Archives for Life Arts
March 2008
Monday, March 31:
Matt Sanchez: Having your Baby and Breeding it Too (1 comments)
Bruce Allen Morris: Jesus Marches On (1 comments)
Vi Ransel: Connect the Dots
Sunday, March 30:
Liza Persson: John Cusack movie takes on war profiteers
robert braunstein: Circus is in town
Friday, March 28:
Margaret Bassett: A Dream Deferred College for Immigrant Children (6 comments)
Peace Brother: From "A Course in Miracles": Defenselessness is Strength (7 comments)
Thursday, March 27:
Ken Meyercord: Year Six of the Occupation (2 comments)
Saniel Bonder: Does Macroeconomics Depend on Macro -- and Micro -- Emotion?
Joseph Danison: Steve Alten's "The Shell Game", the First 911 Novel
Amanda Lang: eBooks: On Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History by Thomas Carlyle
magix: The carbon neutrality myth of centralized renewables (7 comments)
Jim Miles: Book Review - The new imperialists - Ideologies of Empire (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The energy we take for granted is becoming scarce
Mike Palecek: "Cost of Freedom" Tour/Day 15
Laudyms: 'Green collars' becoming a force in U.S. economy
Wednesday, March 26:
Amanda Lang: Italy starts campaign to stop eating disorders
Laudyms: Illustrator Who Was Inspired by Molly Ivins Wins Bush Library Contest (2 comments)
Michael Salla: Anonymous Source Revealing Secret United Nations Meeting on ETs/UFOs Becomes More Credible (5 comments)
Meryl Ann Butler: MEET ME ON THE MOUNTAIN: Brokeback Inspires Composer Shawn Kirchner - A Music Review (2 comments)
Tuesday, March 25:
Kenneth Briggs: Sinking the Ship of State-a Book Review
Frosty Wooldridge: 10 Million Tons Floating: Our Plastic Oceans (3 comments)
Laudyms: The Great Beyond: The incredible shrinking sea ice
Vi Ransel: Mesozoic Menu
Stan Cox: Turning water into ethanol is no miracle (3 comments)
Monday, March 24:
Amanda Lang: Watch Online PBS: Bush's War: A 4-Hour Special Pre-9/11 Til Now (3 comments)
Jane Stillwater: Iraq on $5,000 a second: Where to go & what to see
Rob Kall: Elephant man transformed by Face transplant
Russ Wellen: Sign of the Times: Best Buy, Home Depot Allow Haggling
Vi Ransel: The Price of Democracy
Sunday, March 23:
Peace Brother: Pasta Fazool = Happy Easter! (8 comments)
Rob Kall: Will Joe Lieberman be John McCain's Assisted Living Caretaker and Vice-President as They Bomb Iran? (2 comments)
Mike Palecek: If I Can Just Get Off Of This L.A. Freeway Without Getting Killed Or Caught
Amanda Lang: Resist the Impulse to Panic Over Finances
John E. Carey: Back From The Dead (10 comments)
Laudyms: Grain Farmer Claims Moral Victory in Seed Battle Against Monsanto -
Saturday, March 22:
Amanda Lang: No diseases for old men (2 comments)
Woody Powell: AMERICA IN PERIL -- book review
Kate Quimby: 5 Minute Peace Plan
Jim Miles: War in Heaven - Book Review
Vi Ransel: The Riding Lesson
Peace Brother: The Pompitous of Love (5 comments)
Friday, March 21:
Margaret Bassett: Science/Nature | Study unlocks Latin American past
Thursday, March 20:
robert braunstein: Ex-Great Gugga-MUGGA
Munich: New Video of BigDog Quadruped Robot Is So Stunning It's Spooky (3 comments)
robert braunstein: Dog Matic
waldopaper: Reality and Bullshit (3 comments)
robert braunstein: Nature Sucks (1 comments)
Marianne Barisonek: Book Review - The Translator
Geoffrey of Bordentown: What are the Ebay Seller Tool Websites Really Doing with Buyer Information?
Wednesday, March 19:
Amanda Lang: BODY OF WAR | New Phil Donahue/Ellen Spiro Documentary
Amanda Lang: Japanese unveil a novel way to walk on water
Rady Ananda: The Law of Demand (1 comments)
Tuesday, March 18:
Kenneth Briggs: Florida's Democratic Presidential Primary (2 comments)
C.L. Pagano: Spring Equinox & Libra Full Moon, 2008
Marti Oakley: *States Claiming Ownership of Newborn's DNA (11 comments)
Jane Stillwater: Special "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition" issue of my housing co-op newsletter (2 comments)
Michael Morris: The True Sprit of Love – Update (2 comments)
Vi Ransel: The Conservation of Charity
Wally: Call for a National Dialogue for Real Change.. (2 comments)
Monday, March 17:
dR. O: The Crash of '08
Stephen C. Rose: "The Lord's Prayer Song" by Stephen C. Rose
Lana Gersten: Weddings exposed: Bride and groom bare it all (2 comments)
Jim Hogue: "The Shell Game" - Endgame of Empire
Amanda Lang: Slum visits: Tourism or voyeurism?
Sunday, March 16:
Kenneth Briggs: Boston 08-- 38th National Council Conference-May 1-3, 2008
Margaret Bassett: Deconstructing Spitzer's Spiraling End AP's step by step
Carrie Gamble: Easter – A Time for Family, Love and The Traditional "Easter Lamb Cake" (2 comments)
Mark Sashine: Russians from CT in Alaska. Y2006 (2 comments)
Saturday, March 15:
Dave Berman: Photo Gallery: Eureka, CA Peace March 3/15/08 (6 comments)
Sharon Roach: Will Silda Spitzer Give Up? (5 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Book Review David Rothkopf's "Superclass"
robert braunstein: Easy Come
robert braunstein: Goodnight
robert braunstein: How It Works
Friday, March 14:
Kathlyn Stone: The Uses of Empathy: A Medical Student’s Perspective
Laudyms: The bird flu virus has mutated
Kyle Hunt: Energy and Film (8 comments)
Thursday, March 13:
Amanda Lang: Will 'Jezebel James' Follow in the Footsteps of 'Gilmore Girls?'
Kathlyn Stone: Iraq's health care system crippled by staff and medical supply shortages (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Insults Taking Hold of Democratic Race
Wally: Genuine Socialism vs. Corporate Propaganda (18 comments)
Wednesday, March 12:
M. Wizard: "Characteristics" by Thomas Carlyle
Laudyms: My Top 10 Uses of Vinegar In the Home :: Green Living (1 comments)
Russ Wellen: Wired's Editor Thinks Free Is the Future of Business
Tuesday, March 11:
Amanda Lang: 'John Adams' Premiere: Talking To Paul Giamatti, Tom Hanks And David McCullough (1 comments)
Stephen Fox: Testimony re: Hawaii Rep. Josh Green, M.D., Resolution re: Aspartame in Hawaii
JohnPeebles: Meds in Your Water; Health Care Segmented
Ron Jacobs: Walking the Lonely Road:A Review of Paul Robeson's Words of Freedom
Stephen C. Rose: Jean Shepherd (July 26, 1921 - October 16, 1999) on the Web (4 comments)
Monday, March 10:
b2008: WOULD YOU CHANGE? (6 comments)
Sunday, March 9:
The Last MoveMent: The Last Bastion of Privacy Is Breached: A Machine Can Look Into Your Mind (4 comments)
Jan Baumgartner: A Day In Mexico (18 comments)
Saturday, March 8:
Sherwin Steffin: The Teenage Brain (2 comments)
Sherwin Steffin: The Nukes of October: Richard Nixon's Secret Plan to Bring Peace to Vietnam (1 comments)
Friday, March 7:
Sharon Roach: Hell is Truth Seen To Late (8 comments)
Barbara Peterson: Relocalizing Eden
Amanda Lang: The Next Agriculture?
Thursday, March 6:
Jane Stillwater: "Another child is diagnosed with autism every 20 minutes." And nobody protests this? (1 comments)
Joan Wile: New Book About American Anti-War Grandmothers Scathingly Criticizes Hillary Clinton (1 comments)
C.L. Pagano: Pisces New Moon 2008
M. Wizard: "Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Doyle Mills: DRUGS – WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW COULD KILL YOU (2 comments)
M. Wizard: Aldous Huxley's Final Essay: Shakespeare and Religion
Michael Salla: Secret UN meetings discussing UFOs Chaired by President of the General Assembly (6 comments)
Amanda Lang: How's the economy in your hometown? (2 comments)
Wednesday, March 5:
Joel S. Hirschhorn: Mending Broken Hearts with Cardiac Rehab (2 comments)
Kenneth Briggs: Mental Health Equity (1 comments)
Kathlyn Stone: Artwork Inspired by Pain and Healing
"Hoss" David P.: BAIT AND SWITCH (14 comments)
Mark Harris: Where are the Candidates Who Embrace These Six Words?
Marilyn Frith: Seriously Seeking Solutions (Male sexism: cause and cure) (21 comments)
Tuesday, March 4:
Laudyms: The Oil Drum | Bread and Oil: Rising Food Prices and the Middle East
Sharon Roach: You can be spiritual without the church (14 comments)
Rob Kall: Three Right Feet Wash Ashore in Western Canda; Authorities Stumped (1 comments)
Monday, March 3:
Amanda Lang: Documentary: 'Chicago 10' Re-Animates a Protest Story
George Washington: We are Powerless . . Or ARE We? (6 comments)
Clerical Business Solutions: Get And Maintain Good Business Credit
Fatima Khurshid: Can US Play A Role In Saving Women From Violence? (11 comments)
M. Wizard: Overcoming Obstacles in Spiritual Life (8 comments)
Sunday, March 2:
Robert Fiddaman Dip.Couns MOC & MSFTR: Lapdap - The Breckenridge Connection
Michael Bonanno: Denial
Kathlyn Stone: Man admits striking woman on the way to anger management class (2 comments)
Kenneth Briggs: ELIGIBILITY FOR TAX REBATE (4 comments)
Saturday, March 1:
Gregory Paul: Why is Secular European Society Doing So Much Better Than God-Fearing America?: The Big Picture, Part 2
Laudyms: Foreign Policy In Focus | The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water (1 comments)
Michael Salla: French Expert Publicly Emerges to Confirm Secret United Nations Meeting on UFO's (12 comments)
Ed Tubbs: An inappropriate sidstep, at least for me. (1 comments)
Ed Komarek: Air Force Drops Flares to Quell UFO Reports? (4 comments)