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July 7, 2013

Obamaheads, Be Decent Enough to Call Yourself Centrist Democrats

By Patrick Walker

My shortest but perhaps most incisive OEN article, this one points out the real harm resulting from Obamaheads' Orwellian usurpation of the word "progressive." Not only are many voters deceived but, what's worse, genuine progressives--the pro-democracy left--have others steal their own most effective rallying banner and are thereby crowded out and marginalized. I offer "centrist Democrats" as an honest alternative for Obamans.


There's a reason I'm fighting over the name "progressive." I think, for historic and linguistic reasons, it's the best available name for the pro-democracy left--the left that believes the American people deserve and need a say in what happens to their environment, their climate, their national security, and their economic lives. Democrats like Obama clearly DON'T desire even to consult with the U.S. people on these issues--let alone seek their informed consent. Everything is left in the hands of corporations like the Wall Street bankers, military-surveillance contractors, global food conglomerates, or the fossil fuel industry. Or in those of entrenched, self-serving bureaucrats at the Pentagon and NSA. If you believe in and support that, fine. But it's the worst kind of Orwellian language abuse to call it "progressive.

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Your usurping the name "progressive" does far more harm than you realize. For one, it misleads people who like the idea of progressive change to vote for veiled enemies of progressive change like Obama. But what's worse--and THIS is what makes me so angry--it GUARANTEES that real progressives (who, again, believe in democracy) get marginalized. Though truth is on real progressives' side, all the power of government, mainstream media, and Big Money is on the side of anti-progressives--be they Democrat or Republican. So if you dishonestly--backed by the vast, entrenched powers I just named--seize the name "progressive," people who really believe in democratic change are left scrambling to look for an effective rallying banner. When the stellar name "progressive" already exists and is rightfully ours.

So I offer you a decent, honest alternative. Call yourself "centrist Democrats." This even has a propaganda advantage, since a lot of people think the truth is in the middle (as on climate change, it often isn't) and will consider themselves good, reasonable people for being centrists.

Or, if you like Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, this new labeling should appeal to you, because it's NOT really honest. For "centrist" hardly applies to Obama and his political allies, who in their authoritarianism and scorn for liberty and democracy, are really to the right of Genghis Khan. So, as Clapper fans, kindly embrace the "centrist Democrats" label as the "least untruthful" you may safely use. 

So my takeaway message to Obama (and Hillary Clinton) supporters is this: if you wish to be dishonest Orwellians and continue to marginalize pro-democracy voices, go on calling yourselves "progressives." But may your language-perverting lie and the harm it does democracy be forever on your conscience.

For those who believe in the urgent need to restore democracy to our deeply imperiled republic, please join the strategy discussion at the Time to Restore Democracy Facebook page: WhoseVoiceOurVoice?

Authors Bio:

Patrick Walker is co-founder of Revolt Against Plutocracy (RAP) and the Bernie or Bust movement it spawned. Before that, he cut his activist teeth with the anti-fracking and Occupy Scranton PA movements.

No longer with RAP, he wields his pen and his activist network to wage holy war for climate justice. Hoping to help build a counterculture of revolt, he also writes quirky, highly literate song lyrics for the rising indie band God's Comics.

A happily married man for over 10 years, Patrick has lost his beloved wife Ginger to colon cancer. He resides with his ineffably charming Sheltie dog Jasmine in East Amherst, NY.
