Where the Hell is Our Media? Why aren't they reporting on an explosion of vote corruption cases that have emerged since the election?
By Anthony Wade
I can excuse Fox News; because everyone knows by now they do not work for you or me, but are only a propaganda arm of the Bush White House. This article is more aimed at MSNBC, CNN, ABC, and CBS. There is mounting evidence that the entire election process has been hijacked, yet from our supposed mainstream media, the silence has been deafening.
In Broward County , Florida , it has been discovered that voting machines were programmed to start counting backwards once a total of 32,000 votes was reached. No explanation of why in the world anyone would think about having a vote machine count backwards. The story can be found here:
In Ohio , it has been discovered that in a precinct where only 638 votes were cast, Bush was handed 4,258 votes. Yes, you read that right. This story can be found here:
Also on Ohio , there were reports of machines registering a vote for Bush when the voter clearly voted for Kerry. Polling places in African American precincts were vastly unprepared and under-staffed, resulting in waiting times of up to 10 hours to cast a vote. A report from someone on the ground that day can be found here:
In North Carolina , another computer "glitch" saw over 10,000 votes for Bush that never actually occurred.
In a different county in North Carolina , we saw another 4,500 votes LOST completely.
Before the election, there were reports of 56,000 absentee ballots from democratic stronghold, Miami , which simply disappeared.
In Ohio the actual vote count was done in secrecy, allowing no transparency to the fairness of the process. The lame reason given for not allowing the press to observe, was homeland security. The story can be found here:
On election night we saw CNN.com actually changed their exit poll data to favor the Bush inflated numbers. Thankfully, someone in cyberspace actually saved the screenshots and they can be found here:
And here:
It's about the exit polls stupid. The media has jumped on the exit-poll-bashing bandwagon. Not even considering that the polls may actually be right. Take a look at the following graphs:
The evidence appears to be clear. In states with paper ballots and audit trails, the exit polls did indeed predict the results. In states using electronic voting machines, the results from the voting machines were skewed towards Bush. In fact there were two states that had verifiable paper trails with their e-voting machines. In those states the differential was 1% or lower. In the other states, without a paper trail, that differential grows to the 5-10%, and always in favor of Bush. This is a statistical improbability. The law of averages alone would have seen ONE state with a skewing toward Kerry, but NONE??? This is the smoking gun. Realizing that the exit-poll data could be their undoing, you saw the Bushies start questioning them early on election night. We saw them gathered around the TV, smiling, knowing full well that the exit-polls mean nothing when you actually control the vote machines. Karl Rove and the cabal started saying that the exit polls were "skewed" and under-represented Bush voters. I remember that night when they started saying such drivel, without any offer of proof, and concluded that the exit polls were going to be challenged and sure enough the Bush magic started to play out in Florida . Despite all the people saying they had voted for Kerry, we saw Bush with a lead of 225,000 votes without the heavily democratic precincts in south Florida reporting in yet. Not to worry for Kerry backers because if these remaining precincts simply voted the way they did in 2000, Kerry would overtake the Bush lead with ease. Lo and behold though, after these precincts report the Bush lead actually grew to 400,000 votes. Are you kidding me? No, the exit polls were right, Kerry won Florida . The media takes the lazy way out and just assumes the exit polls are wrong instead of asking how in the world Bush received an increase of 175,000 votes from an area of Florida that NEVER would have voted for him. To believe the 2004 Florida numbers we have to believe that Kerry lost the majority of the 1.4 million new voters. We also would have to believe that Kerry lost most of the 77,000 plus third party voters from 2000, who did not vote for Nader this time. Poll numbers also showed that Kerry had greater Hispanic and Cuban support than Gore, but he lost? Lastly, the exit polls showed a convincing Kerry win on the way yet he loses by a whopping 5% margin? I can believe that an occasional person may not be straight with the exit-poll worker, but nearly all of them? We are forced to believe that nearly everyone who said they voted for Kerry, really voted for Bush. Do you honestly believe that? Do you honestly believe that 1.4 million people registered to vote this year to support this administration?
These are just a handful of stories that have been reported all over the country. The reports however, can only be found on the Internet. Mainstream news just carries on oblivious to the apparent fraud that has seized our country. They report about Bush's second term and his desire to "spend his capital" from the vote, without actually questioning the vote. If you failed to notice the compelling theme from all of the stories referenced in this article, it is that in every instance, it is Bush that was the beneficiary of the voting irregularity. Every time. That cannot be a chance happening, it must be fraud. This is a statistical improbability. Let's summarize Florida :
All voting machines are supplied by four GOP, Bush-backing companies, one of which promised to deliver Ohio 's electoral votes for Bush.
Massive voter fraud and intimidation is reported in the weeks prior to Election Day.
Early in election night, the exit polls show a Kerry landslide is imminent.
Karl Rove and Bush cartel takes to the airwaves to decry the exit polls, saying they are skewed. They offer no proof of such.
Suddenly, Florida shows a 200,000 + vote lead for Bush, without south Florida reporting.
South Florida reports and Bush lead grows to 400,000 votes.
All of south Florida uses the GOP backed machines.
Essentially, we have to conclude that the majority of the new 1.4 million Floridian voters voted for Bush and that nearly everyone lied to exit poll workers.
Nationally, neither the polls nor the demographics appear to statistically explain the 8 million vote (16%) surge for Mr. Bush in this election.
That is right; we are supposed to believe that Bush somehow managed a 16% vote surge, given a horrific first term. There are not enough evangelical Christians in this country to explain this stunning turnaround.
What you must understand is that taken separately, these stories may not change the election results. You will hear the other side say so repeatedly.
4,500 votes here, and 56,000 there, may not be enough on their own. It is the collective presence of such stories that is the compelling factor. One must conclude that these stories merely scratch the surface of the fraud. The truth may be held in the hard drives and data of the machines we voted on. If the government has nothing to hide, they will turn them over. If they balk, we will know they stole the election again. A possibility we cannot stand for.
Where is Chris Matthews? Where are the CNN talking heads? Why has this story not been taken up by the media? This is yet another example of how the notion of a liberal media bias is utter fantasy. We must continue to scream from the rooftops until the mainstream corporate media takes up the charge to at least investigate the truth. This story will not go away quietly into the night. There is too much at stake in this country before Bush starts spending his capital. The silence must be broken, the truth must be known.
Anthony Wade is co-administrator of a website devoted to educating the populace to the ongoing lies of President George W. Bush and seeking his removal from office. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites. A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess.
Anthony Wade's Archive: http://www.opednews.com/archiveswadeanthony.htm
Email Anthony: takebacktheus@gmail.com
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