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Daily Headlines

Official roberts CJ., From WikimediaPhotos As Distrust in SCOTUS Grows, Roberts Must Employ Indiana Values He Learned to Police Ethics of the Court
By Robert Weiner
The more Chief Justice Roberts and his colleagues actively allow the high court to have considerably low ethical standards, the more they encourage other justices to continue this deception in the future and the public will doubt their objectivity.
  Joe Biden's 360 Degree Turn on "Cluster Bombs
By Michael Roberts
With depleted U.S. Arms Stockpiles, A Bonapartist President Overrides Congress
  An Honest and Historical Examination of American Patriotism
By Gary Brumback
Americans a few days ago were subjected yet again to the annual charade, the Fourth of July celebration of the American Revolution. Americans are perpetually "dumbed down" by the superior power elite of industry and the subordinate power elite of government to believe that America's first war was necessary and successful. This article examines the wrong kind of patriotism.
Mexican drug cartels 2008., From WikimediaPhotos A US War on Mexico Wouldn't Win the US War on Drugs
By Thomas Knapp
Any "war on the cartels" would be fought at least partly on US soil, and it would be fought by the kind of people who don't quail from things like leaving severed human legs hanging from bridges to send their messages. Do we really want more of that kind of thing here? I have to ask, because sending US troops barging into Mexico is how we get things like that here.
Spoiler for Condorcet, From Uploaded Condorcet and the Spoiler Effect
By Paul Cohen
This article follows up on a misstatement in the previous article and explores some implications. In particular, it makes some comparisons between several different voting systems and approches to comparing their merits.
A/C, From FlickrPhotos The New Hot-Button Issue: Air-Conditioned Streets!
By Philip Kraske
Air-conditioning for all everywhere is a right we must fight for and preserve.
Historic Courtroom.JPG, From WikimediaPhotos Legal Eagle Monopoly is for the Birds
By Thomas Knapp
The theory of law as such is that we're responsible for our actions. Why should we be robbed of our agency when it comes to defending those actions?
Martin Luther King%2C Jr.., From WikimediaPhotos Martin Luther King's Voice Summons Us Still (REVIEW ESSAY)
By Thomas Farrell
Martin Luther King's prophetic voice summons us still today as we work to digest the recent 6-to-3 ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court about the practice of affirmative action in the admissions policies of Harvard University and the University of North Carolina.
  Nightmare or Lifesaver, the Military Robot is Here
By Arshad M Khan
This article looks at the use of military robots, and contemplates a future where they may serve as a replacement for humans in combat.
  A World for Eight-Spot Butterflies
By David Swanson
What most excites me about Julian Aguon's book No Country for Eight-Spot Butterflies is that (1) there is very little indication in the cover, the blurbs, the preface, the table of contents, etc., that it opposes war, militarism, or empire, (2) but it does, and (3) people are reading it.
  I'm talking about rebirth
By Gary Lindorff
Tuning down in the middle of a movement/ The cavern becomes a womb/For the voices of tiny horses
  Germany Voices On Escalation In Ukraine
By Kirilo Sakhniuk
Top German officials expressed concern regarding Western escalations in Ukraine and signaled Berlin will push back against the most provocative proposal

Latest Articles

From Uploaded Unethical pay-to-play schemes erode public trust
A prominent law firm, Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP (BLB&G), is under scrutiny following allegations of violating ethical rules through a "pay-to-play" scheme.
  The Fukushima Disaster, The Hidden Side of the Story
"The Fukushima Disaster, The Hidden Side of the Story" is a just-released film documentary, a powerful, moving, information-full film that is superbly made. Directed and edited by Philippe Carillo, it is among the strongest ever made on the deadly dangers of nuclear technology.
to serve man, From Uploaded Will AI Serve Humanity?
I read today that AI has translated 5000 year old tablets and done it instantly. Talk about immediate gratification in the consumer age. I get busy thinkin.
Mars Frontier colony - small terraforming station, From FlickrPhotos Beware the barren field
It is a harbinger of what is just around the bend / When the human race has finished disowning Earth,
Samantha / Sergi Santos, Synthea Amatus SL (ES), From CreativeCommonsPhoto Does Artificial Intelligence Represent The Next Stage of Our Species' Evolution - Or Its Complete Devolution?
Does AI represent the next stage of our species' evolution capable of surviving long after we have destroyed ourselves through climate change and perhaps even nuclear war?
  Tomgram: Steve Fraser, Return of the Repressed
An aged Native-American chieftain was visiting New York City for the first time in 1906. He was curious about the city and the city was curious about him. A magazine reporter asked the chief what most surprised him in his travels around town. "Little children working," the visitor replied[...]
Photo by William Phipps on Unsplash, From Uploaded Maintaining Freedom is a Never-Ending Fight
"That all men are created equal" with the right to "Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness" may be "self-evident," but it's not automatic.
From Uploaded Ensuring thrills with safety: How America enforces regulations at amusement parks
America's amusement parks are kept safe with plenty of oversight and regulations, keeping accidents to a minimum.
  Cruelty and Fear Is The Ron DeSantis Point
A "President Ron DeSantis" will be far, far worse than a President Trump ever was. And that will take some doing!
  My pleasant evening, July 4
To eat, / To buy, / To be distracted by? / Shall I read The New York Times, The Morning piece / On the the best overlooked stories?
'Castle Romeo' atmospheric nuclear test - March 1954, From CreativeCommonsPhoto Let us end the U.S. Preoccupation with Perpetual War - No excuses
The author writes: "It's difficult, if not entirely impossible, to have a rational discussion with people who have no grasp of history, are completely misinformed--a polite way of saying 'brainwashed'--are too preoccupied with tribal loyalty to look at facts, and are incapable of objective and balanced analysis." I cannot state it better.
  This Question of American Patriotism
Nationalism is an ideology that places the interests and well-being of one's nation above ALL others
Fourth of July 2023 Poem
Who doesn't love a good old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration. Tchaikovsky. Guy Fawkes.
From Uploaded Deists' Special Connection to the Fourth of July
The American Republic was not created by Christians as a Christian nation. The religious right does its best to avoid the Deists and Deism involved in the creation of the American Republic.
Martin Luther King%2C Jr.., From WikimediaPhotos Gary Dorrien on Martin Luther King, Jr. (REVIEW ESSAY)
The Reverend Dr. Gary Dorrien (born in 1952; Ph.D. in theology, Union Graduate School, 1989), a white Episcopal priest, has written a deeply contextualizing book about the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968; Ph.D. in theology, Boston University, 1955), a black Baptist pastor and social activist, and the black social gospel tradition in which he grew up.
  Tomgram: Beverly Gologorsky, What Is Possible?
Looking into the long reflecting pool of the past, I find myself wondering what it was that made me an activist against injustice. I was born in New York City's poor, rundown, and at times dangerous South Bronx, where blacks, whites, and Latinos (as well as recent immigrants from Ireland, Italy, and Eastern Europe) lived side by side or, perhaps more accurately, crowded together[...]

Best News Links from the Web

Meditation, From FlickrPhotos How about a better brain in 20 minutes?
Transcendental Meditation can increase intelligence and improve health. “The experience is simple, natural, and incredibly profound. It dissolves stress and resets and rebalances the whole mind-body system. Maharishi likens it to watering the root of a tree,...

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