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Forget the Red Cross. Forget the United Way. Forget your church building fund. Forget those Bangladesh cyclone victims.


There’s a far more urgent need, and your job is to step up to the plate and meet it.


Alberto Gonzales, our former Attorney General, is being investigated by the Justice Inspector General, who is looking into whether Gonzales misled Congress in sworn testimony about the National Security Agency’s “terrorist surveillance program”, and improperly sought to influence testimony of an aide, Monica M. Goodling, about last year's firings of nine U.S. attorneys.


But poor Al is broke. He can’t pay his lawyers.


So his friends – yes, he apparently still has quite a few – are setting up a legal defense fund. You will recall that Scooter Libby’s buddies did the same thing.


One of the founders of the Gonzales legal defense fund says poor Al  “does not have the means to pay for his legal defense after a career spent mostly in public service.”


That news comes from one of those Gonzales friends, David G. Leitch. Leitch happens to be the top lawyer at the Ford Motor Company. In a begging-bowl email he sent to a list of Republican fatcats last month, Leitch asserted that Gonzales is "innocent of any wrongdoing."

He said, "In the hyper-politicized atmosphere that has descended on Washington, an innocent man cannot simply trust that the truth will out. He must engage highly competent legal counsel to represent him. That costs money, money that Al Gonzales doesn't have."


Leitch solicited contributions of amounts from $500 to $5,000 to the Alberto R. Gonzales Legal Expense Trust.


Leitch also reported that Gonzales's attorney, George J. Terwilliger III of White & Case in Washington, "has substantially reduced his fees to represent Al Gonzales, but the costs will likely be high nonetheless."


Terwilliger, you might recall, was a leader of the Bush-Cheney legal team in the 2000 Florida recount fight.


"We have been engaged to assist Judge Gonzales in his continued effort to provide assistance to the Department of Justice as it examines the Department's role in various programs and operations to combat the terrorist threat," Terwilliger told Newsweek.

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William Fisher has managed economic development programs in the Middle East and elsewhere for the US State Department and the US Agency for International Development. He served in the international affairs area in the Kennedy Administration and now (more...)
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