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See Dick Cross The Line

See Dick Cross The Line

By Anthony Wade


In this election year we could have a debate about the serious differences between the two candidates. We could be discussing how Bush/Cheney will keep your kids in Iraq for 10-20 years as John McCain said this week versus John Kerry saying he would get them home in his first term. We could discuss the differences the candidates have on the economy, where Bush/Cheney feel that corporate welfare and tax cuts for millionaires is "stimulating the economy" and Kerry feels that the top 1% are doing well enough. We could talk about their philosophical differences, where Bush is now on record as believing America is like a ten-year old child and Kerry feels that people need to have control of their government back again.

Unfortunately, it is becoming quite clear that Bush/Cheney realize they have no record to run on so they are reduced to lies, distortions, or in the case today, outright threats. At a campaign stop today on Iowa, Dick Cheney released this little nugget:

"The nation faces the threat of another terrorist attack if voters make the "wrong choice" on Election Day".

Gee Dick, that sounds like a threat to me. This represents the vilest form of campaigning we have seen thus far. Without a platform to run on, Cheney is reduced to having to try and scare you into voting for him. Lets dispel some of the inherent lies that are contained within this assumption.

Who would you rather lead this country in a time of war? Bush is a man that used his father's connections to jump him ahead of 100,000 more qualified applicants for his cushy Texas National Guard spot during Vietnam. Former Texas Lt. Governor, Ben Barnes, who admits to securing Bush a spot in the elite "Champagne Unit", has now confirmed this. Not content with just cheating to get into the guard, Bush also felt he did not have to actually serve out his commitment to this country. This week we have a statement on record from a member of the Alabama Unit that Bush claims he went to. Guess what? Bush never showed up. Here is a link to the site of this new group, which is not backed by partisan special interests like the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush and instead is trying a real grass roots effort to get their message of truth out to the public:


Not content to cheat and lie, Bush has also now been caught disgracing the uniform by posing in a photo wearing an award, he never earned. To see this story, see this link:


Not content to cheat, lie and disgrace the uniform, Bush has also now been confirmed to be AWOL from his service. For that story, please see this link:


All you need to know about the character of this man is summarized in his statement last week about his time in the Guard, when he had the gall to say, "I am proud of my service."

Would you rather have that man in your foxhole, or a man who chose to go to Vietnam? A man who chose to lead a swift boat, which was one of the most dangerous assignments available back then. John Kerry has something Bush can only dream of, real awards. Decorated five times for his service, John Kerry still carries shrapnel in his body from his service. Who would you rather have protect you? A man who stood up for this country or a man who screams "bring em on" while our kids are standing in harms way?

Beyond the Bush legacy of disservice to this country, what about the man who made threat? Dick Cheney sought and acquired FIVE deferments from the Vietnam War, citing "other priorities" as his rationale for not supporting this country. This is the man fit to tell you who is best served to protect you? The only thing Dick Cheney has protected in the last ten years is Halliburton.

Lastly on this inane comment. How exactly are we safe now? The terror chart they created to scare us daily has NEVER gone below elevated, which means there is a "significant risk of terrorist attacks." Today accompanying this threat made by Cheney, he pointed to Afghanistan as a success in the war on terror. Memo to Mr. Cheney: you said we went into Afghanistan to pursue bin Laden. Bin Laden is still at large and your boss has said he 'does not think about him much anymore." Despite the delusions shared by Cheney and Laura Bush, Afghanistan is an unmitigated disaster. So much so that the newly installed puppet regime has asked the Taliban to play a role in the governing because they have reasserted control in that country anyway.

Perhaps Cheney left the most ridiculous item of the day for his response to the revelation from the Congressional Budget Office, which said this year's federal deficit would hit a record $422 billion. Cheney praised the Bush tax cuts, by noting that the CBO said this year's projected deficit will be smaller than analysts had expected. There are two points that Dick missed here.

The first point is that the expert predictions of a deficit of over 500 billion was debunked as a political ploy by the Bush Administration. The number was inflated so that when the real number came in, they could pretend that it was somehow a success of the Bush policies that led to a smaller projection. You want a true picture of the economy? See this link:


The second, and more salient point is that the deficit is still going to be 422 billion dollars!!! What part of this don't you understand Dick? The nerve it takes to praise Bush's tax policies because we now have a 422 billion dollar deficit is unheard of.


See Dick run. See Dick spin. See Dick lie. See Dick threaten. See Dick cross the line. Sorry Dick, but this time around we are going to insist on the Bush mantra, "results matter". All Americans should be disgusted with this attempt to use fear as a campaign tool. Lets take a look at what some real military men from the Republican Party had to say about John Kerry and his ability to be the Commander in Chief.

Retired Gen. Tommy Franks, when asked, "Do you think Senator Kerry is qualified to be commander in chief?" responded, ABSOLUTELY! See this link:


John McCain, another true war hero was just quoted this week as having said, "John Kerry would make a fine President". See this link:


See Dick ruin this country. See Dick make over $150,000 dollars in deferred stock option payments for Halliburton. See Dick secure billions of dollars for Halliburton in no-bid contracts. See Dick panic. Dick is going to be unemployed soon.

See Dick have no record to run on. See Dick make overt threats. See Dick cross the line. See America realize that Dick has helped destroy this country, lead us into an unnecessary war, and profit off of the blood of our kids. See America go to the polls this November.

Bye Dick.

Anthony Wade is co-administrator of a website devoted to educating the populace to the ongoing lies of President George W. Bush and seeking his removal from office. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites.  A Christian progressive, and professional counselor, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess.

Anthony Wade's Archive:     http://www.opednews.com/archiveswadeanthony.htm

Email Anthony:                      takebacktheus@gmail.com

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