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January 13, 2013

Will the 2013 Congress be Better for the Animals?

By Suzana Megles

The 2012 Congress was a Do Nothing Congress, and of course, it meant that animal suffering was not addressed. I can only think how sad it is to have legislators be so indifferent to animal suffering.


Today I read a post by the Humane Society of the US entitled
"Congress Comes Up Lame on Animal Issues." Of course, they are
referring to the 2012 Congress. While I hope the new 2013 Congress
will be much better, I am not hopeful.  We still have a Republican
House Majority who clearly, in my opinion, care very little- if at
all, for animal welfare.
Thank God the HSUS is keeping us posted on what happens in Congress
even though, after reading their post, I felt depressed,  angry, and
disgusted.   The founding fathers left us with what was suppose to
be a representative type of government.  This Congress didn't seem
to know what that meant.    
Just what kind of people have we been sending to Congress recently? 
Obviously, they seem to be the kind who care very little about animal
welfare.   But t hen it even seems that they  don't appear to care much
about us 99 percenters either.  They want to take away our hard earned
social security benefits and water down Medicare in the interests of
reducing the deficit.  Well, I don't see them reducing their large
congressional pay checks or reducing their benefits. What's good for
the goose is good for the gander - a wise saying they haven't heard
it seems or choose to ignore.  
I'm really not that well versed on Congressional proceedings, but
I believe that most laws start in the House.  And it should be no
surprise that this Republican House majority has quite aptly earned
the unfavorable characterization of the "2012 DO NOTHING CONGRESS."
If you voted Republican recently and care about animals, you will be
sadly disillusioned and disappointed by many of the people you sent
to Congress.  The following points were made by HSUS to j ustify the
title of their post - "Congress Comes Up Lame on Animal Isuses."
have cracked down on dogfighting was not introduced into the House
because Republican House leaders bowed down to a handful of extremists
in the caucus.  Shame on the obstructionists who rallied for
organized animal fighting interests instead of backing the concerns
of compassionate people and the enforcement agencies who were backing
HSUS and the United Egg Producers came to terms with a negotiated
agreement which promised to improve welfare standards for laying hens,
Congress DID NOT take up a bill to phase out the use of barren battery
Recently, the European Union implemented a law which would require
their 27 member countries to get rid of the cruel sow gestation crates
in favor of sow stalls which would allow movement for the poor pregnant
sows.  Can you even begin to imagine what it is like for them to not
be able to move around for their whole natural lives?  Yes, it would
be just the same for us if we were cooped up in a small crate. 
Though enforcement to date of the new more spacious sow stalls  has not
been 100 per cent implimented - God bless their efforts and especially
of the 12 countries who have scored 90-100 percent in implimenting the
new sow stalls.  I hope that they may in the future also do something
to alleviate battery hen suffering as well.  Maybe we will be big enough
to learn from them.  Obviously, when it comes to farm animal welfare and
compassion, there is nothing they can learn from us.
CANADA AND MEXICO for slaughter, even though 80 percent of Americans
want to see the trade end.  Of course, not surprisingly, our do-nothing
Congress did nothing to address this horrible slaughter of our horses.
legislation had passed the House Judiciary Committee, the House
Republican leaders did not bring it up for legislation.  Obviously,
they don't care that the trade poses risks to both snakes and human
blocked floor consideration of this Act.  Were they Republican Senators?
If so, again a lack of concern by them for the chimpanzees - most of
whom are not even used in experiments but will have to continue to
languish in laboratories at taxpayer expense.  If indeed the obstructionists
were Republican - they certainly aren't too concerned about wasting
taxpayer money, and of course, they care nothing re chimpanzee suffering. 
The one good piece of legislative news for the animals was the derailing
of the "SPORTSMAN PACKAGE" which seemed headed for passege.  It contained
items favorable to the gun lobby and it included a provision to make it
difficult for the EPA to regulate the use of toxic lead shot in hunter's
ammunition.  It would also allow American trophy hunters to import the
heads and hides of polar bears they killed in Canada, even though these
animals are threatened with extinction and protected by the US Ebdangered
Species Act.
I use to look up to our Congressional members- feeling they were altruistic
and worthy of our  respect and support.  Sadly, no more.  Our Congress
seems to have been infiltrated by too many of the wrong kind of late. 
However, the HSUS is more hopeful then I and their last paragraph read:
"We have a great many allies in Congress, but there are also a small
number of lawmakers who are hostile to any progress on animal welfare. 
We need lawmakers to act with the country's best interests at heart,
and the work of the Congress should and must include a strong commitment
to make the nation safer for animals and to root out cruelty.  We are
deeply disappointed in the collective work of Congress, but hopeful
that a new year, and some new faces in both chambers will prompt lawmakers
to pay closer attention to the public's wishes and to exert its will for
the good of the country."
Well said HSUS!  I started out very pessimistic and heart-broken by the
evident short fall for animal welfare in the 2012 Congress.  Yes, hopefully,
the new year and some new faces will make a difference for the animals -
please God.

Authors Bio:
I have been concerned about animal suffering ever since

I received my first puppy Peaches in 1975. She made me take a good look at the animal kingdom and I was shocked to see how badly we treat so many animals. At 77, I've been a vegan for the past 30 years and I thank God every day that I am. I am most disturbed at how little the Catholic Church and Christian churches generally give to concern re animal suffering in their ministry. I wrote to 350 bishops in 2001 and only 10-13 responded. I feel that the very least they can do is to instruct that the priests give one sermon a year on compassion to animals. I am still waiting for that sermon. I also belong to Catholic Concern for Animals - founded in England in 1929. (They are on the internet) I recently sent a sample copy of their bi-monthly publication called the ARK to the 8 Catholic bishops of Ohio. Only ONE kindly responded. Somehow we have to reach the Christian teaching magisterium. There is next to nothing re animal concerns and compassion for them. They basically believe that animals are the lesser of God's creation and that gives us the right to do anything we want to them. Way wrong. We need to change their mindsets. The animals are God's first and He expects us to treat them compassionately.
