Archives for General News
September 2007
Sunday, September 30:
Sheila Samples: Bolton calls for bombing of Iran (2 comments)
Kathlyn Stone: I hate all Iranians, US aide tells MPs (3 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 29 and 30, 2007
Rob Kall: Seymour Hersh: Shifting Targets: The Administration's plan for Iran.
Charley Reese: The Empire is Over
Sheila Samples: ING Direct steps in as US bank collapses (1 comments)
Nina Shea: This is a Saudi textbook. (After the intolerance was removed.) (3 comments)
Abby Goodnough: *GOP FLA prosecutor child-sex charges (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: State Dept. Agents Say Jobs Were Threatened
Laudyms: Daily Kos: The Nightmare of DHS´s *Secure Flight*
Margaret Bassett: Iraq Wiretap Delay Not Quite as Presented - washingtonpost
Karel Vereycken: *Blackwater: Mercenaries without borders (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Petraeus admits to rise in Iraq violence - Los Angeles Times
Mumia Abu-Jamal: Congress: Government of Which People? (5 comments)
Michael Bonanno: Iraq War Resisters to Get Boost from Veterans Group
Richard Mathis: Contractor numbers outstrip US troops in Iraq
Rob Kall: Foreign Policy In Focus; My Meeting with Ahmadinejad
Rob Kall: Poll: Obama, Romney Lead among Likely Iowa Voters
Rob Kall: Dem Rep To Introduce House Resolution Condemning Rush Limbaugh On Monday
Rob Kall: Petraeus Admits to Rise in Iraq Violence
Rob Kall: Rebels Storm Peacekeeping Base in Darfur
Rob Kall: Bush's EPA Is Pursuing Fewer Polluters
Rob Kall: Key election cases on Supreme Court docket
Rob Kall: 'Anti-MoveOn' Freedom Watch Group, with $15 Million Budget, claims first successes
Rob Kall: Rangoon: How Myanmar Junta stemmed a saffron tide
Rob Kall: Leading Indicators Point Down for GOP
Mac McKinney: Here Comes the Iran is a Direct Threat Crowd-WATCH OUT
Rob Kall: Iran Labels CIA 'Terrorist Organization'
Rob Kall: Wounded vet; Every Day He has to think of a reason not to kill himself (1 comments)
Mike Kuykendall: Giuliani Supporter Behind California Electoral Scheme
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: From a Tiny Tear to the End of America's Fascist State – How to extract yourself from the Web Corporate Greed.
Joan Brunwasser: Dan Rather Stands by his Story
Bev Harris: Dutch voting computers will be decertified shortly (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Broward vote machine deal a no-bid outrage
Joan Brunwasser: GOP's CA Electoral College Initiative Scam Dead, Says LA Times
Joan Brunwasser: McClatchy: Ohio, Florida Republicans Hoping to Cage Voters in '08 Election
Press Release: VoteRescue Radio - Where People Count... One Vote at a Time - premieres Sunday, September 30
Saturday, September 29:
Sheila Samples: Top firms urge Congress to snub protectionist bill
Sheila Samples: New Group Boasts Big War Chest and Rising Voice
Sheila Samples: State Department Agents Say Jobs Were Threatened
Mike Kuykendall: Newt Gingrich Will Not Run for President
Margaret Bassett: Blackwater Guards Killed 16 as US Touted Progress
Frank J. Ranelli: John Edwards Brings Populist Message Back to Ohio (1 comments)
Mumia Abu-Jamal: The World of Blackwater: Private Wars for Public Money
Rob Kall: Scenes from a Revolution
Rob Kall: Nixon's Jew count: the whole story! - (1 comments)
Mike Gravel: Democrats were Charged to End a War, Not Start One (3 comments)
Friday, September 28:
Mary MacElveen: 'Madison' is found safe; Charles Arthur Stiles is now considered a suspect (3 comments)
Rob Kall: Europeans angry after Bush climate speech 'charade'
Rob Kall: For voters, 'tough' now trumps 'nice
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 28, 2007
Martha Rosenberg: "Ethics Lesson" Gets Teacher Who Mixed Food With Art Fired
Kathlyn Stone: Navy to alter barracks shaped like swastika (1 comments)
Richard Mathis: Satellite photos may prove abuses in Myanmar, researchers say - (1 comments)
Department of Veteran Affairs: 73,000 Veterans Have Died Between First Gulf War and Present (7 comments)
Sheila Samples: Official Calls Kurd Oil Deal at Odds With Baghdad
Sheila Samples: Allies push Bush to pass children's insurance
Sheila Samples: Who owned drug plane that crashed in Mexico?
Dan Lieberman: The Road to Pieces (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Giuliani cites Bible on personal life
Nick Juliano (Raw Story): *Kucinich "seriously thinking" about forcing vote on Cheney impeachment
Laudyms: Rev. Sun Myung Moon is claiming a "letter of support" from Hillary Clinton
John Caylor: White House Executes Another Campaign Against Prosecutors
Margaret Bassett: Tide of Resistance Could Sweep Military Again
Mike Kuykendall: McCain Uses Military Despite Regulations Forbidding Partisan Activities
Margaret Bassett: John Edwards Takes Next Step In Rejecting Money
Rob Kall: Blackwater Mercenaries Kill or Wound 43 in Last Eight Days
Rob Kall: State Dept. IG Retaliates Against Whistleblowers, Threatens "˜Their Jobs And Careers'
Rob Kall: Letterman: It's kind of hard to tell Iran, US presidents apart
Mike Kuykendall: GOP Fails to Rig California Electoral Votes (12 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Texans turn against Bush's war
Patricia Johnson: GDP -- What's in it for Me?
Russ Wellen: John Carlos of Black-Gloved 1968 Olympic Fame Marches for Jena 6
Rob Kall: Bill Clinton's bid to save the world
Rob Kall: Four Top Tier Republicans No-ShowsFor Black U, favor Fundraisers
Sheila Samples: Limbaugh: Service members who support U.S. withdrawal are "phony soldiers" (9 comments)
Thursday, September 27:
Rob Kall: Saddam Could Have Been Removed Without Iraq War (12 comments)
Rob Kall: Freddie Mac chief: 40-45% Chance of US Recession
Rob Kall: Anti-Iran Hawks Win Partial Victory in Congress
Rob Kall: Edwards to Accept Public Campaign Funds
Rob Kall: Microsoft's Halo 3 registers biggest day in US entertainment history with $170 mln in sales
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 27, 2007
Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Latest Battle in the War Against the Poor
Richard Mathis: Help Stop A Potential Massacre in Myanmar (2 comments)
Jay Janson: *"Iran President Vows to Ignore U.N. Measures" a Misleading NY Times Title
Rob Kall: Quiz Matches Your Views on Issues to Prez Candidates (2 comments)
John Nichols: Democrats: 18 Year Olds Can Fight But Not Drink (6 comments)
Russ Wellen: Keeping Loose Nukes in the Corral (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Major newspapers, network news still silent on Romney-Blackwater connection
Wednesday, September 26:
Sheila Samples: US Builds Military Base in Iran-Iraq Border
Sheila Samples: Private Security Puts Diplomats, Military at Odds
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Finding Beauty in the Silence. With thanks to James Dean and Arthur on this anniversary.
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 26, 2007
Joan Brunwasser: Big Brother USA: Homeland Security's Domestic Travel Permits
Press Release from Dennis Kucinich: *Congress Must Stop Funding the War
Rob Kall: Breaking: House Votes to Condemn MoveOn (8 comments)
Rob Kall: BREAKING: Lieberman-Kyl's Iran amendment passes in the Senate (25 comments)
Michael Richardson: U.S. Virgin Islands Constitutional Convention stalled in delegate election dispute over voting machine ballot design
Mary Ann Gould: Listen Up! Journalist Michael Collins on Tonight's "Voice of the Voters" (3 comments)
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Medicare, Medicaid or MediFraud? Get healthy and off the Big Pharma Grid
Rob Kall: Doctor Claims Vatican Euthanized Pope John Paul II
Rob Kall: Political Radar: Bush\'s UN Speech Full of Fone-eh-tick Pronunciations for World Leaders
Rob Kall: Couric weighs in on Iraq, Rather
the web: Action Alert! Important Senate Vote Today!
Muhammad Khurshid: Musharraf Claims His Policies In War On Terror Successful
Inaru: John Lombardi: Bad Day at Blackwater (1 comments)
Mike Kuykendall: Ralph Nader Probing 2008 Run? (5 comments)
Tuesday, September 25:
Sheila Samples: US congress denounces Iranian president (2 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: A Tiny Revolution: Threatening Lieberman-Kyl Amendment On Iran
Joan Brunwasser: CA Secretary of State Files CA Felony Charges for Fraudulent Signature Gathering for Ballot Initiative
Press Release: House Members Ask Senate Committee to Deny FEC Position to Partisan Hack
Joan Brunwasser: Senators Betray Us
Joan Brunwasser: TPMMuck: Senate Rules Committe to Vote on GOP 'Voter Fraud' Zealot's Appointment to FEC Tomorrow (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Police force set to stun: American technology hard at work (1 comments)
Susan Pynchon: Kudos to the makers of "Hacking Democracy"
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 25, 2007
the web: New Tool to Facilitate Absentee Voting
Dave Lindorff: Send Democrats a Message: Join Cynthia McKinney and be a Quitter! (10 comments)
Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo: The Silent Killers... (1 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: What is the Truth on Iran?
Richard Mathis: Protesting monks defy orders of Myanmar military
Georgianne Nienaber: Grim News from the Democratic Republic of Congo:Mass Graves, Refugees and Ebola
Kathlyn Stone: Giuliani Party Seeks $9.11 Per Person
Russ Wellen: First New US Nuclear Reactors Since the 70's Might Be Built
Greg Palast: Dan Rather: Tased and Confused
Joan Brunwasser: Stars and Stripes: Less than half of military votes overseas counted (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Podhoretz secretly urged Bush to bomb Iran
Sheila Samples: Clinton campaign kills negative story
Monday, September 24:
Press Release from Dennis Kucinich: General Motors' Predicament Is Management's Failure, Workers Shouldn't Have to Pay
Joan Brunwasser: Spacey to star in HBO's 'Recount'
the web: *Tell Your Senators: Reject von Spakovsky as Federal Elections Commissioner
Richard Mathis: Wired Science - How Many Medical Marijuana Puffs Make a Dose?
Richard Mathis: RFA: Tens of Thousands Protest Against Burmese Junta
Timothy V. Gatto: Let The Liberal Party Change America!
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 24, 2007
Rob Kall: Democracy in retreat around the world
Richard Mathis: Who Won the Democrats' On-line Debate?
Richard Mathis: ScienceDaily: Racism's Cognitive Toll: Subtle Discrimination Is More Taxing On The Brain
Richard Mathis: Ahmadinejad Questions 9/11, Holocaust
the web: linois Secretary of State Supports Clean Elections Lawsuit
the web: Documentary raises awareness about aftermath of Katrina
Martha Rosenberg: Desperately Seeking NRA Approval
ladybroadoak: *Timely native land rights rally uses innovative techniques
Rob Kall: Senator Vitter (the hooker Client) secures $100K for Louisiana anti-evolution group
Rob Kall: Israeli air strike did not hit nuclear facility, intelligence officials say
Rob Kall: Young Israelis dodge the draft, some in protest
Frank J. Ranelli: Bush's stonewalling of documents requested by Judiciary Committee may be more insidious than first thought
Frank J. Ranelli: Tired of Bush's War in Iraq, Independents Favor Democrats in '08 election
Frank J. Ranelli: Dept. of Homeland Security caught notating what kind of hotel bed you request
Frank J. Ranelli: Bush predicts Gop will hold White House in '08 and declares Obama's intellectualism as "laziness" (1 comments)
Michael Richardson: Constitutional convention in U.S. Virgin Islands to convene in October in fifth attempt to approve a constitution
Joan Brunwasser: IL SoS White Weighs in On Accurate vs. Quick Election Results (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Cheney mulled Israeli strike on Iran: Newsweek
Sunday, September 23:
Sheila Samples: Snatched: Israeli commandos ‘nuclear’ raid (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Secret US air force team to perfect plan for Iran strike
Sheila Samples: 20 Generals Opposing Iraq War Break with Military Tradition
Sheila Samples: Collecting of Details on Travelers Documented
Mikael Rudolph: *What Conyers Didn't Hear from ImpeachforPeace today (3 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 22 and 23, 2007
Sherwood Ross: How Powerful is Jewish Lobby in the U.S? (2 comments)
Karma Rox: BREAKING gets hot inside your car!!!
the web: "Hacking Democracy" Nominated for Emmy for Outstanding Investigative Journalism
Warren Sonne: I want my stuff back (1 comments)
Richard Mathis: 20,000 join Burma's 'saffron revolution' - Times Online
John Lorenz: NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise
Joan Brunwasser: Bush and Co. Sneak Provision in Senate Bill to Pardon Themselves (2 comments)
Alan Miller: *Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report (28 comments)
Saturday, September 22:
Rob Kall: John Grisham: Bush administration is built around "bad people with evil intent"
Rob Kall: Israelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raid (1 comments)
Richard Mathis: Iraq: Blackwater Fired Unprovoked | Guardian Unlimited (2 comments)
Richard Mathis: The Associated Press: Black and White Becomes Gray in La. Town
Sheila Samples: Feds target Blackwater in weapons probe
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Blackstone, China, and the end of the world as we know it: Get Ready
Christa Brown: Clergy sex-abuse survivor questions fairness of Southern Baptist study (1 comments)
Michael Boldin: ACTION ALERT: Stop the Unconstitutional "Protect America" Act
Clive Boustred: *Department of Veterans Affairs Reports 73 Thousand U.S. Gulf War Deaths (21 comments)
John Nichols from The Nation: Blackwater, Oil, and the Colonial Enterprise
Sherwood Ross: UN Hits Israeli Crackdown on Palestinian Civilians (2 comments)
Friday, September 21:
Kucinich for President 2008: *Five Dems in Iowa Agree: 'No' to Single Payer System (3 comments)
Rob Kall: Judge Denies Request to Free Jena Teen
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 21, 2007 (1 comments)
Kathlyn Stone: U.S. military cemetery running out of space | Reuters
Kathlyn Stone: Obama: Senate vote on MoveOn ad a cheap political stunt (2 comments)
Walter Brasch: Commanding Constitutional Disrespect (1 comments)
jason leopold: Pentagon Sued Over Mandatory Christianity
Rob Kall: Stevens Caught in Sting
Rob Kall: Dan Rather's Lawsuit Against CBS; "The only punishment they understand is the money," (1 comments)
Rob Kall: A Beloved Professor Delivers The Lecture of a Lifetime (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Value of Dollar Falls to New Low Against the Euro
Richard Mathis: BBC NEWS | Burma monks issue defiant message
Sheila Samples: The Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind a DHS Contract (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: General claims violence down in Iraq
Sheila Samples: Arms Seized in Afghanistan Sent From Iran, NATO Says
Sheila Samples: Arabs push through U.N. watchdog vote against Israel
Sheila Samples: Terror Watch: A Secret Lobbying Campaign
Sheila Samples: Longer Leaves for Troops Blocked
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Fear, Intimidation, Violence: What the NeoCons have planned for you.
Thursday, September 20:
Richard Mathis: Bush says he will be "strong asset" to 2008 Republicans
Richard Mathis: German politician wants law to allow 7-year itch
Richard Mathis: Al Qaeda urges attacks on Darfur force, talks questioned
Joan Brunwasser: Riverside County, CA Board of Supes to Sequoia Voting Systems: 'Drop Dead'
Joan Brunwasser: MELTDOWN '07: Diebold Touch-Screens Flipping in Memphis Mayoral Election
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 20, 2007
Press Release from Dennis Kucinich: *As Bush Hunts For Answers to Kurd Oil Deal, Congressional Investigation Necessary (1 comments)
Mary Ann Gould: "Speak out America...Live" with Financial Expert Richard Russell
Richard Mathis: Obama explains his non-vote on Senate condemnation of MoveOn (1 comments)
Richard Mathis: Clinton, Dodd vote no on condemning MoveOn ad (1 comments)
Richard Mathis: Bush, Senate Condemn Anti-War Ad, President Calls\'s Ad Attacking Gen. Petraeus "Disgusting" (2 comments)
Richard Mathis: $30 Million Might Get Gingrich to Run for President (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Democrats fail to prevent Senate condemnation of MoveOn ad
Rob Kall: Black Republicans Sharply Divided Over GOP's Shunning Of Black Voter Forum
Rob Kall: U.S. Airport Screeners Are Watching What You Read
Kathlyn Stone: Didn't Invent 'BetrayUs'-The Troops Did! (1 comments)
Jan Baumgartner: Town Braces for Massive Rally in Support of 'Jena 6'
Frank J. Ranelli: Senate Takes on (3 comments)
Russ Wellen: Buddhist Monks March in Myanmar
Georgianne Nienaber: Are USAID Funds Being Used for Covert Operations in Central Africa? (2 comments)
the web: Public Forum on Electronic Voting hosted by Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Today
Frank J. Ranelli: Bush hits record low in ratings in new Reuters poll! (1 comments)
Bev Harris: Black Box Voting to be in NY, CT, NJ September 22-27!
Bev Harris: Investigative Report - Part Two in the Moonshine Elections Series (2 comments)
Eileen Fleming: Israel declares Gaza 'enemy entity' and the Blowback Begins
Wednesday, September 19:
Sheila Samples: Republicans pushed 'bogus' terror threat to expand FISA, lawmaker says (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Senate Republicans Block Vote on Indefinite Detentions (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Democratic attempt to increase leave for Iraq troops fails
Joan Brunwasser: Riverside Co. Pulls Plug on Electronic Voting
Margaret Bassett: STLtoday - News - Columnists Jo Mannies
Margaret Bassett: Home | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
ladybroadoak: Speculation flourishes over Israel's strike on Syria | Israel and the Middle East | Guardian Unlimited
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 19, 2007
sherry clark: *WHERETHEYLIVE.ORG is Launched (4 comments)
Press Release from Dennis Kucinich: *Kucinich Calls For Congressional Investigation Into Hunt Oil Company-Kurdistan Oil Deal (1 comments)
meremark: New day in the antiwar movement?
Margaret Bassett: Cubin injures foot at WMC Wyo House Member
James Stone: NPR: "Transforming into a Public Media Company"
Mike Kuykendall: Iran Plans to Bomb Israel if Attacked
Mikael Rudolph: *Conyers/Ellison in Minneapolis Town Hall Meeting on Health Care/Impeachment this Sunday
Georgianne Nienaber: Vanderbilt Negligence Kills Laboratory Animals Says SAEN
Sheila Samples: Chafee quietly quits the GOP (1 comments)
Veterans for Peace: Giant of Veterans Anti-War/Peace Movements, former president of Veterans for Peace dies at 60 (6 comments)
Congressman Dennis Kucinich: The Administration Must Rewrite The Rules (3 comments)
the web: Tomorrow in Chicago: Stand Up for Local Media
Richard Mathis: Aiming to Agitate, Florida Student Got a Shock - (3 comments)
Press Release: What We Need From the Next Attorney General (1 comments)
Frank J. Ranelli: Bush setting America up for war with Iran
Sheila Samples: Did CIA kidnap vacationer? It's a state secret. (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Democrats chuck Iraq compromise
Sheila Samples: U.S. suspends civilian travel outside Green Zone
Tuesday, September 18:
Sheila Samples: Tuesday: 5 GIs, 69 Iraqis Killed; 83 Iraqis Wounded
Rob Kall: NRCC buys newspaper attack ads against 19 House Dems
Rob Kall: Dept of State Inspector General Accused of Averting Probes
Rob Kall: Is Taser Victim Andrew Meyer an Attention Whore?
Bob Fitrakis: Columbus Dispatch endorses untested hackable computer voting machines
Joan Brunwasser: Pentagon Sued Over Mandatory Christianity
Joan Brunwasser: Tasered Student, Waiving Greg Palast Book, Asked Kerry About Conceding 2004 Presidential Election (2 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Tom Feeney 'Most Corrupt' in Congress for Third Successive Year!
Sheila Samples: CREW releases "Beyond DeLay: The 22 Most Corrupt Members of Congress (and two to watch)" (1 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 18, 2007
Kiilu Nyasha: Update on the San Francisco 8
Sheila Samples: Rice apologises for US security firm shootings
Richard Mathis: State Senator 'Sues' God
Joan Brunwasser: 11 state and local organizations reject Holt Bill (HR811)
Greg Palast: Student Tasered for Armed Madhouse Question to Kerry (1 comments)
Kathlyn Stone: (US Attorney for MN) Paulose under investigation by feds
Paul Davis: URI professor hears from Putin at Russian conference
johndoraemi: Blackbeard Rising (From the Grave Again) (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: California Secretary of State: Voting Machine 'Sleepovers' Violate State Law
Frank J. Ranelli: The Flyer Mitt Romney Doesn't Want The Right To See!
Frank J. Ranelli: Bush's sly change-up on reversal of acting AG goes virtually unnoticed
Monday, September 17:
Sheila Samples: State Dept. in crisis mode after Blackwater accused in deaths
Sheila Samples: Iran threatens missile attacks on US targets
Joan Brunwasser: Click go the votes, click, click, click . . . (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Minn. GOP Congressman Ramstad Retiring
Rob Kall: New York Times to end paid Internet service
Mary Ann Gould: *HR 'Microsoft 811' Challenges our voting rights and democracy itself! (2 comments)
Mike Kuykendall: Wesley Clark Endorses Hillary Clinton
towsonu2003: Turkish woman workers at free trade zone abused by German monopoly Fresenius Medical Care
Patricia Johnson: What is a Recession?
Patricia Axelrod and Paddy Shaffer: Ohio SOS retracts intent to study Ohio voter registration systems
Joan Brunwasser: Democratic Leadership Still 'Out of Touch' Concerning DRE Voting Machines, Holt Election Reform Bill
Tom Courbat: Riverside County set to sole-source purchase decertified Sequoia vote scanners
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 17, 2007
Jared Irmas: Brennan Center Newsflash: Attorney General Nominee discussed and more
Sherwood Ross: Is Terrorist Threat To America Another Bush Fabrication?
Joan Brunwasser: Will House Leaders Duck Debate on Electronic Voting Compromise?
Joan Brunwasser: Chafee quietly quits the GOP (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Murtha: GOP will Lose 40-50 Seats next year
Rob Kall: EU court crushes Microsoft appeal
Rob Kall: Barry Manilow to "the View's" Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Your "View" is Dangerous
Sheila Samples: ElBaradei: An Indispensable Irritant to Iran and Its Foes
Jan Baumgartner: Iran Condemns French Remark on War (1 comments)
Martha Rosenberg: Suicide Scares Show There's Money in Dosing Children for Pharma (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Will Iraq's Blackwater Ban Raise Troop Levels in Baghdad? (15 comments)
Amnesty International, UK: Hard Hitting Mumia Abu-Jamal Film Launched: "In Prison My Whole Life"
Kathlyn Stone: CLG - Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities' (4 comments)
Russ Wellen: Iraq Death Toll Rivals Rwanda Genocide, Cambodian Killing Fields
Rob Kall: Sally Field Censored by Fox (21 comments)
Sunday, September 16:
Rob Kall: Proxy war could soon turn to direct conflict, analysts warn (1 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 15 and 16, 2007
Michael Bonanno: Exclusive: OpEdNews Interviews Greg Gerritt, America's "Buy Nothing Day" Pioneer
Carol Wolman: *Be careful, and talk to your friends in the military (12 comments)
Rob Kall: Israelis "˜blew apart Syrian nuclear cache' (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Greenspan alert : US house prices likely to fall significantly from their present levels
Rob Kall: Big Brother is watching us all
Sheila Samples: Sadr group to pull out of Iraq's ruling Shiite bloc
Sheila Samples: Gates Rejects Greenspan Claim War Is About Oil (2 comments)
Mark Felsenthal: Greenspan Criticizes Bush Policies in Memoir
Constance Lavender: Stay Tuned...NJ Corruption Probe Extended To Other States
Saturday, September 15:
Timothy V. Gatto: 160 arrested as thousands march against Iraq war in Washington - (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Sadr's movement pulls out of Iraq alliance
Joan Brunwasser: California Democratic Party Launches Fraud Busters Program
Rob Kall: Sources: Retired judge may replace Gonzales
Timothy V. Gatto: Thousands of protesters march to Capitol
Muhammad Khurshid: Musharraf Ask US Congressmen To Recognize Pak Role Wendy Cortez Meets the Press (1 comments)
Richard Mathis: Republicans in danger of losing US 'God vote' - Telegraph (2 comments)
Rob Kall: The neocon link to the ABC News scandal
Rob Kall: Ordinary life hardly the norm in Baghdad
Friday, September 14:
Rob Kall: Native Peoples Score Historic Political Victory
Rob Kall: Justice in Jena - Mychal Bell's Conviction Overturned!
Rob Kall: Greenspan Book Criticizes Bush and Republicans; "They Deserved to lose."
Rob Kall: Hillary Slams Giuliani Over Comments
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Phyllis Schlafly - Exposed: Part 2 on the NeoCons (10 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 14, 2007
Sheila Samples: Brock Bierman to head FEMA program
Rob Kall: Japan launch brings manned moon mission step closer
Steve Beckow: *Chronology of a Second 9/11 (4 comments)
Webster Tarpley: Military Drill - False Flag Provocation, Attack on Iran (5 comments)
The Stiletto: The "Genocide Olympics"
Margaret Bassett: The real reason Bush is withdrawing troops from Iraq
Michael Richardson: Omaha judge rebutted by former Nebraska governor Frank Morrision in COINTELPRO case against Black Panthers
Hans Bennett: PHOTOESSAY: Justice for Leonard Peltier, The Cuban 5, SF 8, MOVE 9, and Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Rob Kall: Bush's "Happy Talk" speech unlikely to reassure nervous GOP
Rob Kall: Laugh till you protest: how satire is at the forefront of TV revolution
Rob Kall: Pakistan allows Bhutto back but warns of prosecution |
Rob Kall: Defying Bush And Cheney, White House Science Adviser Acknowledges Man-Made Warming Is A Fact
Martha Rosenberg: Fashion Week or Fashion Weak?
Rob Kall: Krugman: Bush backer banks on Iraq's failure
Rob Kall: Senator Ted Stevens son Ben took bribes
Rob Kall: Yes, Surge, That's My Baby: Press Responds to Bush Speech
Michael Leon: Religious Right Figures Signing Pro-war Statement Identified by ADL as Assaulting Tolerance and Pluralism (4 comments)
Russ Wellen: Dominican Republican Shames US
Russ Wellen: New Jersey's Governor Corzine Bucks Administration on Health Care
Thursday, September 13:
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 13, 2007
By Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret., National Commander, The Patriots: Duty, Honor, Country 2007 (2 comments)
Michael Leon: Wisconsin US Atty Defies DoJ and Says He'll Testify Under Oath
Russ Wellen: Al Qaeda in Russia?
Georgianne Nienaber: S.O.S in Eastern Congo:Magic Sticks, Corruption and Gorilla Warfare (2 comments)
Cathy Garger: War Declared On Hawaii (No It's NOT Japan This Time!) (6 comments)
Frank J. Ranelli: Has Obama Offered Most Extensive Plan Yet for Winding Down War? (2 comments)
Evelyn Pringle: Studies Find More Health Risks With Avandia
Russ Wellen: Admiral Fallon Characterized Petraeus as a "Little Chickens**t"
Richard Mathis: Eating Less Meat May Slow Climate Change (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Mexican pipeline explosions indicate comeback of leftist guerrilla group
Rob Kall: President Petraeus? (6 comments)
Rob Kall: Compromise on Oil Law in Iraq Collapsing
Wednesday, September 12:
Rob Kall: Bush Spy Master Misled Congress (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Israel spots nuclear installations in Syria (2 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 12, 2007
Sheila Samples: Bipartisan consensus pushes for Iran attack
Sheila Samples: Two of Seven Soldiers Who Wrote 'NYT' Op-Ed Die in Iraq (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Democratic House Officials Recruited Wealthy Conservatives
Sheila Samples: Prostitute, Flynt keep pressure on Vitter
Sheila Samples: Spies 'R' Us -- Who's Running Russia?
Rob Kall: Gov. Warner To Run for VA Senate Seat
Rob Kall: Intelligence officials contradict White House on bin Laden
Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman: Why doesn't the GOP want Ohio's voting machines tested?
Rob Kall: Two Of Seven Soldiers Who Wrote New York Times Op-Ed Killed In Iraq
Rob Kall: Reid: "Ted Olson will not be confirmed by the Senate." (2 comments)
Jan Baumgartner: Congo-Kinshasa: Averting the Nightmare Scenario in Eastern Congo
Jan Baumgartner: Sudan Bombs North Darfur Town
Michael Richardson: Judge says false dynamite testimony by police "immaterial" in Omaha Black Panther case (3 comments)
Patricia Johnson: An Open Letter to Associated Press
Muhammad Khurshid: High-Powered US Team Holding Talks With Pakistani Officials
Carolina Saldaña: Leonard Peltier: Silence Screams
Stephanie Westbrook: Camping for Peace in Vicenza, Italy (1 comments)
Kathlyn Stone: ACC orders commandwide standdown Friday - (2 comments)
Kathlyn Stone: US Senator asks for Iran invasion
Kathlyn Stone: The 'proxy war': UK troops are sent to Iranian border
Rob Kall: Larry FLynt Delivers; Woman Says She Had Sex With Sen. Vitter
Rob Kall: More on Russian Government Resigns, Gives Putin 'Freedom'
Rob Kall: Putin dissolves Russian government
Tuesday, September 11:
Dan Merica: Clerics Begin to Take Over (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Are Voter Purges a New Republican Strategy to Suppress Voters in 2008? (1 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 11, 2007
Richard Mathis: World Carfree Network - World Carfree Day
Rob Kall: Petraeus: 'I Don't Know' if Iraq Victory Will Make U.S. Safer (1 comments)
Richard Mathis: Leftist rebels say they bombed Mexico pipelines | Reuters
Rob Kall: Dollar hits 15-year low
Rob Kall: Senators urge 'diplomatic surge' in Iraq (1 comments)
Georgianne Nienaber: Congo Officials Confirm Ebola Outbreak
Rob Kall: The Day After: Editorials Not Convinced by Petraeus
Rob Kall: Would notebook's clues have headed off 9-11?
Rob Kall: Petraeus Falsely Claims That Six Months Ago, "˜No One Would Have Forecast' Anbar's Success
Frank J. Ranelli: Democrats See Politics in a Governor's Jailing (1 comments)
Frank J. Ranelli: Republicans focus on attacking, not Bush's failed surge
Richard Mathis: Upbeat assessment buys Bush some time on Iraq (2 comments)
Bev Harris: "Trust Me Elections" - computerized Voting in Bullitt Co. Kentucky (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Ebola outbreak confirmed in Congo
Rob Kall: Intelligence officials contradict White House on bin Laden
Press Release: Kucinich on Petraeus Report: a 4th quarter strategy to delay the inevitable (1 comments)
Russ Wellen: Rocket from Gaza Injures Dozens of Israeli Soldiers
Sheila Samples: Americans Feel Military Is Best at Ending the War
Monday, September 10:
Rob Kall: What Crocker and Petraeus didn't say
Rob Kall: FBI can\'t even Google to 'connect the dots' on terror, author says
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 10, 2007
Richard Mathis: Bin Laden's black beard baffles U.S. intelligence (1 comments)
Ginger Carter: Prisons Purging Books on Faith from Libraries
Rob Kall: Anti-war leaders stymied, frustrated (1 comments)
Media Matters: Myths and Falsehoods About "Progress"- in Iraq
Michael Leon: Petraeus Says 'No Decision' as Americans Say 'No War' (2 comments)
Rob Kall: The surge must go on, Petraeus to tell Congress
Rob Kall: Poll: 70% of Iraqis say surge has failed, many flee county
Dave Lindorff: This Was No Accident: Nuclear Weapons Are Different (9 comments)
Richard Mathis: AFP: Homo politicus: brain function of liberals, conservatives differs
Michael Salla, Ph.D: B-52 Bomber Incident & Insider Trading – Was Someone Trying to Profit from a Nuclear Attack Against Iran Before Sept 21? (14 comments)
Frank J. Ranelli: Craig will try to take back his plea
Frank J. Ranelli: Delay Decision on Major Cuts, Petraeus Says
Frank J. Ranelli: Pentagon planning base near Iraq-Iran border
Sunday, September 9:
Kenneth Briggs: $20 Billion Student Aid Package Passes Both Houses
Rob Kall: Study finds left-wing brain, right-wing brain
Rob Kall: Bush Has Narrowed Gonzales Replacement Down to Five (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: US 'delayed UK pull-out from Basra'
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 08 and 09, 2007
sherry clark: Signs. Signs. Everywhere the Signs. (2 comments)
Martha Rosenberg: As Cancers Rise, Western Diet Becomes an Unpopular US Export
Rob Kall: "We're Dealing with a Christian Taliban" (1 comments)
Michael Leon: Top Admiral Who Said Attacking Iran 'Will Not Happen on my Watch,' Splits with Bush on Occupying Iraq (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: S.C. Politics Today
Rob Kall: Some Food Additives Raise Hyperactivity, Study Finds
Rob Kall: Madeleine L’Engle, Writer of Children’s Classics, Is Dead at 88
Rob Kall: F.B.I. Data Mining Reached Beyond Initial Targets
Rob Kall: Bering Sea treasure
Rob Kall: Bush Administration Has Intensified False Reporting On Al Qaeda Since "˜Surge' Began
Rob Kall: FOX News attempts to connect Osama bin Laden with American left and Democrats (1 comments)
Jane Stillwater: Africa: The world's largest refugee camp -- with a little help from the G-20...
Rob Kall: Global Markets plunge on fears of US slowdown
Rob Kall: Among Top Officials, 'Surge' Has Sparked Dissent, Infighting
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: How The Rockefeller Republicans Raped America: Part 1 (7 comments)
Saturday, September 8:
Rob Kall: One in four mammals under threat
Rob Kall: Former Sen. Intel Chair Reports White House Misled About Wiretap Briefings
Rob Kall: Sen Hagel Won't Run Again-- Another (R) Incumbent Bites the Dust
Sheila Samples: David Petraeus: General Surge
Jan Baumgartner: Warming is Seen as Wiping Out Most Polar Bears
Sheila Samples: Third Party? Hagel calling it quits when term ends
Dave Lindorff: Was That Nuclear-Armed B-52 Flight Destined for Iran? (5 comments)
Rob Kall: Court: Israel must re-route barrier
Margaret Bassett: Battleground state in 08, they say
E. T. SIMON: NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise
Andrew Johnson: *Professors Make Legal Challenges to NIST 9/11 World Trade Centre Report (16 comments)
Mike Kuykendall: Senator Chuck Hagel to Retire
Friday, September 7:
Rob Kall: Durbin opposes new war funding without troop cuts
Rob Kall: Underclad Coed or Overreacting Airline? (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Bush has bad day at Sydney Opera House (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Comcast Shutting down big downloaders (1 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 07, 2007
Tim Riley: Nuclear Insanity Ordered from the Top (2 comments)
Richard Mathis: Bin Laden raises two ways to end Iraq war (1 comments)
Leonard Peltier: A Message from Leonard Peltier
Joan Brunwasser: Holt Election Reform Bill in Meltdown...Again
Michael Leon: Oral Arguments Scheduled in Jailed Vet Case, Harper's Mag Blasts Biskupic (1 comments)
The Stiletto: ADL's Abe Foxman Picketed At The 92nd Street Y
Kathlyn Stone: Bare bums protest aims anti-Iraq war message at Bush (2 comments)
Russ Wellen: John Edwards Gives Major Speech on Terrorism Today
Russ Wellen: Young American Jews Becoming Apathetic About Israel
Constance Lavender: 12 Arrested in wide ranging NJ Corruption probe by FBI (2 comments)
Kenneth Briggs: *Septemkber 2007 is National Youth Court Month
Richard Mathis: BBC NEWS | Investigating PNG's dark Aids secret
Richard Mathis: Talk To Action | Book Bannings and Burnings in America
Richard Mathis: Americans United: Roy Moore In Exile
Thursday, September 6:
Richard Mathis: GayCityNews - Federal LGBT Rights Bill Gets Hearing
Alan Miller: *Former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment Senior Staff Member Calls for New Investigation of 9/11 (18 comments)
Citizen Denizen: Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction
Ellen Brown: Market Meltdown: The End of a 300 Year Ponzi Scheme (7 comments)
Richard Mathis: God as Their Running Mate - TIME
Aaron Glantz: Success in Iraq? Try Listening to the Troops
Richard Mathis: Web 2.0 and World Peace: Ten Days of Blogging, Podcasting and Web 2.0 Activism for Peace Day on
Richard Mathis: BPF / Palestinian/Israeli Peace Initiatives - A list of groups working for peace in the Mideast
Richard Mathis: Progressive Baptist women wary of Hillary Clinton\'s candidacy
Richard Mathis: Christian Leaders Refuse Food to Cancel Debts |
Press Release: Court Strikes Down Certain Provisions of the Patriot Act!
Richard Mathis: Mel Gibson builds a $37m church in the Malibu hills | Entertainment
Richard Mathis: Action Alert: Urgent: Prayer surge for peace from Jim Wallis | CrossLeft
Richard Mathis: New survey suggests religion may not help '08 candidates
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 06, 2007
Stephen Rockwell: Institute for Progressive Christianity Releases White Paper
Rob Kall: Syria 'fires on Israel warplanes'
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Ron Paul's Revolution and the Corporate Opposition (19 comments)
Michael Leon: DoJ on Biskupic Prosecution: 'How in the heck did this case get brought?'
Russ Wellen: Islamist Terrorists Planned Massive Attacks in Germany (1 comments)
Press Release: Joint statement of Norman Finkelstein and DePaul University (1 comments)
Mike Kuykendall: Incredibly, Larry Craig Reconsidering Resignation
Gustav Wynn: Kids who watch TV more at risk for ADD, smoking, weight gain
Sheila Samples: Archive Sues to Recover 5 Million Missing White House E-mails
Wednesday, September 5:
Sheila Samples: George Bush 'not engaged' in crucial decisions (2 comments)
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 05, 2007
Frank J. Ranelli: Bush Insisted Weapons of Mass Destruction Existed Through April 2006
Alan Miller: *U.S. Navy 'Top Gun' Pilot Questions 9/11 (1 comments)
Mike Kuykendall: Gore Likely to Endorse Dem in Primaries
Joan Brunwasser: NJ in crisis mode: given 8 days to replace 10,000 voting machines (1 comments)
Sherwood Ross: Darfur, Iraq, Conflicts, Show Need to Strengthen UN (2 comments)
Michael Leon: VA Counsel Unilaterally Declares Law Protecting Vets 'Obsolete' in Gov Brief
Paddy Shaffer: New Fear for Ohio...Not Election Fraud, but Tic Tac Fruit (1 comments)
Evelyn Pringle: Experts Say Birth Defect Risks Outweigh Benefits of SSRIs
Frank J. Ranelli: Aussies: Bush 'worst president' ever! (26 comments)
Tuesday, September 4:
Rob Kall: Bush Success Rating at Historic Low (1 comments)
Mary Ann Gould: Listen Up! Bob Fitrakis on Wednesday's "Voice of the Voters!"
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For September 04, 2007
Frank J. Ranelli: High School Student to McCain: You're No Leader (1 comments)
Frank J. Ranelli: Top Cheney Aide: "We're One Bomb Away From Getting Rid" Of Wiretapping Court
Frank J. Ranelli: GAO's Blunt Assessment at Serious Odds with Bush's View
Press Release: ACLU Releases U.S. Army Documents That Depict American Troops' Involvement in Civilian Casualties
Lawrence Velvel: Re: With Its Defeat By Appalachian State, Michigan Finally Realizes Its Many, Many Decades Old Desire To Be The Harvard
Mixter: More Shenanigans: Gee Dubs and Crew Assess Situation in Iraq
Russ Wellen: US Arms Pouring into Middle-East
Monday, September 3:
Rob Kall: Study finds smokers have higher risk of dementia
Sheila Samples: Rove advised Bush against picking Cheney as VP: report
Sheila Samples: Bush makes a surprise visit to Iraq and sees progress
Sheila Samples: Sour Americans hungry for change as election approaches
Margaret Bassett: Blogs » David Yepsen
JGideon: 'Daily Voting News' For Labor Day Weekend
Frank J. Ranelli: Bush seeking immunity for telecommunications businesses in NSA lawsuit
Michael Leon: National VA Director Pushed US Atty Biskupic to Indict Critical Veteran (4 comments)
Rob Kall: Steel, Mine Workers Unions Back Edwards
Rob Kall: Bush Makes Stop in Iraq to Meet With Maliki, Petraeus
Sherwood Ross: Bush Restricts Travel Rights of More Than 100,000 (13 comments)
Rob Kall: Book: "By Sping 2006 White House Management Structure Had Collapsed"
Mark Sashine: Faces (2 comments)
Timothy V. Gatto: How we got George Bush (1 comments)
Sunday, September 2:
Rob Kall: Schumer: Dems can win Craig's seat
Rob Kall: Anti-Hamas rallies staged in Gaza (1 comments)
Rob Kall: U.S.: North Korea agrees to shut down nuke programs
Vickie Karp and Karen Renick: VoteRescue/Texans for REAL Elections Conduct Exit Poll at Texas Straw Poll
Rob Kall: CNN"s Blitzer Does His Job-- Dismantles Republican's CLaim of Progress in Iraq
Rob Kall: Militants routed as army finally regains control of refugee camp
Rob Kall: Suspected Hemorrhagic Fever Kills More Than 100 in Congo
Rob Kall: British troops retreat into the night
Rob Kall: Leahy Wants Gonzales Answers As Guide To Assess Bush's Attorney General Nominee
Rob Kall: White House: Why Gonzales Bailed
Rob Kall: Couric Admits Her Rosy Report From Iraq Is Based On "What The U.S. Military Wants Me To See'
Rob Kall: Pentagon "˜three-day blitz' plan for Iran (3 comments)
Muhammad Khurshid: Terrorists Strike Again In Bajaur Agency
Rob Kall: Mexico's trucks get OK to roll in U.S. next week (1 comments)
Rob Kall: GOP Faces Growing Peril In 2008 Races
Rob Kall: Who Founded Facebook? A New Claim Emerges
Rob Kall: The German heroes who helped Allies against Hitler
Rob Kall: McClatchy ; U.S. population more liberal than at any time in a generation
Abraham007: US Marine: I Was Ordered to Execute Women and Children
Rob Kall: Craig ouster marks new GOP strategy
Rob Kall: Swiss Leading Party: Punish Whole Family For Child's Crime
Saturday, September 1:
Walter Brasch: Fake Photos Helped Lead U.S. to Invade Iraq (23 comments)
Rob Kall: Using and Banning Handles and Pseudonyms on OpEdNews
Sheila Samples: Secret to Forcing Compliance with Subpoenas (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush seeks to grant immunity for Verison, AT&T
Timothy V. Gatto: Fresh UK attack on US Iraq policy (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: US Says Company Bribed Officers for Work in Iraq
Citizen Denizen: Iraq Wounded: Images From the Dark Side of War
chris ferry: DOJ Seeks to Recover From Gonzales' Tenure
Rob Kall: Inside DCSNet, the FBI's Nationwide Eavesdropping Network
Sheila Samples: Report: Top US general in Iraq says troop surge is working (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush's plan for aiding homeowners is less than it appears
Sheila Samples: Experts: Fixing Justice should be on Bush's agenda
Sheila Samples: The Bad Judgment of Gen. David Petraeus
Sheila Samples: British Army chief attacks US over Iraq (1 comments)