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March 25, 2009

Does Bush belong in the Punk Rock Hall of Fame?

By Bob Patterson

Yeah, he does. This column proves it.


The politicians who have been socking it to the American taxpayers owe it to their victims to make it perfectly clear what's happening and they can do that by voting to add some bail-out funds so that Enron can hand out some cash bonuses for their (former) executives who did just as good as the AIG and GM executives did last year.

Dangling all those recent bonuses in front of the Enron executives constitutes "cruel and unusual punishment" and thus should qualify for a Supreme Court decision to force the inclusion of Enron executives in the recent round of bonuses for boneheaded executives.

On Thursday, March 19, 2009, at an anti-war rally held in Berkeley, Cindy Sheehan came up with the quote of the day which epitomizes the current situation:  "Obama is just another war monger."

President Obama isn't just another war monger; he's the fellow who will ignore history and send more troops into a country that has never been conquered.  Doesn't he deserve a bail-out funds bonus for that?

One of these weekends we intend to write an entry that is composed of just the column's headline and nothing else. 

We did some fact checking and are working on writing a column based on the premise that George W. Bush deserves to be named into the Punk Rock Hall of Fame. 

Weren't the founding principles of Punk Rock:  "Screw you, we don't care what momma don't allow, we're gonna play "I hate Mondays," some vintage G G Allin (we misspelled his name in a recent column and wonder why punks care so much "out getting the name of one of their "pint men's" name spelled correctly.  Would that really matter to G G Allin?

Speaking of Berkeley, on the night of Friday March 20, to Saturday morning March 21, Rev. Dan will be doing an extended bonus edition of "Music for Nimrods" on KXLU, so we're gonna call him and make a request.  If Berkeley had an official city song (who's got time for fact checking?) shouldn't it be Simon and Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson," from the Graduate soundtrack album?

Back to the idea of putting Bush in the Punk Rock Hall of Fame:  Didn't punks believe that society should be destroyed and that folks in the middle class should have their homes taken away and they should be banished to tent cities?

Didn't punk musician spit at their audience?  Didn't the "Mission Accomplished" speech do (metaphorically) same thing?

Would real punk musician give a gosh darn (you know we really mean to use their favorite word:  "dag nab it") about if and how many Iraqis have been inadvertently vaporized by unintended "collateral damage"?

Reportedly, at some point during the continuing invasion of Iraq, a skid of $100 dollar American bills disappeared.  Wouldn't punks approve?  Wouldn't that symbolize their attitude toward capitalism and the scramble for dead presidents?

Speaking of that what ever happened to the Dead Kennedys band?  Wouldn't it be ironic if there was a Jefferson Airplane reunion tour before the next DK hit is released?

Recently this columnist accused the world of Journalism of living inside a bubble (wasn't that Bush's punk rocker way of sayubg "Who Gives a Farthing?" about cretinism?) and sent the URL for that column to several high profile members of the Journalism community.  The deafening sounds of silence reminded this columnist of the Beatles' song "No Reply."

Why hasn't any Punk band ever recorded the lead singer declining the verb "f-bomb" to music?

Speaking of KXLU, one of the coolest things we ever heard was when they played Frank Sinatra's version of "My Way" and followed it immediatelywith the Sex Pistol's version.

So here's where I inset a plug for my blog.

Are the folks who are collecting giant bonuses from the taxpayers showing that their attitude towards the taxpayers is derived from the punk rockers who spit on the members (nyuck nyuck, he said "members," Bevis!) of their audience? 

Now, tell me again which war anniversary was it on Thusday?  Was that the anniversary of the Iraqi invasion or the start of the war against Taliban in Afghanistan, or the shooting at Kent State, or what?

Speaking of American style capitalism, usually at this time of year we mention that baseball season is starting and then plug the Femantle Dockers team.  The joke is, of course, that only Toronto and teams in the USA can win the World Series and we say we root for the boys from Fremantle.  Since last year's column, we have actually visited the Fremantle team's stadium.  We learned that the club is now called the Fremantle Football Club because and American firm that owned the rights to the word "Dockers" took their team's name away from them.  So this year we'll root for the West Coast Eagles.

If an American firm took the name "Yankees" away from the folks in New York City, would they "turn the other cheek" as the Bible advises?

What would the founding fathers of punk rock have to say about the fact that many members of the clergy seem content to ignore the possibility that war crimes are being committed?  Maybe (speculation alert) they think that since they believe that Jesus died for our sins, then it's good that there are some high profile sins to illustrate what has been forgiven because the Lord was crucified.  Didn't some punk rocker say that if folks don't commit sins, then Jesus will have died in vain?

Back in the Sixties some folks believed that Gen. Custer died for our sins.  Others think that he died wearing an Arrow shirt.

G G Allin said: "You are what you are."  And Popeye said "I am what I am."  Clint Eastwood said:   "I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? "

Now, the disk jockey will throw you a brush-back pitch by playing "In a Persian Market" and we will go looking for exotic cars to spot.  Have GFYS type week, punk.

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Authors Bio:

BP graduated from college in the mid sixties (at the bottom of the class?) He told his draft board that Vietnam could be won without his participation. He is still appologizing for that mistake. He received his fist photo lesson from a future Pulitzer Prize winner. (Eddie Adams in the AP lunch room told him to get rid of the everready case for his new Nikon F). A Pulitzer Prize winning reporter broke BP in on the police beat for a small daily in Pa. By 1975, Paul Newman had asked for Bob's Autograph.
(Google this: "Paul Newman asked my autograph" and click the top suggested URL.)
His co-workers on the weekly newspaper in Santa Monica,(in the Seventies) included a future White House correspondent for Time magazine and one of the future editors high up on the Playboy masthead. Bob has been to the Oscar ceremony twice before Oscar turned 50.
He is working on a book of memoirs tentatively titled "Paul Newman Asked for my Autograph." In the gold mining area of Australia (Kalgoorlie), Bob was called: "Col. Sanders."
