URL: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X7bo5tM8MqE/hqdefault.jpg
Used By: Rob Kall
Submitted By: Rob Kall Added On: 03/21/2025 at 8:42 AM EDT
Image Caption: Elon Muskwearing a tee shirt, Brings Son to Oval Office,manifesting incredible disrespect for the office and the POSPOTUS. Trump, appearing cowed and dominated, silently lets Musk pontificate.
Owner Name / Source: YouTube, Channel: Inside Edition
URL of Owners Page: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7bo5tM8MqE
Image Source: YouTubeVideos
License: Standard YouTube License
Notes:From YouTubeVideos CommonsSearch 'musk son oval office' Search