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The Greedy Rich Control

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That earlier unique antiwar and FBI whistleblowers group, according to a recent New York Times article by Mark Mazzetti, decided that anti-Vietnam War demonstrations were not enough to expose government weaknesses related to that war totaling 4 million in casualties. So a group of eight activists, led by Professor William C. Davidson of Haverford College, decided to break into the FBI office in Media, Pa. They spent weeks planning the burglary and eventually broke into the office and obtained a huge store of documents implicating the FBI in illegally spying on political groups. Then, they began leaking them to the press over a lengthy period of time. Their exploits are in a book written by Betty Medsger, a former reporter for The Washington Post,  

Here are our American leaders telling and advising governments all over the world what they can do and not do, and yet they often don't know how to handle the very issues the United States is advising them about: global warming, sound fiscal controls, governmental corruption, internal and honest leadership and how to operate their economy and businesses.

Just look at the so called enforcement actions in this country. Banks and powerful Wall Street stock firms are investigated by federal agencies and a few are determined to be guilty of illegal manipulations of loans and stocks. What happens? Again, they are fined millions and billions of dollars. Who pays for that? In some cases, the corporations lower their taxes as a result of the fines and in others their consumers pay. Certainly, it seems, corporate leaders seldom pay.

Once again corporate greed, desires for even more money and selfishness controls! Global warming is due to pollutants from fossil fuels burning to create electricity, heat and transportation worldwide. So for decades, the United States and countries worldwide have been creating an increasingly dangerous and unhealthy soil, air and water by failing to control and regulate huge gas, oil and other corporations producing it.

Not only is the air deadly in some cities in China, where people on the streets have to wear masks, but the water is so polluted there, here and elsewhere that drinking supplies are non-existent in some areas.

Huge icebergs in the arctic region are causing flooding along coastal areas. Weather everywhere has become dangerous or even deadly through extreme tornadoes, hurricanes and hot and cold spells. Leadership here seems absent as state and federal governments and the business community fail to influence the creation of effective alternate sources of energy.

Again, where is the effective leadership for agencies responsible to enforce environmental controls? Energy and chemical companies seem to be over-riding government environmental protection agencies most of the time.

Meanwhile, what ever happened to the "Fourth Estate," the media, whose responsibility is supposed to be not only to inform the public about the state of the country and the world, but to expose corruption within both the governments and the corporations?

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Thomas D. Williams, a freelance writer, worked at The Hartford Courant for almost 40 years before retiring in November 2005 to become an investigative freelancer on Internet news sites. He has written a unique nature book, The Spirits of Birds, (more...)
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