All Comment(s) Posted by luckydjw


On article "Barack Obama has severely crippled his presidency and the De"

we leftists should recognize US is centrist even if we arent

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 3:10:07 PM

On article "Has Obama Sold Out?"

Tabbibi article was right on, we won't be fooled again

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 12:28:51 PM

On article "Has Obama Sold Out?"

Rubin Clinton's Sec. of Treasury+signed Gramm,Greenspan

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 12:19:30 PM

On article "DOJ Watchdog Report on Yoo, Bybee Torture Memos to be Releas"

can Bybee be impeached if cited for professional miscoduct

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 6:39:01 PM

On article "Reviving the War of Terror: Patsy framed in Secret Team psy-"

implausible hypothetical bunk aka paranoia will destroy ya

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 12:50:08 AM

On article "Rush to Judgment: Talk Radio's 'Truth Detector' Blows a Fuse"

agreee with article except upper west side= anti Semitic

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 12:13:54 AM

On article "Government Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz To "

parnoia will destroy ya

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, November 1, 2009 at 11:37:50 PM

On article "Racism, prejudice, intolerance: as American as apple pie"

1920s to 1965 US had a strict immigration law designed to

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, November 1, 2009 at 10:50:27 PM

On article "Rally for a Health Care Reform and a Moral Budget"

good job. we should all go and do likewise.

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 12:49:31 AM

On article "Van Jones Resigns; Left To Hang By Obama For Cursing Republ"

thanks for the link, I was not disturbed by his interpreta

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 12:45:13 AM

On article "Van Jones Resigns; Left To Hang By Obama For Cursing Republ"

maybe he will repudiate his repudiation

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 12:19:44 AM

On article "Van Jones Resigns; Left To Hang By Obama For Cursing Republ"

democracy for america not the bad guys,DSCC are

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 12:07:50 AM

On article "Van Jones Resigns; Left To Hang By Obama For Cursing Republ"

sometimes the truth is juvenile and unprofessional

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Monday, September 7, 2009 at 11:56:17 PM

On article "The American Government Should Dissolve Fox News Corp Immedi"

intersting "info" on Murdoch, poor conclusion.

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 7:32:07 AM

On article "Liberals Have Guns Too, Ya Know..."

rob kall what are gun laws in PA? g20 in month

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Monday, August 24, 2009 at 7:11:14 AM

On article "Who Are These Democrats?"

Excellent article and great quotes but minivan

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 6:29:31 AM

On article "At Last Liberals Get Angry"

concur but missed climate change and how does that fit?

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 6:02:01 AM

On article "Follow the Money"

House Progressive Caucus and prog. Senators bring change

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 5:44:59 AM

On article "Guns That Talk; Are we launching a new civil war?"

George Mason supported gun rights to keep slaves enslaved

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Friday, August 21, 2009 at 8:22:54 AM

On article "Guns That Talk; Are we launching a new civil war?"

Ohio bill of rights has it better than US,Pinko Panthers

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Friday, August 21, 2009 at 8:10:27 AM

On article "Pundits Trying to Help Cheney Avoid Jail"

Attorney General Holder should be innundated with letters

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 9:39:16 AM

On article "Rove "Driving Force" Behind US Attorney Firings"

Good review of Bush/ Rove obstruction of justice

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 9:20:58 AM

On article "Should Senator Jeff Sessions Serve On The the Senate Judicia"

is Sessions a white racist?

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 11:51:20 PM

On article "Rabbis launch campaign to lift Israeli blockade of Gaza"

3rd Thursday of month, water only

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 7:01:05 PM

On article "Ex-Senator Graham: Cheney, CIA Lied to Congress About Domest"

bob graham confrims pelosi

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 6:58:39 PM

On article "Between Tel Aviv and Tehran"

except Yom Kippur War, hasn't Israel always struck first ?

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 1:22:21 PM

On diary "Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett RIP open thread... possi"

sad and sadder

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 9:33:19 PM

On article "Ignorance is Strength"

consider the source

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 12:53:25 AM

On article "OOPS! We rigged the Iran/Florida-Ohio vote count AGAIN!!"

more research needed

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at 12:12:11 AM

On article "Newt Gingrich Declares: "I Am Not A Citizen Of The World!""

God Bless America and Nobody else

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 11:53:04 PM

On article "Two Bad Approaches from Barack Obama"

I disagree and I disagree

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, June 7, 2009 at 8:39:44 AM

On article "When Milk Sits Sour in our Stomachs"

the sour milk taste remains in your op ed

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 1:26:40 AM

On article "NY Times Climate Change Article: Careless or Deceptive?"

Powers overinterprets but rww worse.

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 1:06:09 AM

On article "Inventing the Terrorist Threat"

any state uses similar claims to get MONEY

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, April 11, 2009 at 11:34:18 PM


I'm skeptical your claims, why are you pro Bashir?

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 1:26:45 PM

On article "Mr. Simmons' Mission: NATO Bases From Balkans To Chinese Bor"

nice review of American diplomatic efforts to isolate Russia

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 1:06:00 PM

On article "An Occasional Quotation from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Di"

Patriot ;n... First Refuge of a scoundrel

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 10:55:11 PM

On article "This Land Really IS Made for You and Me!"

I 've always liked This Land is your Land and America the

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 10:49:14 PM

On article "What's Hayden Hidin'?"

thanks for the Hayden brief

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 3:34:30 AM

On article "Preliminary Memorandum Of The Justice Robert H. Jackson Conf"

unleash the dogs of international law

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 8:01:09 PM

On article "Peace in the Holy Land?"

1 nation-state, 2 nationalities might work if peace desired

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 7:30:06 PM

On article "Henry Paulson- the word of destruction"


by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 12:02:17 PM

On article "To My LGBT Brothers and Sisters: Obama Never Promised Us A B"

turn our backs on Rick Warren and work for change

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 11:40:55 AM

On article "President-elect Obama's Mishandling of the Intelligence Comm"

why not Senator Bob Graham for DNI?

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 11:23:54 AM

On article "Latter Day Protest? Proposition 8 and Sports"

only 40%,not Book of Mormon, and other excuse for bigotry

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at 11:05:30 AM

On article "Are You Sure You're Not Psychotic Asks Shameless Drug Compan"

time to stop medication marketing

by luckydjw (0 articles, 46 comments) on Monday, December 29, 2008 at 11:08:18 AM

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