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Life Arts    H5'ed 11/9/22

Transcending Paradigms Pt. 10: Primitive Humans > The Trauma of Modern Society > Global Citizens

By       (Page 6 of 8 pages) Become a premium member to see this article and all articles as one long page.   92 comments, In Series: Our Collective Predicament - The Recovery of Humanity
Message Blair Gelbond

Duane Elgin:

"The astonishing magnitude of change required to [meet] the challenges we face is nearly inconceivable."

"The window of"gradualism has closed. We either step forward decisively or descend into chaos or authoritarianism."

"Above all, the Great Transition scenario is an exercise in social imagination."


Francis Weller:

""without familiarity with sorrow, we do not mature as men and women. It is the broken heart"that is capable of genuine love"Without this awareness"we remain caught in the adolescent strategies of avoidance [and/or] heroic striving."

What we need at this time is extraordinary wisdom.

We are used to thinking with our analytic minds. While powerful, this facility will not suffice.

Our intuitive abilities have been being steadily displaced by a desire for certainty and control. Philip Mumford stressed that this process can be compared to a dangerous mutation. In The Transformations of Man first published in 1956, Mumford proceeds to these inexorable conclusions:

"This extreme state of post-historic rationalism [may very likely] carry to a further degree the paradox already visible"The more rationalized become the means of living - the more irrational will finally become the end product, man himself. In short, power and order, pushed to their final limit, lead to their self-destructive inversion: disorganization, violence, mental aberration, subjective chaos"

(Image by Pixabay: FuN_Lucky)
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"With the invention of the scientific method and the depersonalized procedures of modern technics, cold intelligence, which has succeeded as never before in commanding the energies of nature [and] already largely dominates every human activity" [Currently] we find scientific ideation and technical skill"at the mercy of an infantile scheme of life, seeking extravagant, super-mechanisms of escape from the problems that [individuals and any] mature society must face."

Recent use if General Systems Theory has allowed us to begin to realize that problems solved from a fragmented (non-systemic) perspective can lead to innumerable other problems in the whole system.


The alternative - simplistic as it may sound - is to first listen with our intuitive hearts.

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I work as a psychotherapist with an emphasis on transformational learning - a blend of psychoanalytic and transpersonal approaches, and am the author of Self Actualization and Unselfish Love and co-author of Families Helping Families: Living with (more...)

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