably American"

Congressman opens voting rights probe of tea party group

Jon Stewart, Bill O'Reilly rumble, and zingers fly (1 comments)

NY Times: Rights Group Criticizes Hamas-Run Justice System in Gaza

Turnout, Tensions High as Venezuelans Head to the Polls

The Ad Campaign That Will Take Back Congress For The Middle Class, By Bill Scher

Saturday, October 6:

Courthouse News Service: Veteran Class Certified in Drug 'Guinea Pig' Case (1 comments)

New Study Confirms GMO Crops Causing More Pesticide Use, Superweeds

Massachusetts Schools Sue Monsanto For PCB Contamination

Bahraini police disperse protesters with tear gas, water cannon

Italy upholds rendition convictions for 23 Americans, by Andrea Vogt (1 comments)

Whats Under Marcellus Shale? 38 Trillion More Cubic Feet Of Natural Gas (20 comments)

Can We Still Afford to Be A Nation Of Immigrants? by David M. Kennedy

France: Marseille police unit closed due to rampant corruption, by France24 (2 comments)

BBC News - World of Warcraft hobby sparks US political row (1 comments)

Anti-drone protesters start march in Pakistan

Friday, October 5:

Fighting along Syrian Borders Raises Risk of Regional War

Code Pink activists warned of possible terrorist strike against anti-drone rally in Pakistan

*The Need For A Congressional Investigation Of Court Corruption (3 comments)

Ohio Early Voting Affirmed In Win For Obama Campaign

What the drones protest march in Waziristan aims to achieve

Daryl Hannah arrested in Texas protesting pipeline (2 comments)

Medicare Fraud Strike Force Charges 91 Individals For Approximtely $430 Million in False Billing

Judge: Florida voter purge can go on

An Angry Karzai Accuses U.S. of Duplicity in Fighting Afghan Enemies

American Policies In Pakistan

Film dramatizing bin Laden raid to air Nov. 4

Sherwood Ross: NATO Undermining The UN, Former Assistant Secretary-General Says (3 comments)

Free birth control cuts abortion rate dramatically, study finds

Dutch Floating Women's Clinic: 'Women on Waves' Boat Heads For Morocco In Abortion Rights Battle (1 comments)

Paul Ryan: "Let's Make This Country a Tax Shelter" (VIDEO)

Assange Labeled an 'Enemy' of the US in Secret Pentagon Documents

Former US President Carter: Venezuelan Electoral System "Best in the World", By Ewan Robertson

Thursday, October 4:

How foreclosures ate America: Incredible interactive map shows wave of property repossession over the past five years (1 comments)

Ex-Staffer on Roseanne's Presidential Campaign Claims She Never Got Paid

Nuns On A Bus Invite Presidential Tickets To Ohio To Talk Poverty, But Neither Has Accepted

How Does a Currency Drop 60% in 8 Days? Just Ask Iran

California Gas Stations Shut as Oil Refiners Ration Supplies (5 comments)

Dan Froomkin: How GOP Voter Suppression Radicalized William Louis-Dreyfus, 'Seinfeld' Star's Mogul Dad

Obama camp fights to keep lead after Romney shines in debate

George Zimmerman Sues NBC News Steve Capus/Edited Tape Trayvon Martin

Clint Henderson: Top 10 Astonishing Police Brutality Videos Caught on Surveillance Cameras (7 comments)

Living Under Drones - YouTube

Jim Lehrer Debate Moderating Performance Savaged

Caught on Camera: New Mexico GOP Trains Poll Workers to Illegally Suppress Votes

Romney Admits Pushing Misinformation In Debate

At Last Night's Debate: Romney Told 27 Myths In 38 Minutes

September 2012 (1 comments)

Amnesty International Urges California Authorities to End Shocking Conditions in Prison Isolation Units

Money Out of Politics (1 comments)

Al Gore Blames Denver’s High Altitude For Obama Debate Loss (13 comments)

Michael Klare: Extreme Energy Means an Extreme Planet (1 comments)

Today's Choice For Humanity: Corpocracy or Democracy (9 comments)

Wednesday, October 3:

"Get out of decaying France while you can," campaign warns

Iceland's Economy now growing faster than the U.S. and EU after arresting corrupt bankers (2 comments)

Sensitive documents left behind at American mission in Libya

Turkey PM's office says Turkish artillery fired on Syria after shelling of Turkish town

FLORIDA: Botched voter registration forms not the first sign of trouble for GOP firm

Police in Iran clash with currency protesters

US women may stage hunger strike in Pakistan in anti-drones protest

Congressional Report Card for the 99%

US warns European governments against supporting Palestinians at UN (1 comments)

Rocky Anderson Campaign: Presidential Debate to Include Rocky Anderson and Jill Stein (3 comments)

Denise Rich Renounces U.S. Citizenship, Will Save Tens Of Millions In Tax Dollars (3 comments)

Somalis: Let's Restore Somalia

Do You Have Adult ADHD? Big Pharma Hopes So (2 comments)

Fight Under Way to Save City College of San Francisco | Socialist Organizer

PA Republican Governor Corbett leans against appealing Pa. voter ID case

Philly DA Scored for Defending Prosecutorial Misconduct

Judge: Obama Can Indefinitely Detain Anyone (that would include you) (4 comments)

Drudge, Daily Caller Hype Old Obama Speech, Trolling Entire Political World

Occupy D.C. Shuts Down K Street: Showing Corporate Lobbyist they can't hide from people power

Tuesday, October 2:

Paul Craig Roberts Interview Transcript Part 2; As In The Rome That Became a Dictatorship, So In the USA (18 comments)

Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Put On Hold, But Damage Done (1 comments)

Sufis Under Attack (3 comments)

Billionaire Businessman Says Government Assistance For The Poor Makes People Lazy

The casualties of Chesapeake's land grab across America (1 comments)

Moscow warns NATO on itchy trigger finger in Syria

Why you should consider waking up at 4 am on Nov. 6 (2 comments)

Philly Greens Hold Kickoff for Presidential Campaign

Strauss-Kahn rape case dropped

How Mitt Romney's Bain "harvested" Sealy mattress company

George Will's race-based explanation for Obama's lead: America can't fire a black man

World economy slides deeper into slump (1 comments)

But the Police State Marches On: Protestors Win in 2004 RNC Protest Mass Arrest Case in NYC (1 comments)

Militarization at Issue in Vermont (1 comments)

Crisis in Central Asia (1 comments)

Major Victory! Judge halts Pa.'s tough new voter ID requirement (19 comments)

Andy Kroll: The Death of the Golden Dream of Higher Education (1 comments)

Romney's 47% Victims More Like 96% Benefiting From Government

Paul Wellstone: 10 Years Later, Oh How He Is Missed (2 comments)

Lockheed says it won't issue layoff notices - GOP irked

Politics stifles Federal Election Commission

NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan could be speeded up, says Rasmussen | World news | The Guardian

Poll: Obama Opens Up Large Lead in New Hampshire

France to cover total cost of abortion

One-fourth of Americans victims of data breach

FL Congressman Rips Gov. Rick Scott, Demands Launch of Bipartisan Task Force to Probe GOP Voter Registration Fraud (1 comments)

Monday, October 1:

50 Years After Cuban Missile Crisis, Disarmament Expert Sees New Dangers, Dilemmas

Press TV Correspondent Killed For Exposing Truth : Information Clearing House: ICH

In America, Journalists Are Considered Terrorists

Otherizing Mitt Romney in Ohio

Deepwater Horizon settlement talks stall as US demands $18bn from BP

Euro-Region Unemployment Rate Rises to Record 11.4%

Jeffrey Toobin: How Romney vs Obama Will Change the Supreme Court (6 comments)

Suicide Bomber Attacks Joint Patrol in Eastern Afghanistan

Investment Pays 14% Interest -- Wall St. Hopes You Don't Find Out

Five Facts About Voting In America For National Voter Registration Day, By Ian Millhiser

Murdoch's Wall Street Journal accused of concealing writers' Mitt Romney links

An Urgent Call for RTTV to schedule alternative Third-Party Presidential Debates! (6 comments)

Mattea Kramer: A Recipe for American Decline That No One Will Be Debating

xFlorida GOP Volunteer Tells Senior Citizens: Obama Is A 'Muslim' Who Will 'Get Rid Of Your Medicare' and Listen To FOX

The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney & Cost Taxpayers Plenty


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