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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 7/9/16

Why Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton incite hatred from the GOP: It's the Hedge Funds Stupid

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Message Patricia Baeten

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
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After the take-down of Hillary Clinton by FBI Director James Comey after announcing that career investigators at the FBI found no credible evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hillary Clinton, Matt Miller of the Washington Post wrote, "When FBI Director James B. Comey stepped to the lectern to deliver his remarks about Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, he violated time-honored Justice Department practices for how such matters are to be handled, set a dangerous precedent for future investigations and committed a gross abuse of his own power.

"... In fact, his willingness to reprimand publicly a figure against whom he believes there is no basis for criminal charges should trouble anyone who believes in the rule of law and fundamental principles of fairness."

Before Comey was tapped by Obama to become the FBI director he was an executive at the hedge-fund Bridgewater Associates and a member of the Board of Directors of HSBC, the London-based bank that was convicted of money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels through their U.S. banks. According to LaRouche Pub:

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Patricia Baeten has worked in the medical field, paper production field and most recently worked in Banking for 18 years. During her 18 years in banking she was a Bank Secrecy Anti-Money Laundering Analyst II until 2011. Now she is retired (more...)

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