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Fed Debt Usury Plan; or FeD UP:

By       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   13 comments
Message Mike Folkerth

Well, I’ve done it. I’ve come up with an answer for paying off both the funded and unfunded federal debt. I knew there had to be a way and just this morning, the solution occurred to me. There it was all the time; hiding in plain sight.


I did the math and the total federal debt owed in the U.S. is only $109.2 trillion. Mind you, this is not your personal debt, state debt, county debt, or local community debt…so you will continue to owe those until I figure out a solution for all debt.


But, once we pay off the federal debt, we can concentrate on the light weight stuff.


If every man woman and child in the U.S. will simply send in $360,666.67 today, the debt is a thing of the past; until tomorrow when interest and spending will accumulate more debt, so hurry up and write the checks.


To help you with the math, I will provide an example for a married couple who have three children in school and both husband and wife have retired parents with no ability to pay. That makes you responsible to send in money for the nine people in your direct linage.


That also makes your share today, only $3, 246,000.03. Should you have an old uncle or aunt with no family, you should split their portion with your brothers and sisters. If your brothers and sisters aren’t working, in all fairness, you should probably kick in their share.


Also you should add, say another $20,000, to cover your share of your Congress person, because they aren’t working either.


There you have it…the instant debt reduction plan. What’s that? You don’t have three million dollars in you checking account? Okay, I can solve that with the easy payment plan.


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Mike Folkerth is the author of "The Biggest Lie Ever Believed" and is not your run-of-the-mill author of finance and economics. The former real estate broker, developer, private real estate fund manager, auctioneer, Alaskan bush pilot, (more...)
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