Rating Content for OpEd News

Rating content is quick and easy.

One each page, you will see a link that says Rate It! By clicking this link, you will see a drop-down box containing nine choices of how to rate the content. It will look similar to this:

You may choose up to 3 of these categories to rate the content. If you try to choose more than 3, the 4th choice will be ignored.

Note: anyone can View Ratings on any article. Your name will be made visible, if they click to see who rated the article.

The numbers in bold represent the choices you have made.  When you click on (say) Interesting, the number will increase by 1, and be shown in bold.

Most of the categories are self-explanatory. Here is an explanation of some that may not be immediately obvious:


Here we evaluate the depth, thoroughness and originality of this story's news coverage and/or interpretation. Is the author providing new information here, or merely repeating what others have written about this topic?


The category 'Supported' means that you are saying that the article has good sources. The author has found reliable sources for the story. As a rule, all sources should be named, including other news organizations. When a source cannot be named, readers are owed an explanation of why.


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