URL: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_feF7fjyMv0/hqdefault.jpg
Used By: Rob Kall
Submitted By: Rob Kall Added On: 03/31/2019 at 9:10 AM EDT
Image Caption: Carol Gilligan Naomi Snider: Why Does Patriarchy Persist? Carol Gilligan Naomi Snider Why Does Patriarchy Persist? Carol Gilligan is a writer, activist, NY University professor, and the author of In A Different Voice, one ...
Owner Name / Source: YouTube, Channel: Opednews.com Progressive News and Opinion
URL of Owners Page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_feF7fjyMv0
Image Source: YouTubeVideos
License: Standard YouTube License
Notes:From YouTubeVideos CommonsSearch 'Carol Gilligan Naomi Snider: Why Does Patriarchy Persist?' Search