URL: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/98hPGMdoOu4/mqdefault.jpg
Used By: Dave Lindorff
Submitted By: Dave Lindorff Added On: 11/07/2021 at 6:33 PM EST
Image Caption: US Air Force Tests New B61-12 Nuclear Gravity Bomb With F-35A US Air Force Tests New B61-12 Nuclear Gravity Bomb With F-35A. The fighter, fitted to carry the bomb, is a first-strike weapon.
Owner Name / Source: YouTube, Channel: Military Global
URL of Owners Page: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98hPGMdoOu4
Image Source: YouTubeVideos
License: Standard YouTube License
Notes:From YouTubeVideos CommonsSearch 'F35A droppint test nuke' Search