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Democrat from Ohio Takes a Stand

By Kevin Curwin  Posted by Kevin Gosztola (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   4 comments
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Dennis Kucinich, presidential hopeful for the Democratic party and current Ohio Representative, pushed articles of impeachment to the floor last week.

He wants to impeach Dick Cheney and forced the House to vote on the resolution.

Whether or not we agree with Kucinich, we can be proud to have a representative in the House who acts on his convictions.

An American Research poll showed that 54 percent of Americans and 74 percent of Democrats support beginning impeachment proceedings for Dick Cheney.

The articles call on Cheney's persistent lies pertaining to Iraq, connecting the country to the Sept. 11 attacks and Al-Qaida, also claiming that Iraq was storing weapons of mass destruction.

If so many Americans support the beginning of impeachment procedures against Cheney, and so many Democrats, it's almost offensive that no other representatives have stood to join Kucinich.

Our representatives are supposed to be our voice - and if the poll is accurate, over 50 percent of Americans support the impeachment of Dick Cheney.

That's why Kucinich pushing this resolution through the House is refreshing. He is concerned and upset about the administration's war cries, and he knows there are citizens who feel the same.

So he's doing what he should - instead of just quietly waiting for the '08 election.

In an interview last week with Democracy Now!, Kucinich said that we have no time to waste.

"'What are we waiting for?' is the question, not 'Why don't we wait for the election?'"

Kucinich isn't just worried about Iraq, he's also worried about Iran.

He knows the Bush administration is planning for another war, and says that the 14 months they have left in office is plenty of time to get the country into trouble.

Kucinich says our country is at risk, and that it is time for Democratic leaders to take a stand.

His fellow Democrats have failed to do that so far. At first, they voted to kill the measure. That move was started by the Democratic Majority Leader. He knew that Republicans would want to see the measure debated and Democrats put on the spot to support Kucinich or not.

And the Republicans caught on. At first, they voted to kill the measure.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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