Archives for OpEdNews Op Eds
January 2006
Tuesday, January 31:
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Alito is in and our freedoms are vanishing: (2 comments)
Mike Whitney: Battle Plans for Iran (1 comments)
Joshua Frank: Cindy Sheehan and Lesser-Evil Politics
Katherine Brengle: The Progressive Revolution
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights: Alito Confirmation to Take Heavy Toll on Civil Rights Gains
Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: Reforming the Democrats -- Or a Third Party? (9 comments)
AmeriPundit: Memories of being 'Outed' (1 comments)
David Swanson: *Being a National Activist
Rob Kall: Alito Filibuster Was Not In the Cards, Nor the Nuclear Option (1 comments)
Doug Thompson: Powell, Tenet, others told Bush he was breaking the law by ordering NSA spying
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Last Chance To Reject Samuel Alito And Hold Back The Bush Executive Power Grab
Jackson Thoreau: Fear Inc. – State of the Disunion
Mark A. Goldman: The State of the Nation (1 comments)
Jane Stillwater: Why the Red States love Bush: He moved YOUR cheese
Monday, January 30:
Matthew Cardinale: Gonzales Apparently Lied over Wiretapping to Congress
Lynne Glasner: *The Cloture Vote
Rob Kall: No Filibuster, No Re-Election for Blue State Senators (2 comments)
Bob Burnett: Iraq - The Failure of the Press
Thom Hartmann: Alito - It's the Constitution That's At Stake
Stephen Crockett: Anti-Native American Media Bias (1 comments)
Jerry Politex: Hollywood: Does BushCo Have Its Hand On Oscar?
Kevin Zeese: Electoral Politics and War: An Interview with Joshua Frank
William Fisher: THE END OF U.S. AID?
Charles Sullivan: Democracy or Plutocracy?
Doug Thompson: Bush's lies can't hide the truth about relationship with Jack Abramoff
Jason Leopold: Enron: The Bush Administration's First Scandal (1 comments)
David Sirota: The big flaw in Bush's health care plan (2 comments)
Missy Comley Beattie: Tending the Pieces of Our Hearts
Wade Henderson: Shutting Down Debate on a Nomination that Will Tip the Scales
Harry Kurchner: The State of our Dys-Union
thepen: Million Phone March Monday to STOP Alito
Patricia Goldsmith: *If This Be Treason
Douglas Drenkow: *The Top Ten Reasons to Reject Samuel Alito
Sunday, January 29:
Norma Sherry: A Child's Delimma
Katherine Brengle: *re: Revolution
Rev. Bill McGinnis: The Senate Should Postpone The Samuel Alito Vote For One Week To Increase Awareness Of The Unitary Executive Theory
Mark A. Goldman: Our Late Republic (2 comments)
thepen: For our next MIRACLE in the stop Alito movement . . .
Charles Sullivan: Revolutionary Movements and Leadership
Mickey Z.: Street News and NYC's Homeless
Rob Kall: OpEdNews.Com/ Zogby People's Poll; 100% of Blacks Oppose Alito and Think Iraq War Unjustified
Katherine Brengle: Filibuster Monday: Do Your Part
Saturday, January 28:
Mick Youther: Jimmy Carter: the Anti-Bush
Rob Kall: Zogby People’s Poll
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Senate Must Save The Constitution, Protect Checks and Balances, Stop The Bush Power Grab, And Defeat Samuel Alito
Carol Wolman: Scary times
Mark A. Goldman: My fantastic dream
Steven Leser, January 28, 2006: Osama Bin Laden and his Latest Message: George W Bush and the US Missed a Tremendous Opportunity
Richard Wise: The 2006 Elections: Let's Give Credit Where It's Due
Charles Sullivan: Standing at the brink (1 comments)
Missy Comley Beattie: The Smirking Scott McClellan (2 comments)
thepen: The Local Phone Call MIRACLE To Stop Alito
Rob Kall: The Power, the Gold and Inside Secrets of Polling
Rev. Bill McGinnis: *The One Reason Why All Americans Should Oppose The Nomination Of Samuel Alito
Katherine Brengle: No More Time for Ignorance
Friday, January 27:
David Swanson: *85 Percent of Democrats in PA Likely to Vote for Pro-Impeachment Candidates
Lynne Glasner: The New L Word (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Statistics from the OpEdNews / Zogby People’s Poll Statistics
Stephen Dinan: Radicals and Republicans
Stephen Dinan: Patriotism and Progress
Andrew Bard Schmookler: Is This 'Strict Constructionism' in Action? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: WHO WILL TELL THE PEOPLE? (1 comments)
Missy Comley Beattie: So Many Reasons Why the World Can't Wait (1 comments)
Don Williams: *An interview with President Al Gore after Year Five (4 comments)
John Kelley: An open letter to Katie Couric (1 comments)
Charles Sullivan: When Ignorance Rules (1 comments)
Matthew Cardinale: Stonewall Dems Launch New GA Organization
Thursday, January 26:
Carol Wolman: Double Standard on Secrecy
Katherine Brengle: Conservatives are not Stupid! (1 comments)
Rob Kall: *Tomorrow-- The OpEdNews/Zogby Poll Asks Questions Progressives Want answers to (2 comments)
Rev. Bill McGinnis: An Open Letter To Senate Democrats: Don't Give Up So Soon. Samuel Alito Still Can Be Defeated
David Swanson: *Call Media on Lies
Rob Kall: Where the Experts in the Worlds of Story Meet
Gene C. Gerard: Tax Breaks for the Wealthy
Matthew Cardinale: ACLU Georgia Uncovers Pentagon Spying Files
Doug Thompson: A watched America is not a free America
Missy Comley Beattie: A Demand for the Military to Send NO More Recruitment Literature to My Brother's Address
Manuel Valenzuela: The Killing Fields (1 comments)
thepen: Is There Not ONE Senator Who Will Even TRY To Stop Alito?
Wednesday, January 25:
Sibel Edmonds: Sibel Edmonds: Illegal & Indiscriminate Spying Hurts Our National Security, Here is Why
Jason Miller: Why I Now Genuflect to Charles Krauthammer (1 comments)
Robert C. Koehler: Relevant Saint
Charles Sullivan: Understanding Root Causes
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Samuel Alito Would Transfer Authority From Congress To The President, Radically Changing The Government
Garry S. Shay, Member of the DNC from CA: A Request (Defeat Every Republican & Take Back America)
Jim Ward, Pres. of ADA Watch/National Coalition for Disability Rights: Redefining Mainstream: Judge Alito and Disability Rights
Tara Parks: President Bush Encourages Choking of Chickens to Fight Flu
Carol Wolman: About God
Rob Kall: Make Mrs. Alito Cry Again
Milazzo, Linda: Self Flagellating Congress Promotes a New Geometric View
Rev. Bill McGinnis: An Open Letter To the U.S. Senate, Regarding The Nomination of Samuel Alito To The Supreme Court
Rob Kall: DLC Golden Boy Casey French Kisses Alito (1 comments)
thepen: To Stand Alone If Necessary, That's What COURAGE Is (1 comments)
Matthew Cardinale: Federal Agencies Play Hot Potato over Wiretapping Probe
Tuesday, January 24:
Gar Alperovitz: Taxing Wealth At The Very Top; Time For A Property Tax On All Forms of Property... (2 comments)
Joshua Frank: War with Iran: It’s More Than Nuclear (2 comments)
Stephen Crockett: Republican Scandals Spell Democratic Victories (1 comments)
Stephenson, Bret: Boys in Crisis?? (1 comments)
Dave Lindorff: Bush Running Scared?
Katherine Brengle: The Others
Lawrence BrohKahn: The Not Enough Votes to Filibuster Alito Lie (4 comments)
Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: Weaving the "Why?" Strands: The Bushevik Tapestry
William Fisher: DEPORTEES SUE
Kristen Breitweiser, Patty Casazza, Monica Gabrielle, Mindy Kleinberg:: General Hayden is either incompetent or a liar. (2 comments)
Missy Comley Beattie: The Texas Sidestep (4 comments)
Mickey Z.: "Big Daddy"
thepen: ATTENTION SENATORS: The Road to the Presidency is Through LEADING An Alito Filibuster (1 comments)
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Samuel Alito Confirmation: Rubber Stamp or Full Debate or Filibuster?
Katherine Brengle: *The State of the Union
Monday, January 23:
Diane Marie: Why aren't democrats and opposition parties prepared for the outrageous propaganda tactics (3 comments)
Doug Thompson: An American Hitler and his Gestapo (1 comments)
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Google Case Shows That Bush Machine Is Using Samuel Alito As A Trojan Horse To Capture And Take Over The Supreme Court
Missy Comley Beattie: The United States of George W. Bush
Lonna Gooden VanHorn: Jimmy Carter, A President Whose god Was Not Greed
Missy Comley Beattie: Endangered Species
Robert Jensen: Following the principles we claim to hold/being the people we claim to be (1 comments)
Charles Sullivan: Unhitching our Wagons (4 comments)
thepen: A NIGHTMARE on First Street unless we Filibuster Alito
Mike Whitney: Iran’s Oil Exchange threatens the Greenback (2 comments)
Sunday, January 22:
Kat L'Estrange: Stop the Lies, Fight the Fix: Don't Let Them Hide the Bodies
Cindy Sheehan: Matriotism (1 comments)
Larry Scott: Rep. Steve Buyer Pushes for VA run by Political Appointees (4 comments)
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Samuel Alito Is A Trojan Horse For Christian Conservatives.
Dan Merica: Bush/GOP Supporters and the Phenomenon of Delusion
Robert Parry: Alito Filibuster: It Only Takes One
David Weiner: Health Care Reforms and Stolen Elections
Missy Comley Beattie: Vote for Peace
Charles Sullivan: Manufacturing Fear
Carol Wolman: The lesson of Jonah
Saturday, January 21:
David Swanson: *Testimony from Bush Crimes Commission
thepen: It's Fun! The Contest to Find the Best Filibuster Alito Affirmation
Eileen Fleming: A Blessing in Disguise? (1 comments)
Harry Kurchner: Intelligent Design, road to Theocracy? (1 comments)
Elaine Hardman: Dems Should Choose Murtha To Respond to Bush's State of The Union Speech (2 comments)
Matthew Cardinale: Morehouse College Under Fire, Protest Planned
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Defeating The Confirmation Of Samuel Alito - The Way It Can Be Done (1 comments)
Mary Shaw: The Other Pro-Choice Movement
Milazzo, Linda: The Likeness of Bush and Ahmadinejad
Friday, January 20:
Stephen Crockett: *Al Gore: (American Hero) Speech Defending Constitutional Government
Mick Youther: The Republicans need to reform the President
Matthew Cardinale: Rev. Al Sharpton Wants GLBT, Black Church Dialogue
Rev. Bill McGinnis: *The "Nuclear Option" Is A Bluff. They Cannot Really Do It!
Ron Fullwood: Time To Pull The Plug On This Fascist Regime
Gene C. Gerard: Bush Chose Iraq Over America’s Homeless
Noah Wiener: CNN Hiring Total Scum Lowlife Right Wing Psycho Glenn Beck (3 comments)
Rob Kall: Rob Kall: The Republican Habit-- like Heroin, it's hard to break, but deadly and Destructive (3 comments)
Don Williams: *Gore draws blood in attack on Bush (1 comments)
thepen: Urgent Phone Action: IT'S FILIBUSTER FRIDAY To Stop Alito
Katherine Brengle: It's Bigger than Google
Thursday, January 19:
Jersey Girls: Kristen Breitweiser, Patty Casazza, Monica Gabrielle, Mindy Kleinb: Statement of September 11th Advocates Regarding Release of Usama Bin Laden Audiotape (1 comments)
Michael Shelby, Arizona Citizens for Election Reform: Election officials in Arizona refuse to answer Senate questions
Rob Kall: Criminals Everywhere You Look; Time to Clean the Stables in Washington
Rev. Bill McGinnis: The Samuel Alito Confirmation Should Be Thoroughly Debated In The Senate, Not Simply Given A Quick Rubber-Stamp Approval
Katherine Brengle: *No Abu Ghraib Scandal for these Victims (1 comments)
Charles Sullivan: Squeezing the Work Force
David Sirota: Pension battle becomes new front in the class war (3 comments)
Missy Comley Beattie: Frequent Flyers, No Roaming Charges
Ted Bohne: New evidence of old chicanery
Manuel Valenzuela: The Poisoning of the Well (2 comments)
Katherine Brengle: Sinks to New Low
Doug Thompson: Mounting evidence proves White House lied about relationship with corrupt lobbyist
Wednesday, January 18:
Charles Sullivan: Throwing Down the Gauntlet (1 comments)
Andrew Bard Schmookler: Epilogue to my Previous ("Hey Mainstream Media..") Piece
Robert C. Koehler: The Polite Majority
William Fisher: WHY SHOULD WE BE SURPRISED? (2 comments)
Thomas L. Walsh: A House of Straw
thepen: And The Golden Globe For Most EVASIVE Supreme Court Nominee Goes To . .
Mike Whitney: Avoiding a War with Iran
Katherine Brengle: The Gender Gap
Matthew Cardinale: Report: Atlanta Mayor Leads Anti-Homeless Trend
Rev. Bill McGinnis: The Bush Power Grab: How did it get this far? (1 comments)
Carol Wolman: MLK, Jr., a true Christian
Doug Thompson: Bush often met with, and praised, corrupt lobbyist
Jim Bush: Real Corruption and Duh Bull You! poetry
Les Sachs: US Journalist Murdered after Writing Article on US-Bush Supreme Court Nominee Judge Alito
Ken Swann: Satire: The Feeble Life; Jenna and Barbara Bush Go to Iraq
Tuesday, January 17:
Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: "Shallow Throat": Do Dems Have a Death-Wish? (1 comments)
Jason Leopold: NSA Spying Evolved Pre-9/11
Charles Sullivan: Talking Revolution (2 comments)
Doug Thompson: The 'I-word' comes out of the closet
Gary M Lee: The New American Revolution is Coming
Michael Shelby, Arizona Citizens for Election Reform: Election Integrity in Arizona is a Bi-partisan Reform (1 comments)
thepen: Repeat After Us: Alito Is NOT A Done Deal
Andrew Bard Schmookler: Why Doesn’t Presidential Dismantling of the Constitution Get the Same Intense Scrutiny as Presidential Adultery? (5 comments)
Patricia Goldsmith: Scandalology 101 (1 comments)
Monday, January 16:
David Swanson: Woolsey's Way to Peace
By Gerald Rellick: George W. Bush’s Father Complex (3 comments)
Mary Shaw: *Global Warming - Bush Deals the World a Death Sentence
Douglas Drenkow: *Beyond the "Dream": The Wisdom of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Speaking to the Challenges of Our Times
Mike Whitney: Reinventing Sharon, Tom Friedman style (2 comments)
Mary Ann Gould: Make the Vote Safe in Pennsylvania; An Open Letter to PA Governor Ed Rendell, PA State Legislators and County Commission
Matthew Cardinale: Black Caucus Boycotts MLK Event over Voter ID Bill in Georgia
Mickey Z.: Target: Iran
Steven Leser: Iraq - Why we REALLY went to war (5 comments)
Carol Wolman: Dare to say NO to Dubya (1 comments)
William T. Hathaway: Sedition, Subversion, Sabotage (1 comments)
Dr. Trudy Bond: *On December 10, 2005, the city of Toledo was shut down and freedom of speech was declared dead
thepen: Our Litmus Test: Tell Them FILIBUSTER Alito Or Get Out Of OUR Congress
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Alito Confirmation Would Soon Establish Unitary Executive Theory (Fuehrerprinzip) As Law, Then Make Bush Dictator (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Dems Ranked as Less Trustworthy than Repugs in Latest Zogby Poll (2 comments)
Sunday, January 15:
Joan Brunwasser: It Takes A Village
Stephen Crockett: Senate and Citizens: Save Our Constitution
Jason Miller: *How the West and the West Bank Were Won (1 comments)
Mike Whitney: Dusting off the Brown-shirts and Jackboots
Matthew Cardinale: 200 Georgia Progressives Hold Historic Summit
Mary Shaw: *Execution and Apathy
Charles Sullivan: Honoring Dr. King (1 comments)
Robert Jensen: MLK Day: Dreams and nightmares (1 comments)
Anthony Wade: Birth of the Red-Letter Christian Movement (1 comments)
Saturday, January 14:
Eileen Fleming: Jewish Road Warriors and Big Brother
Rev. Bill McGinnis: The Unitary Executive Theory (Fuehrerprinzip), Or The King-With-Advisors Form Of Government
Stephen Dinan: Sacred America (2 comments)
Missy Comley Beattie: The Stepford Confirmation Hearings of Samuel Alito
Mike Whitney: More Lies about Iran (1 comments)
Gene C. Gerard: Bush Doesn’t Play Fair at Recess
Charles Sullivan: Reining in Sociopathic Corporations' Power (1 comments)
Friday, January 13:
Steven Leser: Iran: We are exactly where I feared we would be. (7 comments)
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Alito: Rubber Stamp For Unlimited Presidential Authority?
Jason Leopold: Bush Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11
CLANCY SIGAL: Hugh Thompson and My Lai, Broke Ranks and Did the Right Thing
RAY McGOVERN Former CIA analyst: Why Did Bush Run Around the Low-Hurdle of FISA and Wiretap Without After-the-fact Permission?
Ed Menken: Those Despicable, Cowardly Democrats What Ever Happened to Separation of Church and State?
Susan Van Haitsma: Every generation has its heroes, and every war wants them
Doug Thompson: Bush could seize absolute control of U.S. government (1 comments)
Missy Comley Beattie: Grandmothers Against the War Go to Criminal Court (1 comments)
Carol Wolman: *Do the American people WANT a king?
Andy Ostroy: Mrs. Alito Sheds a Tear, And Another Repug Hides Under His Wife's Skirt (1 comments)
Stephen Crockett: Bush and Republicans vs. Rule of Law
Ernest Partridge: The Erosion of Trust
Thursday, January 12:
Carol Wolman: The US is a laughingstock
Gerald Rellick: A Troop Withdrawal Argument -- Tailored for George Bush
David Swanson: *War Lies and Journalistic Constipation
Mike Whitney: The Countdown to War with Iran
Steven Barnes: Human Fallibility and Torture (1 comments)
Charles Sullivan: Defending Progressive Values (2 comments)
Mark A. Goldman: Treason (5 comments)
Eileen Fleming: Three Good Jews and One Christian in Jerusalem
Missy Comley Beattie: Identifying the Enemy (1 comments)
Andy Ostroy: Abortion Not "Settled Law" Says Alito; Democrats Must Filibuster This Extremist Judge Before It's Too Late (1 comments)
Mary Shaw: No Justice for the Exonerated
Anthony Wade: Insulting the Intelligence of America, Another Fake Event By George W. Bush (3 comments)
Wednesday, January 11:
Lynne Glasner: Absolution for Absolute Corruption
Robert C. Koehler: Birth of Awareness (2 comments)
John Ford: In Defense of Liberalism
Amanda Lang: New Demand for Body Armor Politicians "Paydirt" (2 comments)
Rev. Bill McGinnis: It Is Simply Not True That Judge Alito Cannot Comment On Issues Which Might Come Before The Court
Sarah Epting: Pentagon Spied on Concerned Peace Moms in Atlanta
Manuel Valenzuela: Of the Evil Empire (2 comments)
David Sirota: The Rise of Rectal Journalism (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Sue Diebold
Missy Comley Beattie: I Couldn't Refuse Cindy Sheehan
Andy Ostroy: Democrats Must Filibuster The Lying Alito (2 comments)
Charles Sullivan: Bad Choices and Bad Consequences
Tuesday, January 10:
Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: Fear, the Future & the Other F-Word (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: Why Is It Christians Need So Gawd Damn Much Saving? (1 comments)
Stephen Soldz: Narcissism, the public, and the President (5 comments)
David Swanson: *Most Popular Idea at Last Weekend's Out of Iraq Events? Impeachment.
Missy Comley Beattie: Delete Alito (1 comments)
Doug Thompson: Broken promises and business as usual
Jason Leopold: Fitzgerald Maintains Focus on Rove
Rob Kall: Alito Must Go!! We Must March in the Streets to Send the Message Loud and Clear
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Judge Alito should answer abortion questions directly
Meria Heller: The Brain-Dead Media of the Bush Regime (2 comments)
Monday, January 9:
Thom Hartmann: Challenging Abramoff's "Artificial Aristocracy"
Matthew Cardinale: Bush Impeachment Inquiry Has 8 House Co-Sponsors
Richard Wise: Stop Clarence Ray Allen's Execution (1 comments)
Charles Sullivan: Cutting the String that Binds Us
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Who Says That Judge Alito Cannot Provide Specific Answers To Questions About Presidential Power vs. Congressional Power?
Mike Whitney: China’s Stranglehold on the Dollar (4 comments)
Sunday, January 8:
Rob Kall: Do YOU Have an Exit Plan? Plan to Be in the Streets in the Next Two Weeks, or You'll Need One (1 comments)
Andy Ostroy: DeLay's Texas Challenger Lampson Calls Him Scandalous and Corrupt
Missy Comley Beattie: We Need MacGiver to Keep our Troops Safe
Eileen Fleming: The Wall and Nonviolent Resistance
Michael Hammerschlag: UNPATRIOTIC SPYING
Saturday, January 7:
Steven Leser: The Freepers Doth Protest too much Methinks
Anthony Wade: Hammering Home The Point, The Delay Era Passes
Gene C. Gerard: Another Brownie in the Making (1 comments)
Charles Sullivan: The War President (1 comments)
By Gerald Rellick: Man of the Year: Patrick Fitzgerald (3 comments)
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Bush-America Seems Prosperous Only Because We Are Running Up The National Debt (1 comments)
Carol Wolman: *Key to survival- Save BEAR BUTTE Petition
David Swanson: *A Peace Movement Demanding the Rule of Law
Mary Ann Gould, Coalition for Voting Integrity: Save the Vote From HAVA Insanity
Friday, January 6:
Eileen Fleming: From an eye witness in Billin: the other side of the story
Stephen Crockett: Press Release: Democratic Talk Radio: Heroes & Villains of 2005 (1 comments)
Black Box Voting: Grab your camera To Protect the Integrity of the Vote
Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County, CA: *Interested in the global justice movement in the US?
Robert C. Koehler: Bad Faith: Media Silence and the Assault on Democracy
David Sirota: Bush announces radical shift in foreign policy; No U.S. media report it (2 comments)
David Swanson: The Madness of Michael Medved
Mick Youther: One Word to Describe Bush and Bush as a Vocabulary Word (1 comments)
Andrew Bard Schmookler: America's Imaginative Life: Are There Reflections of Bushite America? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: YOU CAN'T GO HOME AGAIN...
Doug Thompson: I have met the enemy and he was me (3 comments)
Don Williams: 'My boys, never work in the mines' (1 comments)
Missy Comley Beattie: 2187 American Dead
Charles Sullivan: America's Covenant with Israel
David Swanson: Forum with Congressmen Moran and Murtha Packs Hall, 500 Turned Away
Rev. Bill McGinnis: Presidential Authority (Executive Authority) Is Always Outranked By Duly-Enacted Laws Passed By Congress
Dave Zirin: Crossroads: Race and Coaching in the NFL
Stephenson, Bret: Why “Just Say No’ Just Hasn’t Worked—Trying to Control the Uncontrollable
Thursday, January 5:
Stephen Crockett: Number 2 on the Right Wingers' The 40 Most Obnoxious Quotes For 2005
Ray McGovern: J. Edgar Hoover With Supercomputers
Stephen Edward Seadler: BLOODSHED TRILOGY
Amanda Lang: CBS News Wrongly Assigns Credit for First Stab at Lobbying & Ethics Reform - Gives it to McCain & Lieberman
Jason Leopold: *NSA Destroyed Evidence of Domestic Spying (3 comments)
Doug Thompson: Tom DeLay thought he could screw the law but the law screwed back
Manuel Valenzuela: The Army of Good Americans
Ernest Partridge: In 2006, Voting Fraud is the Keystone Issue (1 comments)
The 9/11 "Jersey Girls": Statement of September 11th Advocates Regarding NSA Surveillance
Milazzo, Linda: Bush's Ownership Society Suits Jack's Entrepreneurial Style
Anthony Wade: Chris Matthews Tied to Jack Abramoff, Credibility in Tatters (1 comments)
Wednesday, January 4:
Constance Lavender: The Right to Free and Democratic Governance
Robert C. Koehler: Primal Smirk (2 comments)
Prof. Robert D. Fischer: Oregon's All-Mail Voting:
Ben Frank: New "Patriot" Act Creates American Gestapo (1 comments)
David Sirota: Propaganda & The Moustache of Neoconservatism (1 comments)
Randolph T. Holhut: THE 27-9-3 RULE AND HONING THE MESSAGE FOR 2006 (1 comments)
Doug Thompson: *A President at war with America
Diana Zuckerman: There's No Such Thing as Free Viagra
Mickey Z.: Haiku You
Paul Rogat Loeb: Alito's Extraordinary Circumstances
Tuesday, January 3:
Dennis Morrisseau: One Vermont Republican Who Favors Impeachment
Cindy Sheehan: Friends Don't Let Friends Commit War Crimes
Charles Sullivan: Peak Oil and the End of Empire (3 comments)
Andrew Bard Schmookler: The Honest Pursuit of the Truth is a Moral Virtue (1 comments)
Jason Leopold: How they got caught: After lobbyist broke off engagement, ex-fiancee told of illicit dealings to FBI
Douglas Drenkow: *If Bush & Alito Have Their Way, Our Votes May Not Count.
Douglas Drenkow: More Bush Insanity: Fomenting Instability in Iraq
By Bernard Weiner, The Crisis Papers: 12 Political Insights: A Starter-Kit for 2006 (1 comments)
David Swanson: Greed and Gall: Asking Iraq to Pay for Its Occupation
Missy Comley Beattie: From Chair of the local Republican Party to Screaming Progressive (1 comments)
Doug Thompson: Bush's drinking and drug use must be investigated
Lori Chinitz: I Shouldn't Watch the Local News
Monday, January 2:
Jason Miller: America Needs A New Father Image-- Tom Instead of George (1 comments)
John Mollan: I have a Dream 2006 - Rewritten By Republicans
Mike Whitney: The Guerilla War for Iraq’s Oil
Andy Ostroy: Al Gore Omitted From Meet The Press' List of Top Dem's For '08 (3 comments)
David Swanson: Out of Iraq Events Planned Nationwide on January 7th
Mary Geddry: Bush Bombs With Iraqi Democracy and Helps Fundamentalist Iranian Theofascists
Sandra Lucas: Inside TeenScreen: The Making of Mental Patients (1 comments)
Larry Scott: Veterans with PTSD Face Campaign of Misinformation, Disinformation and Outright Lies
Mary Shaw: Jesus vs George (2 comments)
William Fisher: BUSH AT YEAR-END
Mark A. Goldman: Following Orders
Sunday, January 1:
Richard Neville: 40 LESSONS FROM THE NEW MILLENIUM (1 comments)
Dreama Runyon: Disabled of all Ages on Medicaid Abandoned by New Republican Drug Plan (5 comments)
David Swanson: What Fate Awaits NSA Spying Whistleblower (1 comments)
Carol Wolman: A Prayer for the New Year
Black Box Voting: *New info may take out Diebold touchscreens
Karl Schwarz: New Year's Resolutions