Archives for Best Web OpEds
April 2008
Wednesday, April 30:
Sheila Samples: Consider the Consequences of Bombing Iran’s Nuclear Power Plants, and Pray
Sheila Samples: Ted Rall: Arrest Bush
Sheila Samples: Hartmann: Interview with Former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman
Sheila Samples: John Nichols: Interview with Jimmy Carter
Amanda Lang: ERIC BREWER: White House Blacklist Breakthrough: Online media team up for free press victory
Amanda Lang: Gotcha! Olbermann Rips Apart Bush Economy Speech (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Myriad Crises, but Inertia in Official Washington
Margaret Bassett: Analysis: Better the No. 2 Spot...or Going Back to the Hill?
Sheila Samples: The Demise of Democracy's Sacred Trinity
Robbrian: THE Energy Solution: The Gorlov Helix Turbine
Darren Wolfe: The CRA Scam and its Defenders (5 comments)
Cameron James: The Capitalist Workday, the Socialist Workday
Mark E. Smith: Consensual Political Intercourse
Margaret Bassett: The Democrats' God problem - Walter Shapiro
Sheila Samples: NYT Editorial: The Court Fumbles on Voting Rights
Sheila Samples: Ominous Signs That White House Advisers Want More Wars (7 comments)
Tuesday, April 29:
Sheila Samples: Froomkin: Cheney's Total Impunity (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Obama the Inevitable
Sheila Samples: The Pastor Casts a Shadow
Laudyms: No Problems!! (why we care about trivia)
Laudyms: The Iraq War Morphs Into The Iranian War- By Paul Craig Roberts (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: The GOP's Generation Gap: Thanks for Nothing, Dubya
Len Hart: The Origins of the Bush Regime in Hitler's Third Reich (5 comments)
Amanda Lang: Halliburton Bribe Case Haunts Cheney
Rob Kall: Barack Obama, Rev. Wright, and Racism, America Responds: We're Not Done With You Yet (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: "Message Force Multipliers" and the Handmaidens of Hell
Amanda Lang: John McCain & The Keating Five Legacy
Sheila Samples: With Friends Like These . . . Who Needs Hillary? (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: Crazyman's Economics: Are Hedge Funds and Financial Speculation Behind the Food and Oil Crisis?
Laudyms: Debbie Almontaser and the Arab culture school- victims of the proxy battle over Israel and Palestine
Josh Mitteldorf: GOP managing the Dem Primary?
Bennet Kelley: Cyber-Swift Boating Obama
Amanda Lang: Massive Propaganda Laundry at the WSJ - Syria Reactor WASN"T
Margaret Bassett: April 7, 2008: Push, whack, shove, wallop and pound
Amanda Lang: Analysis | Pentagon Cozy With TV Generals
Monday, April 28:
M. Wizard: Why the Discredited Right Still Sets the Agenda and Dominates the Debate
Darren Wolfe: New Delhi's Food Failure
Ann Weaver Hart: Guilty Until Proven Innocent - Associated Content (1 comments)
Rady Ananda: REAL ID side effects
Laudyms: Principles of the Imperial New World Order (2 comments)
Laudyms: Race, Class & Democratic Primaries
Laudyms: "No Refuge But in Audacity": Barack Obama and the Democratic Party (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: Ann Wright | Army Cover-Up of Rape and Murder? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: A Hostage's Story: CBS Journalist Speaks
Sheila Samples: Tisdall: The old drumbeat
Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: The Torture Election
Sheila Samples: Justin Raimondo: Is War With Iran Imminent?
Amanda Lang: Petraeus, Falling Upwards
Amanda Lang: Military Propaganda Pushed Me Off TV
Stephen C. Rose: Rev. Wright Detroit NAACP Speech (3 comments)
Sunday, April 27:
Laudyms: 3 Reasons the Economy Is Headed South (1 comments)
Laudyms: The "Green Peril": Creating the Islamic Fundamentalist Threat
Kathlyn Stone: Independent Leading article: The price of our oil dependency
Sheila Samples: The neoconning of a nation: Vice-President, shilling troupe of retired generals, deliver fantastic tales for their cause
Sheila Samples: The Clock is Ticking for an Attack on Iran
Amanda Lang: Obama on Fox
Stephen C. Rose: Governor Rendell Honors Farrakhan (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Passover 1943: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising on Hitler's Birthday (9 comments)
Barbara Peterson: 9/11 Contradictions: When Did Cheney Enter the Underground Bunker? (7 comments)
Amanda Lang: Is McCain Impotent? (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: ELIZABETH EDWARDS: Bowling 1, Health Care 0 (5 comments)
Amanda Lang: Tracking the Spoils of the Private Sector from Bush's War on the Taxpayers (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: How McCain Lost in Pennsylvania (1 comments)
Jim Freeman: "DEAR SENATOR OBAMA . . . " by Karl Rove (3 comments)
Saturday, April 26:
Sheila Samples: The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy: Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke
Sheila Samples: Collins: McCain’s Compassion Tour
Sheila Samples: NYT Editorial: The Tarnished Brass
Sheila Samples: News By Fortune Cookie
Laudyms: Why the US has really gone broke, by Chalmers Johnson (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: Idea of the Day: Reduce the High Cost of Being Poor
Andreas Umland: Kremlin Overkill: Why Putin's entry into party politics is the beginning of the end of Russian facade democracy (2 comments)
Laudyms: Ralph Nader: Disintegration is Everywhere (24 comments)
Rob Kall: Nothing Wrong With Perseverance, Right?
Amanda Lang: Executive Summary: Harvard's 14th Biannual Youth Survey on Politics and Public Service
Better World Order: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories May Contain the Truth
Friday, April 25:
Darren Wolfe: The U.S. Role in Haiti's Food Riots
Sheila Samples: Iraq War Is Everyone Else's Fault, Feith Explains
Sheila Samples: Greenwald: Skepticism toward Bush claims about Syria and North Korea
Sheila Samples: Morford: All the president's liars
Sheila Samples: The Plunge Protection Team
Rady Ananda: Western excess is the Earth killer
Amanda Lang: Is an Attack on Iran Imminent?
Amanda Lang: Delaying Bush Admin's Medicaid Regs Will Not Weaken the Program's Fiscal Integrity, 4/25/08
Laudyms: The Clintons Learned Their Lessons Well
Amanda Lang: Frederic Lemaitre | The Revenge of Agriculture
Laudyms: Bear Stearns Buy-Out... 100% Fraud
Stephen C. Rose: Stop Dissing Hillary? (4 comments)
Amanda Lang: They've Come to Suck Our Blood
Amanda Lang: No Golden Rule For Conservatives
Amanda Lang: The Future of American Power - Fareed Zakaria
Thursday, April 24:
Darren Wolfe: Hillary Hates Freedom
Peter Dearman: Everyday life in Ramallah
Better World Order: Bin Laden: Key enabler of "imperial mobilization"
Darren Wolfe: The Queen of Pork
Charlie L: Self-thoathing Liberals hire Tony Snow... in the hospital
Mike Kuykendall: I'm Surrounded by Obama-philes! (6 comments)
Laudyms: Latin America: the attack on democracy (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: McCain, Hagee and the Politics of God's Wrath
Sheila Samples: What the Iraq war is about (1 comments)
Stephen C. Rose: Unabashed Racism and Nice Guy Politics
Karen Fish: NYT Finally Shows and Reveals the Disaster that is Baghdad
Margaret Bassett: Will the Democrats flop in Denver? Madden gives "ifs"
Better World Order: Disjointed effort: After seven years, the U.S. still lacks a comprehensive anti-terror strategy (2 comments)
Wednesday, April 23:
Sheila Samples: Life Expectancies Dropping, Wages Falling, Food Rationing Reported -- What the Hell is Going on? (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: NYT Editorial: The Low Road to Victory
Sheila Samples: McCain's GI Bill Mantra: Fewer Benefits = Higher Retention
Laudyms: Compromise Efforts on FY 2009 Budget Resolution
Sheila Samples: Malloy: On to Indiana - and Pass the Syrup
Andreas Umland: Ukraine, NATO, and German Foreign Policy: Berlin and Russian Interests in the Former USSR (1 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Will the CIA Kill or Oust Ecuador's President? (4 comments)
Amanda Lang: The Great Silence: Our Gilded Age and Theirs
Kevin Gosztola: Corporate Reporters Tell Lies for a Living
Stephen C. Rose: Actual Pennsylvania Primary Results (5 comments)
Amanda Lang: What Makes Spending the Problem?
Amanda Lang: Greenspan's legacy vs Volcker's demarche (1 comments)
Len Hart: Imminent Arrest of Americans for War Crimes? (3 comments)
Amanda Lang: Elizabeth Edwards: 'This Is Not A Cheap Shot; It Is Potentially Life And Death'
Tuesday, April 22:
Sheila Samples: Message To Fed Chief Bernanke: "Enough With The Cuts, Already"
Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Bush has a sneering contempt for the law.
Laudyms: Hard Times
Amanda Lang: The First 21st-Century Campaign (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: The Endless Primary: Good For the Democrats (1 comments)
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): U S called a house of cards just on brink!
Margaret Bassett: Obama and Mellencamp, But Where's Edwards?
Amanda Lang: Step II in defining McCain: He's really wealthy
Amanda Lang: EARTH DAY RESOLUTION: No Biofuel from Food Crops
Sheila Samples: Un-"threat"-ing Iran: An Interview With Stephen Kinzer
Sheila Samples: It's Time To Defund Torture (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: Clueless in America (2 comments)
Kathlyn Stone: To Hillary Clinton Supporters: Your Candidate Just Said She's Prepared to Murder Millions of Innocent People
Sheila Samples: Scott Horton: Which came first: memos or torture?
Laudyms: Putting a Check on Corporate Power
Sheila Samples: Former Bush Spokesman Joins CNN One Day After New York Times Reveals How White House Controlled Pundit Generals
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Scarborough Runs from Maddow (5 comments)
Amanda Lang: I know waterboarding is torture - because I did it myself (1 comments)
Joel Wendland: McCain's Back Door Deals Shatter Ethical Facade (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: A Developer, His Deals and His Ties to McCain (1 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Politically Contrived Gasoline Shortage
Stephen C. Rose: Obama Corner -- Pennsylvania Primary -- April 22, 2008
Amanda Lang: BOB HERBERT: Clueless in America
Darren Wolfe: Dangerously Counterproductive War on Terror
Margaret Bassett: The Homeownership Ideologues Whose Bubble? (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Steve Weissman | Baiting Obama as in Redbaiting
Monday, April 21:
Amanda Lang: George Monbiot: The most potent weapon wielded by the empires of Murdoch and China
Sheila Samples: Michael Moore: My Vote's for Obama (if I could vote) (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Next Version Of Telecom Immunity Will Be For Halliburton (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Parry: US News Media's Latest Disgrace (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Truth Vs. 'Trash Journalism': McCain's Weak Rebuttal to Damaging Allegations
Sheila Samples: Kathy Bay Malloy: A New Low
Amanda Lang: Pentagon Propaganda Pundits: The Video (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: Which came first: Memos or Torture? (1 comments)
siriusss: War consumers alert
Amanda Lang: JON SOLTZ: The Pentagon's Spin Machine
Rady Ananda: GOP blocks tribute to labor legend Chavez
Amanda Lang: The Pentagon's Propaganda Machine?
Laudyms: Jose Can You See? Bush's Trojan Taco
Amanda Lang: NYT Investigation Exposes Pentagon Pimps & Propaganda Operation
Margaret Bassett: Obama risks alienating newfound GOP fans -Robert Novak (2 comments)
Sunday, April 20:
Sheila Samples: Talking to ourselves
Darren Wolfe: Fuels vs. Food (4 comments)
Saturday, April 19:
Laudyms: When bananas ruled the world (2 comments)
Laudyms: David Brooks' fictitious defense of his industry's behavior
Laudyms: A New Deal in Pakistan
Laudyms: If ABC ran the Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
Stephen C. Rose: My New Magic Obama Number -- 59 (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush Has 'Understood Nothing, Learned Nothing' (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: NYT Editorial: Whose Privilege?
Sheila Samples: Torture: The Green Light
Friday, April 18:
Better World Order: The ABC Debate and the Danger to Democracy (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: Torture and the Law
Tom Driscoll: Holmes & Co.
Better World Order: The next president should open up the Bush Administration's record (1 comments)
Better World Order: Mukasey dishonesty update
Laudyms: The *real* third-rail of politics
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: McCain's Gas Tax Holiday Hurts US Helps Oil Producers (6 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Has Capitalism Failed? (17 comments)
Better World Order: Public must fight to maintain net neutrality (1 comments)
Better World Order: Global Blowback: New American cover story on how US policies foster terrorism (5 comments)
Mac McKinney: THE ROVING EYE: My militia is more untouchable than yours, by Pepe Escobar
Margaret Bassett: Are the Clintons Playing Joe McCarthy?
Thursday, April 17:
Rob Kall: Paul Krugman; Obama Wrong On Most of his Bitter Comments (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: McCain confirms US ideological bankruptcy
Amanda Lang: The rise of the new energy world order (9 comments)
Amanda Lang: A diplomatic shuffle on Iran
Sheila Samples: For Chris Matthews, misogyny pays (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Round Four (3 comments)
Amanda Lang: Undercover Black Man: Cornel West on Barack Obama
Margaret Bassett: Hillary's Hypocrisy on Video (Updated)
Amanda Lang: McCain's Vietnam Lessons Unlearned
Laudyms: Thank you Jimmy Carter for everything, even for using the apartheid word
Amanda Lang: Does giving up a college deferment and six years on active duty count as loving one's country?
Rob Kall: In Pa. Debate, The Clear Loser Is ABC
Stephen C. Rose: Hannity > Stephanopoulos > Ambush Politics -- Part Two
Amanda Lang: Homeland Security head wields too much power over the environment
Sheila Samples: Top Neocon Calls For Destruction Of Constitution (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: NYT Editorial: The Supreme Court Fine-Tunes Pain
Sheila Samples: An open letter to Charlie Gibson and George Stephanapoulos
Rady Ananda: Acts of Hope: Challenging Empire on the World Stage (2 comments)
Joel Wendland: ABC News Presidential Debate Scores an "F"
Margaret Bassett: Michael Winship | Why Shouldn't We Be Bitter? (1 comments)
Wednesday, April 16:
Sheila Samples: Vladimir Putin strengthens bid to return to power
Sheila Samples: Morford: Free Tibet? Hell, free America!
Sheila Samples: The Cowboy and the Shepherd
Sheila Samples: Surprise: Election Reforms Politicized
Sheila Samples: Borowitz Humor: How Can We Miss Him if He Won’t Go Away? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Closing in on Bush's Torture Cabal: Who Will Take the Fall? (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Tim Robbins Uses Sarcasm to Enumerate Broadcast Media's Failures
Sheila Samples: Buchanan: Petraeus points to war with Iran
Sheila Samples: Froomkin: Bush's Third Climate-Change Fake-Out
Laudyms: A man-made famine
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): NEW: ABC/Washington Post - Everything Poll - Huge - OBAMA - Surge
Rady Ananda: Men Explain Things to Me: Facts don't get in their way (4 comments)
Kathlyn Stone: ei: Carter's visit with Hamas' Meshal (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: Dickipedia - A Wiki of Dicks: John McCain (satire)
Joel Wendland: Colombia Free Trade Agreement "Dead" – No Tears Here
Andreas Umland: Will United Russia become a fascist party? (7 comments)
Tuesday, April 15:
Sheila Samples: Whitney: Financial Collapse will End the Occupation (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Amid mounting food crisis, governments fear revolution of the hungry
Amanda Lang: Dick Cheney was never a "grown-up" (1 comments)
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Hillary Clinton's Strategically Delayed Gratification (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: A Confederacy of Dunces
Margaret Bassett: The Pope and the President By John Nichols
Laudyms: Demand Accountability for Bush's Top-Down Torture Policy
Rady Ananda: Sexism in the primaries (6 comments)
Amanda Lang: Will these men save the world?
Amanda Lang: How would you spend $3 trillion?
Sheila Samples: Still taken in by 'what it takes'
Sheila Samples: The Madness of Ben Bernanke
Margaret Bassett: The rubes and the elites - Disecting the Democratic Voter
Margaret Bassett: Mr. and Ms. Spoken: Comment: The New Yorker (2 comments)
Monday, April 14:
Mac McKinney: Financial Collapse will End the Occupation by Mike Whitney
Sheila Samples: Memo to CBS: If you’re looking for a news anchor, how about hiring Keith Olbermann?
Sheila Samples: NYT Editorial: All the Time He Needs
Sheila Samples: William Rivers Pitt: Project Update
Laudyms: You want elitism? You want bitter? I'll give you both
Sheila Samples: Sanctity of Contracts: Mortgages and Credit Cards
Sheila Samples: Krugman: Crisis of Confidence
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: The Petraeus-Crocker Show Gets the Hook
Sheila Samples: Will the Constitution Be Altered to Eliminate Key Liberties?
Stephen C. Rose: Mayhill Fowler Violated The Rules
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Hillary & Mark Penn
Laudyms: Project Update
Laudyms: John Baer: Decades of working-class neglect - now that's insulting
Sunday, April 13:
Andreas Umland: Between the Weimar and Bonn Scenarios: Post-Soviet Russian Anti-Americanism and the Post-War German Experience (1 comments)
Stephen Hart: Article Nails the Obama "Bitter Voters" Question
Margaret Bassett: Robert Parry's analysis of Clinton campaigning
Laudyms: An Economy Built On Lies by Gary North
Sheila Samples: Eric Larsen: The Premeditated Murder Of The United States (2 comments)
Better World Order: Credit Default Swaps: Evolving Financial Meltdown and Derivative Disaster Du Jour (1 comments)
Laudyms: John Yoo: Spearhead or scapegoat? - Glenn Greenwald (2 comments)
Laudyms: Joe Bageant: Welcome to Middle-Class Lockdown
Stephen C. Rose: Mayhill Fowler Should Come Clean
Saturday, April 12:
Sheila Samples: Where will the buck stop over Iraq?
Sheila Samples: Pope won't break bread with Bush (3 comments)
W. Christopher Epler (Bill): It's Obama, stupid: Carter and Gore to end Clinton bid
Sherwin Steffin: What personality tests reveal about the candidates
Amanda Lang: Soros: Credit Crunch Is "Biggest Financial Crisis Of My Lifetime"
Laudyms: Coming Ecological Collapse: Failing Ecosystems the Mother of All Bubbles (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: Listen Up McCain: It's Occupation, Not War (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: William E. Odom: Iraq Testimony from a Different General
Margaret Bassett: War-Weary Pa. Voters Wonder About Exit
Amanda Lang: The Next President's First Task: A Manifesto
Stephen C. Rose: Obama to McCain-Clinton: "People Are Fed Up!"
Sheila Samples: Memo to Petraeus & Crocker: More Laughs, Please
Gregg Gordon: Iraq and the US economy: ills feeding off each other
Friday, April 11:
Sheila Samples: The Very Annoying Washington Post
Sheila Samples: Greenwald: More on Michael Mukasey's false 9/11 and FISA claims (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Froomkin: Cheney on the Warpath Again?
Amanda Lang: BUCHANAN: Petraeus points to war with Iran (1 comments)
Laudyms: Hallucinations of Empire (3 comments)
Stephen C. Rose: To Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid : Impeach Bush & Co. (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Krugman: Health Care Horror Stories
Joel Wendland: The Business of War
Thursday, April 10:
Margaret Bassett: Colombia Trade Fight is a Human Rights Test
Sheila Samples: New Roadblocks Delay Tribunals at Guantánamo
Sheila Samples: Bush Launches Economic 'Shock and Awe' on Iran
Sheila Samples: Spying on Americans: The FBI's "Quantico Circuit" -- Still Spying, Still Lying
Sheila Samples: War Crimes Investigation Ahead? (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: No answers, no goals, no exit
Sheila Samples: Conyers Wants Yoo, Too
Sheila Samples: Memo Shows Bush Administration Says to Hell With Fourth Amendment Rights
Sheila Samples: Parry: The Very Annoying Washington Post
Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: Capital Crimes: Another Smoking Gun on Terror War Torture
Amanda Lang: Military docs reveal CIA role in Laos crisis - Nuke option was on table in '59
Kevin Gosztola: Jimmy Carter
Laudyms: "A Tale of Three Lawyers" by Scott Horton
Laudyms: Yoo's on First?
Amanda Lang: Catch 2,200
Amanda Lang: Blowing Them Away Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry
Mac McKinney: Evil Iran, the New al-Qaeda, by Pepe Escobar (2 comments)
Wednesday, April 9:
Joe Parko: In Defense of Rev Jeremiah Wright (1 comments)
Tri 'cat' Oxtail: McKinney 2008 -POWER TO THE PEOPLE (3 comments)
Laudyms: Pilger: Honouring the 'unbreakable promise'
Sheila Samples: Ghosts of A New American Century
Sheila Samples: Chimpeach Bush? Only Third Party Candidates are Discussing it
Sheila Samples: David Corn: Dems Miss Opportunity to Challenge Surge (1 comments)
Laudyms: Wash Post Opines on Future of Entitlements
Margaret Bassett: Petraeus, Crocker, McCain, Clinton, Obama and... Feingold (1 comments)
Dan Merica: Petraeus Testimony This Week Will Signal Iran Attack
Laudyms: Exhausted, Overextended Troops Ready to 'Unravel'
Laudyms: Why I Will Not Vote for John McCain- fellow POW
Stephen C. Rose: What The End Is Going To Look Like
Darren Wolfe: New Regulations Will Shape the Next Crisis
Gregg Gordon: Riding the Tiger: Muqtada al-Sadr and the American Dilemma in Iraq (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Interview With Tomas Young of Film "Body of War"
Sheila Samples: Basra battles
Tuesday, April 8:
Sheila Samples: Is David Petraeus Dirty? Ted Westhusing Said So, and Then He Shot Himself
Sheila Samples: Tom Engelhardt: Don't Betray Us, General: Admit That Iraq Keeps Getting Worse, And That The Surge Failed
Sheila Samples: New Yorker: Military Conflict
Sheila Samples: Documents prove FBI has national eavesdropping program that tracks IMs, emails and cell phones
Gregg Gordon: Robert Fisk: The fearful lives in a land of the free (2 comments)
Len Hart: You Can't Handle the Truth (8 comments)
Margaret Bassett: ˜Blue Dogs' Become Fundraising Powerhouse (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: How 1968 changed Hillary -- Politial Party History
Russ Wellen: The Meekest Democratic Senator (No, Not Harry Reid)
Monday, April 7:
Rob Kall: Glenn Greenwald: Cokie Roberts Lies About the War and Where the American People Stand
Sheila Samples: Continuity of Government and the "ENDGAME" Scenario
Sheila Samples: Book: McCain temper boiled over in '92 tirade, called wife a 'C-word'
Sheila Samples: Jay Rockefeller: The Most Gullible Sheep in the Senate?
Sheila Samples: Over the Top Fed Actions Feed Conspiracy Thinking
Sheila Samples: Mark Penn and Senator Clinton: It's a Matter of Trust
Sheila Samples: Andrew Sullivan: Bush Administration Officials Will Be 'Indicted For War Crimes'
Sheila Samples: Ignoring Uptick In Iraq Violence, Lieberman And Graham Accuse War Critics Of ‘A Crisis Of Credibility’
Laudyms: The State Department's Trivialization of Anti-Semitism
Rady Ananda: Planet Earth: The Big Picture (4 comments)
Rob Kall: The Last Wish of Martin Luther King
Sunday, April 6:
Mark E. Smith: Student Given Weapons in High School (3 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Alan Dershowitz: Discriminating Between Policy Differences and Prejudice (2 comments)
Laudyms: Fed Up: Bernanke joins G-7 to Stem Global Financial Meltdown (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: Strategic Assets - Are Your Members of Congress War Profiteers? (6 comments)
Laudyms: The General and the Trap
Rady Ananda: Protecting Democracy Isn't Nutty (2 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Ruth Wisse WaPo 2007 Op-Ed: Are American Jews Too Powerful? Not Even Close
Dan Lieberman: Decline of the Party Power System (5 comments)
Saturday, April 5:
Sheila Samples: Army Worried by Rising Stress of Return Tours to Iraq
Rady Ananda: It's official, Alabama is the Soviet Union
Sheila Samples: ‘I'm your Viagra, okay?’
Sheila Samples: Basra, Baghdad and Beyond
Sheila Samples: Candidates to press Petraeus on Iraq
Sheila Samples: Obama and Hillary Spin a 'Big Lie' About Iraq (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: The Already Big Thing on the Internet: Spying on Users (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: US jobless figures: The specter of a new depression
Amanda Lang: Latin America and the U.S. Presidential Campaign: Nikolas Kosloff on John McCain
Better World Order: The DOJ comments on the Mukasey controversy
Amanda Lang: Who Is Iraq's "Firebrand Cleric"? An Interview with Patrick Cockburn
Amanda Lang: A Former GI's Perspective on the War Mea Culpas
Kevin Gosztola: Are Hillary and Obama Afraid of Talking About the New Deal? (1 comments)
Dan Merica: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Friday, April 4:
Sheila Samples: Perils in The Price Of Rice
Sheila Samples: Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Should the U.S. End Aid to Israel?
Sheila Samples: Investors Stalk the Wounded of Wall Street
Sheila Samples: Krugman: Voodoo Health Economics (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: How the U.S. Just Got Schooled by a 'Rag-Tag' Neighborhood Army in Iraq (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: The Republican War on Voting (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: 81% of Americans Dissatisfied with Our Country's Direction -- the Highest Level Ever
Sheila Samples: Lieberman Creates New Imaginary Foe: Al Qaeda in Iran (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Where Was the Military Brass Against the Yoo Memo? The Political Leadership?
Sheila Samples: Bushwacked -- the Sequel: Jobs Down, Unemployment Up
Laudyms: Fed's interest rate games could destroy the dollar (2 comments)
Laudyms: Should the U.S. End Aid to Israel?
Laudyms: A Time to Break Silence: By Rev. Martin Luther King
Darren Wolfe: Strategic Assets (7 comments)
Andreas Umland: Taras Kuzio: Germany against Kyiv's Westward push
Paul Rye: The Fox is in the Hen-House (6 comments)
Laudyms: The Corporate-written Colombia Trade Deal (1 comments)
Laudyms: Soros: The false belief at the heart of the financial turmoil
M. Wizard: Randi Rhodes: We Believe VIDEO (3 comments)
Gregg Gordon: Calm -- and Hope -- in Indianapolis
Rob Kall: A Lie or Terrifying MSM Negligence: Why Won't Journalists Demand an Answer? (2 comments)
Laudyms: ACLU And NACDL Assembling Guantanamo Defense Teams
Sheila Samples: Glenn Greenwald: Why doesn't the 9/11 Commission know about Mukasey's 9/11 story? (10 comments)
Sheila Samples: Froomkin: Intimidating the Press
Sheila Samples: IRAQ: 'Handed Over' to a Government Called Sadr
Thursday, April 3:
Sheila Samples: "Emergency" Bill Tries to Make Electronic Voting More Accurate, But Will It?
Philip Knab: "War is Hell". The Bloody Facts.
Kevin Gosztola: Iraq Becomes Somalia
Rady Ananda: Rove caught in his own worst nightmare...
Margaret Bassett: Give to Impeachment Candidates Hear the ImpeachTeam
Rady Ananda: Rapists in the Ranks
Darren Wolfe: General William Odom Tells Senate Rapid Withdrawal Is Only Solution
Cameron James: Would You Like Change With That? An Analysis of Obamamania
Cheri Roberts: Evidence Room: Hijacker's DNA, FBI Fingerprints
Laudyms: al-Sadr- Who Is Iraq's "Firebrand Cleric"?
Laudyms: Doctors and Patients Agree
Laudyms: Why Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke tore up the rule book
Sheila Samples: Torture: The Green Light
Amanda Lang: GOVT WASTE: A Submarine to Fight al-Qaida's Navy
Better World Order: Countdown: FISA Fables
Dan Merica: NORAD Stand-Down
Wednesday, April 2:
Sheila Samples: 'How did Bush go from being an alcoholic bum to the most powerful figure in the world?' (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Ted Olson's Report of Phone Calls from Barbara Olson on 9/11: Three Official Denials (6 comments)
Sheila Samples: Iran: The Apocalypse
Rob Kall: The Republican War on Voting (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: Barbarossa Revisited: Bush Goes Bear-Baiting in the East
Sheila Samples: When Will Someone Ask Meghan McCain About Her Father’s Affairs or Her Mother’s Drug Abuse? (5 comments)
Sheila Samples: TED RALL: Don't Move On, Start Over - The Next President Must Make Bush an Unperson
Amanda Lang: One-Track Mind - In Bushworld, deregulation is the answer to everything
Josh Mitteldorf: Pressure the Dem Candidates to Take a Stand on the War (2 comments)
Tuesday, April 1:
Better World Order: Countdown: Bushed! March 31, 2008
Sheila Samples: Opposition to Treasury's Blueprint Gains Steam
Sheila Samples: Bush Administration Manipulates DNI McConnell As Top Intelligence Lobbyist
Sheila Samples: Bush Administration Manipulates DNI McConnell As Top Intelligence Lobbyist
Sheila Samples: Bush Administration Manipulates DNI McConnell As Top Intelligence Lobbyist
Sheila Samples: Paulson's Fixit Plan for Wall Street: Less regulation, More Power to the Fed
Sheila Samples: A Block in Baghdad Mourns Its Own
Sheila Samples: Bush Admin's Secret Iraq Intel Source "Curveball" Revealed
Sheila Samples: Lieberman Is Officially the New Zell Miller
Sheila Samples: 80-Year-Old Church Deacon Arrested for Refusing to Remove His Anti-War T-Shirt
Sheila Samples: Why Is Bush Suddenly Ready to Make a Deal on FISA? Ask the House Democrats
Sheila Samples: Dreyfuss: The Lessons of Basra
Sheila Samples: Feingold Calls Out Intel Chief For Saying Dems Want To Imprison Bush
Amanda Lang: Elizabeth Edwards: Why Are People Like Me Left Out Of Your Health Care Proposal, Sen. McCain?
Better World Order: Air Traffic Controllers Do Track Planes Even with Transponders Off
Lawless One: R.I.P. too - Extremely Short Takes on Politics
Margaret Bassett: Clinton right to hang on in race - The Denver Post
Margaret Bassett: Harold Ickes is Clinton's not-so-secret weapon
Laudyms: Barr speaks out on the Fed
Laudyms: The Paulson Plan: Doing What He Wanted To Do Anyway
Josh Mitteldorf: Too Pretty to be a Fighter
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Heard it on Hartmann: Jeb Bush vs. Church-State Separation
Amanda Lang: The Fed's Blank Check
Margaret Bassett: The Welfare King of the 21st Century
Margaret Bassett: Zbigniew Brzezinski | The Smart Way Out Wash Post
Darren Wolfe: Putting Lipstick on a Pig: More Doublespeak on the Situation in Iraq
Darren Wolfe: Embarrassed US Starts to Disown Basra Operation
PrMaine: Democrats Self-distructing; Four More Years
Rob Kall: Alice Walker: Obama is the change that America has tried to hide-- Like King and Mandela (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: | Why al-Maliki attacked Basra