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Bush Views America as a Ten-Year Old Child

Bush Views America as a Ten-Year Old Child

By Anthony Wade


Every now and again in politics candidates screw up and say something that is so revealing that it offers us a glimpse into what they really are thinking when the cameras aren't rolling. This past week, with little media attention, we had such a defining moment in this election season.

White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card said yesterday that President Bush views America as a ''10-year-old child" in need of the sort of protection provided by a parent. Did you get that America ? Bush views us all as children who need protecting. This of course explains the mindset this administration has had.

Because I Said So

I am sure we all remember this reason given by our parents when we were growing up. The child, now understanding the power of the question why, is rebuked by the parent without actually providing the actual rationale for the decision. Bush has done this with impunity to us for over three years now.

The war in Iraq has nothing to do with terrorism. It has been proven that Saddam had no ties with 911 or al Qaeda. This fact was further verified by the 911 Commission, which was led by the Republican Party. When these facts from the commission came to light we saw the following quote from Bush, "The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda is because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda." Translation? Because I said so.

Further destroying the president's credibility is the fact that Saddam apparently was telling the truth about dismantling his WMD programs. Of course when confronted about this dilemma by Diane Sawyer, president Bush's response was "so, what's the difference." Now I understand his position better. Essentially he was simply acting like a parent saying, "because I said so".

Bush's own records about his Guard service prove the fact that he went AWOL. He has multiple reports missing that could prove his whereabouts from 1972 forward, yet every time he releases his records, portions are "missing" or "coincidentally destroyed." When asked repeatedly about these allegations Bush has responded with "I am proud of my service", "I have released all my records", or "This is old news". Once again, parentally telling us, because I said so.

On the economy, we now have a better insight into this corner that Bush keeps saying we have turned. When all economic indicators are against you, when people living in poverty increases every year under your stewardship, when 45 million people are without healthcare and when you will have a negative job creation record, the only thing a parent can say is, "because I said so."

Child (you and I): But Mr. President, you shipped my job overseas and cut my unemployment benefits.

Bush: Don't worry, we are not looking back!

Child (you and I):  But but, why?

Bush: Why, because I said so.

All economic experts say that Bush's tax cuts for the rich have ballooned the deficit to the point that we cannot expect it to rebound anytime soon. The answer from Bush is that the tax cuts are stimulating the economy and creating jobs. Bush will need 900,000 jobs created in the next two months just to get back to zero for his administration. Essentially, the answer from Bush when questioned about his bragging about the economy is, "because I said so".

Grow Up!

Whenever a parent is faced with a child that they feel is not behaving the way they want, this is usually the idiom used. We see it from Bush and company as well. Arnold in essence was saying to all unemployed people Grow Up! when he called them all economic girly-men.

In discovering the "donut", a hole in the Bush Medicare plan, which could make seniors have to pay up to $2,850 per year, advocates questioned the sincerity of Bush to really help seniors. The response from Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson was, "Only a pessimist would look at a doughnut and complain about a hole."

Grow up you seniors!

Don't Look Under the Bed

If you really want an example of Bush treating you like a child, look no further than the war on terror. Parents will often take short cuts in raising their children, using fear to motivate them to not ask questions. The boogeyman was created for children and since that is how Bush views you and I, he uses it too.

The first boogeyman was Osama bin Laden, you remember him don't you? Bush would use this boogeyman to justify his invasion into Afghanistan . It was bin Laden who knocked down our buildings and the mean evil Taliban was harboring him. When Bush was asked why his administration had just given those same Taliban 43 million dollars, his response essentially was, because I said so. We received daily booga-booga about bin Laden during the entire lead up to and invasion of Afghanistan . Of course, Afghanistan was only an appetizer for Bush. Iraq was the main course.

Enter boogeyman number two, Saddam Hussein. Now, any child will tell you there can only be ONE boogeyman. There aren't two waiting for you in the closet. Bush had a problem because he still had bin Laden as his boogeyman. But like any good parent, he dispelled bin Laden, by stating the he "really didn't think about him much anymore." You don't have to worry about that mean guy anymore because I marginalized him. This other guy though, he is the REAL boogeyman.

Bush: You have to be scared of him, because he has all these mean, scary weapons. He has anthrax; I know he does because my daddy sold it to him a long time ago.

Child (you and I): but given the shelf life of anthrax wouldn't that make it useless today"

Bush: No, he has 3000 gallons of VX Nerve Agent and mobile weapons labs.

Child (you and I): but I thought Mr. Blix said that Saddam was allowing unfettered inspections and that nothing was being found.

Bush: Look I know he has this stuff and you need to grow up and realize that it is there because I SAID SO! You know the world is better off without this boogeyman! Don't make me raise the terror alert to magenta, don't you make me do it!


John Kerry correctly labeled this comment as condescending. The truth is, this was an honest view into how George W. Bush views you, the American citizen. He thinks you are a child. He has run the most secretive administration in history, classifying more documents than any previous president. When the people dare to ask why, his response is often parental. We need protection. It is like at the old family Thanksgiving Day dinners. At the parent table is Bush, his advisors, and Halliburton. We are relegated to the children's table in the living room, out of earshot of what is really going on in our country. When we ask why Iraq has more of a domestic agenda than the US , and why the Pentagon has a budget of over 440 billion dollars annually while No Child Left Behind is unfunded, we are told derisively to grow up. When we have the temerity to ask why our kids have to die when it appears that there were no WMD, we are told, "Because I said so." Whenever we start to feel a little too big for our britches and start thinking independently, we get the terror color elevated and a healthy dose of booga-booga.

Here is the problem though. Even if you believe George Bush was elected, he was not elected to parent us, he was elected to represent us. He has circumvented some of the most basic principles upon which our country was founded, including habeas corpus and checks and balances, all for "our own good." Somehow this parental treatment is acceptable for a great many people in this country who still support our daddy-in-chief. It is time for us as Americans to send a message to George Bush and his cronies. If you are sick and tired of being treated like a child with disdain from this president then it is time step away from the children's table and see what the adults are doing in the kitchen. This is your country. You are a citizen, not a child. No matter how Bush feels about you.

Anthony Wade is co-administrator of a website devoted to educating the populace to the ongoing lies of President George W. Bush and seeking his removal from office. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites.  A Christian progressive, and professional counselor, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess.

Anthony Wade's Archive:     http://www.opednews.com/archiveswadeanthony.htm

Email Anthony:          takebacktheus@gmail.com


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