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Life Arts    H3'ed 9/24/16

'The Pimps': A cartoon inspired by Dick Gregory

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(Image by Shawn Hamilton)   Details   DMCA

"Primitive Man"--a series by Major Ralph Hamilton (1918-1999)

Background: Ralph drew this after we talked about my having heard Dick Gregory speak at Compton College in the winter of 1981.

Gregory had said, "These manipulatin' pimps don't give a damn about none of ya'all!"

Gregory was referring to a presumed small group of oligarchs who seemed to be rather running amok. He called them "superpimps".

He must have known something because during that talk he predicted that Reagan was going to get shot--and it happened as he said two weeks later. His idea was that the popular Ronald Reagan had been used to secure the presidency, but once he was in, he would be eliminated. and CIA George H.W. Bush could ascend to the throne. Reagan did get shot--by a relative of someone who had dined with one of the Bushes--but Reagan lived and delayed their plans somewhat.

Ralph made an acronym of PIMPS and from that drew this cartoon:


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Ralph Hamilton Biography

Ralph in the cockpit of his P-51 Mustang 'Debra Dell'--Duxford, England, 1944.
Ralph in the cockpit of his P-51 Mustang 'Debra Dell'--Duxford, England, 1944.
(Image by Shawn Hamilton)
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(Image by Shawn Hamilton)   Details   DMCA

(Article changed on September 26, 2016 at 11:11)

(Article changed on September 27, 2016 at 09:28)

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