No Offense Senator Kerry, I Cannot Accept Your Concession
By Anthony Wade
At least 55 million people voted for John Kerry this week. It is starting to be obvious that many more did. The opening salvo was fired this week when angry residents stormed the state house in Ohio to protest their disenfranchisement. That is a good start but it must continue and must be relentless until the truth about this past Tuesday comes to light. If at that point we discover what we now suspect, that John Kerry actually won, then whether he likes it or not, John Kerry will become president.
There are two major players in this fraud, Florida and Ohio , but it appears that the fraud was rampant everywhere. In Florida , we saw 11 million new voters and somehow, Bush got 9 million of their votes? The media has absolutely abandoned us by continuing to parrot the "healing" and "unity" blather instead of doing their job, to question. The automatic assumption that the exit polling was wrong is not only lazy, but it is dangerous. In the two states that required paper trails for their e-voting machines saw a differential of only 1% between the exit poll data and the vote results. Yet in swing states where there was no paper trail, we saw that differential climb to 5-10%, and always in favor of Bush. That is not a statistical anomaly, it is fraud. If Kerry wins either Ohio or Florida , he wins the presidency.
Are we really to believe that people stood in line for hours, in the rain, to cast a vote of affirmation of this administration? Do you honestly believe that? In Broward County , Florida , it was discovered that the machines actually were programmed to start counting backwards if they reached 32,000 votes. On Election night, as this country was hearing about the exit polls showing a Kerry victory was imminent, you started to hear the Bushies claiming the poll data was skewed, and they had faith that Bush would carry Florida and Ohio . Of course there was no proof to this claim, but obviously they knew something the rest of us didn't.
It has been widely reported that the owners of the 4 major e-voting machine companies, are all huge Bush-backers. One actually said he was "committed to deliver Ohio 's electoral votes to Bush". Combine this with the absence of a verifiable paper trail, and you have a recipe for election theft. Bev Harris of has filed 3000 Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to acquire the data and hard drives from these machines. I cannot wait to see the delays and stonewalling this receives.
In the midst of all of these obvious elements of fraud, John Kerry concedes. He gives up and walks away. A man, who insisted that he was a fighter, walks away from the fight of our lives. He uses sentimental catch-phrases like "bridging the divide" and urged his followers to join him in reaching out to the other side and move on. I am sorry Senator Kerry, I cannot do that. I cannot make the same mistake we all made in 2000. I cannot allow the theft of democracy. The more important point is how can you? How can you walk away knowing that you actually won this election?
No, I am sorry Senator Kerry, but we will not walk away this time. We cannot accept your concession. The exit polls were right. This election was stolen from us and it is time to take back this country. I don't want to hear about unity. I don't want to hear about healing. I don't want to hear about concessions. All I want is the truth. Is that too much to ask in this country? Even if you voted for Bush, you should want the same thing. Show us the computers. Show us the hard drives. Show us the data. Otherwise, you will know they are lying.
Senator Kerry said in his concession speech that he will "continue to fight" for us. Well John, the fight starts now. We are still out here on the front lines of democracy waging the battle. The fight is on, and as our leader, we expect better from you than to just walk away. There are 55 million + out here who have not conceded and will not until we know the truth. Mr. Kerry, you represented us but our votes were meant to be counted, not discarded. Sorry, but will all due respect, we cannot accept your concession.
Anthony Wade is co-administrator of a website devoted to educating the populace to the ongoing lies of President George W. Bush and seeking his removal from office. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites. A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess.
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