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We Stand at the Crossroads of History

we stand at the crossroads of history once again. We face an enemy we know all too well. We face our own apathy and fears. We face the fact that our President lied to the Congress to go to war and thousands of American kids are dead because of it. We face the fact that our President started his war months before even asking for Congressional approval. We face the fact that high crimes and misdemeanors have been committed, and impeachment must follow. We face a world that is watching very keenly, knowing the truth and still holding faith in the America they remember. The America of their forefathers that answered the call to meet evil face to face and not blink as we stared it down. It is that time yet again which will define us all as a people and as a civilization. We must not blink. We must answer the challenge, call evil what it is and march boldly into the future knowing that it is more important to honor the truth and do what is right, then to be discarded into the annals of history as being irrelevant.


Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to opednews.com, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites.  A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess.

Anthony Wade's Archive:     http://www.opednews.com/archiveswadeanthony.htm

Email Anthony:          takebacktheus@gmail.com


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