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Michael Moore Throws Down The Gauntlet to Sinclair


Michael Moore Throws Down The Gauntlet to Sinclair


By Anthony Wade



We have already reported on the republican smear campaign planned by the Sinclair Group on Election Day Eve. Sinclair is run by bitterly partisan operatives who plan on running an anti-Kerry film about Vietnam to hurt his chances without providing any time to fairly respond. What is so slimy about this is Sinclair is demanding that all 62 media outlets they own pre-empt programming to show this tripe, for free. The FCC, run by the son of Colin Powell, ruled that they would not stop Sinclair. No surprise there.


The response was overwhelming against this tactic and we have already seen a mass phone and email campaign against the sponsors of Sinclair. The stock has already taken a hit, some sponsors have withdrawn and the American people are still keeping up the pressure. I had written an open plea to Michael Moore when this story first broke to try and see if he could respond and get Fahrenheit 911 on network TV as well, to counteract the Sinclair Group's propaganda.


While Moore did not respond directly, he did sign a contract to provide Fahrenheit 911 on In Demand, the pay-per-view service on Election Day Eve (for $9.95). While not the greatest solution because Sinclair's piece was going to be on free network TV, this at least was a response that would have helped. Then Moore got a call telling him the contract was cancelled for "legal" reasons. Translation? In Demand received pressure from republicans to back out, and they caved.


Tonight on Jay Leno, Michael Moore came up with a great solution. Sinclair has been trying to pass this lame attempt to steal an election as a "news" event. They have asserted they are fair and NOT partisan. Well, it is put up or shut up time for Sinclair.


Michael Moore has offered Sinclair his movie, Fahrenheit 911, for FREE, as long as they run it when they run the anti-Kerry piece. Now we will see the fairness of Sinclair. Now we will see their true colors.


No lame excuses. No rhetoric. Moore says Sinclair can have his film for free and prove once and for all that they are neutral. If they do not accept it, then they have been exposed as nothing more than an extension of the Bush campaign and everyone should know that they have no merit and should be summarily dismissed.


Anthony Wade is co-administrator of a website devoted to educating the populace to the ongoing lies of President George W. Bush and seeking his removal from office. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites.  A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess.

Anthony Wade's Archive:     http://www.opednews.com/archiveswadeanthony.htm

Email Anthony:          takebacktheus@gmail.com

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