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Don't buy the big lie about the legalization of the medical marijuana in Florida!

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   2 comments
Message Farid Khavari

Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana
(Image by “Caveman Chuck” Coker)
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Don't buy the big lie about the legalization of the medical marijuana in Florida!

Rick Scott and Florida's Republican legislature are pretending to care about people, just in time for the 2014 election. They want people to think that medical marijuana is now available to those who "really" need it, so they won't bother to vote for Amendment 2 in 2014.

Their "Charlotte's Web" law, authorizing a non-euphoric variety of medical marijuana primarily for cancer patients or those with seizures or spasms appears to be a humane act. But behind the fanfare and sympathetic press coverage, the law is a disgusting sham--just business as usual in the capital of pay-for-play politics.

The law requires that 2 pharmaceutical treatments must fail first, and even then it's almost impossible to get a prescription. And it's extremely unlikely that anyone will grow the tiny quantity that might be prescribed. Would-be growers must prove they have been licensed Florida nurseries in business for at least 30 years, are state-certified to be able to grow over 400,000 plants at one time, and they must post a $5 million bond with the state. Kind of narrows the field, huh?

As usual, the message from Tallahassee to sick people is "we work for big business and big money, not for you."

One independent candidate for Florida governor, economist Farid Khavari, is the only candidate to pledge to implement Amendment 2 (medical marijuana) sensibly and to assure that only independent growers and dispensaries are involved, keeping big business out of it. http://khavariforgovernor.com/?p=116

Farid Khavari, Ph.D., is an economist and independent candidate for Florida governor 2014. www.khavariforgovernor.com

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Farid A. Khavari, Ph.D., is a noted economist and independent candidate for Florida governor in 2014. He is the author of 10 books including Environomics: the Economics of Environmentally Safe Prosperity (1993) and Toward a Zero Cost Economy (more...)

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