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What Do I Do If I Cannot Login?

If you cannot login, this is caused by the fact that cookies are not being stored properly on your computer. A "cookie" is a little snippet of information that tells OpEd News who is logged in so that we can show pages only for logged in users. If the cookie is not being stored properly, you are (by definition) not logged in.

So what to do? There are several likely possibilities for problems like this...

Firstly, you may have incorrect settings in your browser (for example, your browser has cookies turned off, or blocked.) To check this, you need to know which browser you are running. Here is a list of current browsers.

Secondly, you may be running software that interferes with cookie usage. There are many filtering and blocking software packages available for Internet users these days, and many of them also filter cookies. If you are running software like this, then your computer may not receive or send cookies. This will cause sites you visit to assume you are not accepting cookies.

Finally, your machine may be behind a firewall or proxy server that prevents cookie transmission. This is most likely in a corporate environment. So, regardless of how your browser is set, cookies won't be sent or received by your browser. Since the cookies aren't making it through to your browser, OpEd News will assume you personally aren't accepting them.

Let's see if we can find out what is happening....


First, you can try deleting all OpEd News cookies. Then try logging in again. Click here to delete OpEd News cookies.

Internet Explorer is a commonly used browser. If you are using Internet Explorer, you can try these steps:

Go to Tools ---> Internet Options

Click the Security tab, where you will see four icons [ internet, local intranet, trusted sites and restricted site ]

Click on the trusted sites icon. Go ahead and click right on the words, "Trusted sites."

Next, click the Sites button and manually add https://www.opednews.com there, but first make sure you uncheck the box that says:
"Require server verification"

Also, it's a good idea to set the Security Level off of High down to medium or Medium-High.

Now, go to the Privacy TAB and click the Sites button, and type in https://www.opednews.com in the box that says:
"Address of website". Then click the Allow button.

Also click the Advanced button (still in the Privacy TAB) and make sure that "Override automatic cookie handling" is
NOT checked. If it is checked, you need to ensure that "Accept First-party cookies" is selected.

Doing the above should take care of any login problems. If you're NOT using Internet Explorer, then you can find your browser in the list below, and follow the steps for your browser:

How To Turn Cookies On

For the latest info regarding cookies, please click here.

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