Subject: This is former Costa Rican President and Nobel Peace Priz
See Original Content on OpEd News in article titled "Machiavelli On Leadership and Power, Part III of a Series, with Reflections from 2016"
This is former Costa Rican President and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Oscar Arias' commencement address speech for the University of Miami a few years ago. 16 minutes, well worth watching.
I met and spoke at length with Dr. Arias when he came to Santa Fe about eight years ago and we developed an extensive correspondence concerning the idea of replicating the UN's University of Peace in Costa Rica, and bringing the same educational concept here to Santa Fe New Mexico.
A great idea, but it never happened, because you need millions of dollars to do justice to starting any kind of school. Having a mere "great idea" just does not suffice.
Maybe after examining the societal costs deriving from the next series of wars a University of Peace will make more sense, a cutting edge university wherein courses were offered in The Economics of Peace, Gandhian Precepts, Pacifist Philosophy, Peacemakers in World History, etc.
Such a University might make a good balance to the massive expenditures for studying war at the Military Academies, the Army's school of War, and most of the ROTC related curriculum at almost every University and College in America.
I wrote extensively about this in the late 1990's and early 21st Century, and then shifted the concept into other venues and toward other more achievable goals.