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Bin Ladin Was Right!

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Message Dominic Jermano
Bin Ladin Was Right.

We won the war against Japan in WWII and we still occupy Japan. After dropping the atomic bomb and driving the people into submission, after over 60 years, America still occupies Japan. Japan never had Oil resources, coal deposits, or anything of value we needed, except one thing. It was in Asia and it would become America's military launching pad.

Shortly after America used the bomb on Japan, Russia announced it had the bomb. America policy was formed around that announcement. It was thought that America needed to remain in Japan as a base against the Communists Russians, and the newly formed Communist Chinese. It was only a matter of time before China announced it had a nuclear weapon, and that cemented America to the Japanese pavement for years to come. We also still occupy S. Korea. How can we think it will be any different with Iraq?

Iraq does not have a real Iraqi government now, and the argument that they didn't have one with Saddam is certainly not true. After all at one time we supported him with weapons of mass destruction. Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr., and Donald Rumsfeld, all supported Iraq to fight Iran.

Are we stupid in thinking Saddam would not realize his troops were dying for America causes, whose enemy was Iran? What was America giving Iraq to wage war against Iran? Nothing. America gave him only weapons, and death. Sure looks like a good reason why Saddam wanted Kuwait returned to his homeland.

Are we ignorant to think this puppet, American appointed government in Iraq will quell the violence? How are Iraqis to believe that they were not forced to vote, or be killed? A lot were killed!

In comparison, the script Saddam was following was American made. He didn't like his troops dying for American Wars; so in payment, he even asked George Bush if he could have Kuwait back? The answer became no, and now America is doing even more damage and killing than Saddam ever did!

Compare that to all the troops he lost during the Iran War when they were going to war at the request of the United States government. I bet some of the same Iraqi troops who lived after fighting the war for America against Iran, died at the hands of American troops, on the road of death, on the march to Baghdad!

What is the difference between finding Saddam mass graves and Americas massacre in Fallujha? Isn't Fallujha like Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan? Isn't shock and awe a way to break the will of decent people like was done in Japan? Saddam was protecting the Iraq government with weapons from the US. He was stopping Civil War Turks called Kurds from taking Iraq land. He was stopping assassination plots against himself. Strange how George Bush Jr. said, "Bring em on, he tried to kill my dad"!

I just know more people have died from America's involvement in Iraq, than the crimes they are charging against Saddam today. It has been America's doings since the CIA installed the Shah in Iran! Are we really supporting the good guys? George Bush and GUN?

Bush is promising Oil to the Iraqi people. Is that intended to be a consolation prize if they agree to the occupation? Oil is not going to uplift the people in Iraq! It is the pretext, the reason, and the war. Why would they want it now? Why would they want to sell to the American government who killed their loved ones, who are occupying their country and never leave?

Americans plan only to take it, with the help of Iraqis under the gun by American forces in Iraq. Do we really think Iraqi people want to be uplifted from the money from the Oil sales, knowing that the Americans are the ones who killed their family?

I can see the Iraqi people now saying well they killed all our aunts and uncles, and our children, the old shoe peddler, and his wife because of Oil. And now they want us to agree with their phony government, and forget about the lives of our family, as we are forced to accept the idea that our Oil, stolen from us, for sale to America is going to make us happy and better?

Americans; hey thanks for killing my family, now we have everything from the American occupiers, including Democrazy.

This is such a terrible scenario I just gag on my own large intestines. I know if I was an Iraqi; I would never accept it. I would never give up until the American government left. Not only in Iraq, but the entire Middle East. Osama Bin Ladin was right, that American forces should leave Saudi Arabia.

And I will never believe that he was capable of orchestrating 911. That was clearly a Bush and Enron Pearl Harbor II; designed to rally support for this false war. It was a plan in taking Oil, and forging ahead their corrupt plan for American dominance in the world.

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American against War and Violence. Writer, English Teacher, Inventor, Creator of the First Manmade Floating Farm On The Ocean.... My companies name is ACET: Algae Charcoal Ethanol Technicorp. We grow Algae for Oil.
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