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Enough Already; Of Right Wing Cowardly Vultures Hiding Behind American Soldiers



Enough Already; Of Right Wing Cowardly Vultures Hiding Behind American Soldiers

By Anthony Wade


Enough already. It is time for us as Americans to tell our elected officials that it is enough already. I am referring to the knee jerk reflex action anyone from the right has whenever someone has the temerity to point out the obvious. That Iraq is a disaster and that George W. Bush is a miserable failure.


That reflex action should sound familiar, but lets look at this recent comment from House Majority Leader, Tom Delay in response to criticism of the President by House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi. Ms. Pelosi was critical of the President, correctly questioning his competence:


"I believe that the president's leadership in the actions taken in Iraq demonstrate an incompetence in terms of knowledge, judgment and experience in making the decisions that would have been necessary to truly accomplish the mission without the deaths to our troops and the cost to our taxpayers."


These are legitimate concerns, about a President who has isolated us against the world, misled the country about the reasons for war, and is now trying to sweep under the rug horrific Geneva Convention violations, which he may have very well signed off on himself.


Do we see an honest analysis from the right? Is there any admittance of fault at all? No, what we see is the usual nonsense designed to deflect the criticism without having to actually address it. This familiar tactic is to use the troops for your political benefit. Here is the quote from Tom Delay:


"Nancy Pelosi should apologize for her irresponsible, dangerous rhetoric. She apparently is so caught up in partisan hatred for President Bush that her words are putting American lives at risk."


Does Delay believe the war is going well? Was it all part of the plan to have the Commander and Chief declare mission accomplished a year ago, only to see more die each day since? Was the plan to spend over 150 billion more than projected? Was it planned to have a secret torture policy, approved by the President come out with accompanying video and still photography? Obviously the answer to these questions is no, and thus, Ms. Pelosi is correct in her questioning of our leader's competence since he is in charge of all these disastrous events. The comments by Ms. Pelosi were responsible. It is Mr. Delay that is engaging in dangerous rhetoric, by inferring that criticism of our political leaders is somehow akin to treason, and has the effect of putting our soldiers in harms way.


This is a familiar routine though. Whenever the right has no legitimate answer to criticism they hide behind the soldiers. Lets be very clear. The soldiers are already in harms way, they are at war. Ms. Pelosi's comments do not add to the danger. Keeping them in a country that does not want them there for the benefit of our President's campaign contributors, that is what places them in increased dangers. I don't want to hear about morale. I am sure when they see their command pretending that orders were not given to MP's who are going through a court martial, their morale is sufficiently hurt that it doesn't matter much what Ms. Pelosi might say.


Enough already. I am tired of watching these vultures preying on the safety of the soldiers, which they are putting in harms way. To use them in this fashion is not only disingenuous, it is disgusting. It is an attempt to again, distract us from the issue, from the criticism. The issue is this reckless President who is clearly incompetent, and Tom, if you want to complain about American lives being at risk due to my comments, I have a simple solution for you. Stop using them for your political needs and bring them home.

Anthony Wade  takebacktheus@gmail.com 36 years old from New York .

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