URL: https://www.opednews.com/populum/visuals/2017/03/2017-03-1553-300-Images-populum_uploadnic_--png_1553_20170325-222.png
Used By: Robert Parry
Added On: 03/24/2017 at 8:00 PM EDT
Image Caption: Walter Raymond Jr., a CIA propaganda and disinformation specialist who oversaw President Reagan's "perception management" and psyops projects at the National Security Council. Raymond is partially obscured by President Reagan and is sitting next to Nation
Owner Name / Source: (Photo credit: Reagan presidential library)
URL of Owners Page: https://consortiumnews.com/2017/03/25/how-us-flooded-the-world-with-psyops/
Image Source: ImagesAttr
License: Public Domain