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One day while digesting the latest piece of bad news about the economy, I thought about my grandchildren and wondered what they would be worrying about when they were adults. I decided that economic downturns come and go, but CLIMATE CHANGE is here to stay.
So, what now? How will climate change affect the way our children and grandchildren live and work? What do we know today that we can use to prepare them for the coming changes? I don't have the answers, but maybe together we can come up with ways to restart our thinking about living on a planet that may be quite different from what we see around us today.
SHARE Tuesday, September 8, 2009 A Confederacy of Dunces
The Wizard of Oz was revealed to be a little man with a big mouth. Well, with the release of the relatively conventional text of President Obama's speech to the nation's school children, we have had a similar revelation about the confederacy of dunces on the right who have tried to paint President Obama as a closet socialist bent on destroying the nation.
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 20, 2009 Armed and Dangerous
I know I am not the only one who is disturbed by images of all those gun-toting men showing up at public forums on health care. This whole thing would be pathetic were it not so ominous.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, August 14, 2009 Self-Care Reform
As I listen to the rhetorical cannonades being volleyed back and forth over such ridiculous issues as whether or not there will be federal death squads winnowing seniors from the herd, it is hard to remember that health care is about well, health care.
SHARE Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Specter Makes his Move
Senator Arlen Specter has shaken up Washington with his decision to switch parties. But how much will it really change things?
SHARE Saturday, March 14, 2009 Living Small In A Global Economy
Americans are relearning their 4 R's: Reduce, repair, reuse, and recycle. We are taking a hard look at the consumer culture that has dominated an entire generation, and a lot of us are deciding that living large doesn't look as good as living small.
SHARE Sunday, March 8, 2009 Yes, We Can
We need to believe that our luck will change. More than that, we have to once again believe that we the people make our own luck.
SHARE Friday, March 6, 2009 It's the World Economy, Stupid
As preoccupied as we are with problems here in the United States, some attention must be paid to the rest of the world, which is suffering mightily during the world-wide web of economic crisis.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 4, 2009 RUSH TO JUDGMENT
My problem with Rush Limbaugh is that he is all talk. I mean WHAT has this guy done? He flunked out of college. He was content to miss the draft during the Vietnam War. He has never held public office or run for public office. He's never held a policy position or worked in any kind of public sector job. The truth is he has made a career out of telling everybody else what to do while refusing to get his own hands dirty.
SHARE Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Dealt A Bad Hand
The world is replete with mysteries so common-place that we have stopped thinking of them as mysteries. One that hits close to home for me is being left-handed.
SHARE Sunday, March 1, 2009 What's Good For General Motors Is Good For the Country
Both General Motors and the federal government face similar problems. A dose of the same medicine might be good for both of them. Many economists this GM should go into bankruptcy and reorganize itself into a more competitive company. Might not President Obama be doing the same thing with his new budget?