URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Thomas_B_Jeffery_Works_Drawing.jpg/640px-Thomas_B_Jeffery_Works_Drawing.jpg
Image Credit Source: Original uploader:
CZmarlin (Christopher Ziemnowicz) / Low resolution scan of an image taken from "The Jeffery Four." (Kenosha, Wis.: Thomas B. Jeffery Co
Image Credit: See Source
Used By: Thomas Knapp
Submitted By: Thomas Knapp Added On: 04/19/2017 at 8:00 PM EDT
Image Caption: Thomas B Jeffery Works Drawing
Owner Name / Source: (From Wikimedia) Original uploader: CZmarlin (Christopher Ziemnowicz) / Low resolution scan of an image taken from "The Jeffery Four." (Kenosha, Wis.: Thomas B. Jeffery Co
URL of Owners Page: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thomas_B_Jeffery_Works_Drawing.jpg
Image Source: WikimediaPhotos
License: Public domain
Notes:From WikimediaPhotos CommonsSearch 'factory kenosha' Search / Source: Low resolution scan of an image taken from 'The Jeffery Four.' (Kenosha, Wis.: Thomas B. Jeffery Co., published 191?), a 28-page marketing/sales brochure describing the circa 1916 Jeffrey automobile.; Author: Original uploader: CZmarlin (Christopher Ziemnowicz)