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Govt- Politics    H4'ed 12/1/09

Should progressives demand Obama's resignation?

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Don Smith
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Should progressives demand Obama's resignation?

    President Obama has betrayed his progressive political base.

He promised change but instead continued many of the policies of the Bush Administration, on issues such as the bailouts (which reward the parasitic criminal class), the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, health care reform, financial regulation, executive power, accountability, and ending the influence of money on Congress.

He's sending more troops to Afghanistan. He's dragging his feet about withdrawal from Iraq and about closing Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

He's allowing Israel to build and hold onto settlements.

He failed to lead on health care reform, striking shady backroom deals with Big Pharma and Big Insurance. He compromised on important principles early on. He allowed the House to pass a bill containing anti-choice provisions that violate fundamental Democratic principles.

He failed to hold Bush Administration officials accountable for criminal acts, and has even refused to fire some Justice Department personnel associated with the crimes.

Meanwhile, homeowners are losing their homes, states are broke and are having to slash programs, tuition is rising at schools, the unemployment rate is over 10%, and inaction on global climate change threatens the earth.

The conservative plan to achieve perpetual war and drown government in a sea of red ink is coming to fruition. What's more: conservatives are going to blame the Democrats, who seem all too willing to let themselves get kicked in the face again.

Obama was given a great chance to set things straight. So far he's blown it big time.

It's tempting to say: "Obama and the Dems deserve to lose. Let's teach them a lesson. Sure, the Republicans may be worse, but unless we stand up to the Dems, we'll continue to be dumped upon in the future. We've been ignored and betrayed too many times."

Hence my poll question: Should progressives demand Obama's resignation?

Yes, Obama (and the Democratic leadership) should resign.
       49% from 52 votes  
No, the Republican opposition is even worse, and the plan would backfire.
       12% from 13 votes  
No, Obama is doing the best he can, under difficult circumstances.
       19% from 20 votes  
No, progressives allowed themselves to be cheated. It's their own fault.
       12% from 13 votes  
Other, or the question is ill-formed. (Please explain in the comments.)
       8% from 8 votes  

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Democratic Precinct Committee Officer, activist, writer, and programmer. My op-ed pieces have appeared in the Seattle Times, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and elsewhere. See http://WALiberals.org and http://ProgressiveMemes.org for my (more...)

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