Archives for Best Web OpEds
August 2008
Sunday, August 31:
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: Obama Outwits the Bloviators
mhenriday: Ted Rall
chris rice: RNC DISPATCH #2
Mac McKinney: Daily Kos Blog: Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother [Photos+Video] (2 comments)
Josh Mitteldorf: Federal Raids in Minneapolis to Pre-empt Demonstrations
Amanda Lang: Robin Tudge: People in power are using paranoia as a smokescreen | Comment is free |
John Lorenz: Obama Outwits the Bloviators (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: An Open Letter to God, from Michael Moore (2 comments)
Saturday, August 30:
Sheila Samples: The Democrats endorse the "Global War on Terrorism": Obama "goes after" Osama
Sheila Samples: Gail Collins: McCain’s Baked Alaska (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Chomsky: Britain has failed U.S. detainees
B. Ross Ashley: YouTube - Peter Kormos & dedicted union activists assist HERE 2347
Hans Bennett: Leonard Peltier Sends Messages to Obama and the DNC Protesters
Amanda Lang: Why we love 'America's Outrageous War Economy' (5 comments)
Sheila Samples: Charley Reese: Goodbye
Margaret Bassett: Sarah Palin and Feminists for Life
Darren Wolfe: When Desertion Is a Duty
Sheila Samples: Jamison Foser: An Olympic-sized opportunity missed
Sheila Samples: Axis of Evil Defeats Neocons
Sheila Samples: Bill Boyarsky -- Obama: Yes He Can
Friday, August 29:
Peter Dearman: Analysis: Georgia was the "last straw" for Russia (1 comments)
Harold Smith: NIST's Latest Fairy Tale Takes Its First Hit (2 comments)
Laudyms: The Land of the Silent and the Home of the Fearful | (1 comments)
Laudyms: Wake-Up Call
Laudyms: Obama's Limits: An Interview With Andrew Bacevich
Sheila Samples: Krugman: Feeling No Pain (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: New Spy Software Coming On-Line: "Surveillance in a Box" Makes its Debut (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: McCain Picks Sarah Palin for Vice President
Margaret Bassett: An Unconventional Convention
Margaret Bassett: Throng Moved By Obama Speech, But True Test Yet to Come
Darren Wolfe: Why Did You Sell Your Soul? (18 comments)
Darren Wolfe: The Bastiat Solution (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: McCain's Prickly TIME Interview (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Denver: In Curious Case, "Authorities" Inexplicably Downplay Obama Assassination Threat by Armed and Ready Meth Heads (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: Biden, Obama and The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Sheila Samples: Froomkin: Afghanistan Pushes Back
Thursday, August 28:
Sheila Samples: The Financial Times and the 'Self-Confessed Mastermind of 9/11'
Sheila Samples: Lobe: Tehran exploits US-Russian tensions
Sheila Samples: Media Blackout: The Armada in the Gulf (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: US election: Documentary explores the man behind negative campaigning
Mac McKinney: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies
Laudyms: Pax Americana? (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Some Issues Key to Party Identity Have Been Shunted to the Side in Denver
Margaret Bassett: Bush Escalates Tensions with Russia
Margaret Bassett: Federal court supports Tenn. school's confederate flag ban
Darren Wolfe: Federal Attitude Policy
Margaret Bassett: If Obama Wins, Who Will Be in His Cabinet -- And Who Should Be? (3 comments)
Daniel Geery: Greatest Failure of Thought in Human History (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Bill Clinton shows -- and gets -- the love
mhenriday: Georgia is the graveyard of America's unipolar world
chris rice: ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors (1 comments)
Wednesday, August 27:
Sheila Samples: Why was Cheney's guy in Georgia before the war?
Sheila Samples: Dennis Kucinich Rocks DNC: 'Wake Up America!'
Sheila Samples: Veteran Republican Rep Shreds GOP at Dem Convention; Media Yawns
Sheila Samples: AT&T Throws ‘Exclusive Party’ For Blue Dog Democrats Who Helped Pass Retroactive Immunity
Sheila Samples: Forecast kind to Obama, hurricane could slam Bush
Sheila Samples: Looking Back at Five Years of Bush's Wreckage in Iraq
Sheila Samples: 'Moscow Has Maneuvered Itself into a Dead End'
Sheila Samples: Morford -- Small: The New Cool? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Shocking Video of Police Brutality Against Woman at DNC Protest
Sheila Samples: The Maliki Surge: Iraq's PM's Power is Growing
Sheila Samples: Hillary Supporters Who Are Still Not On Board! What Part of “Supreme Court Life Term For Far Right Judges Who Will Overt
Sheila Samples: The United States of America’s double standards (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: 'Star Tribune' Latest Paper Planning to Drop AP
Sheila Samples: On Jerome Corsi Book: Attack-dog Days
Meryl Ann Butler: NY Times OpEd: A Biblical Seven Years by Thomas L. Friedman (2 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Media Blackout: The Armada in the Gulf (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Managed care for profit not answer
Margaret Bassett: Campaign for Employee Free Choice Act Kicks Off at the DNC
Margaret Bassett: Bush Is Pouring Gas on Afghanistan's Bonfire
mhenriday: US Bases, Japan and the Reality of Okinawa as a Military Colony
Mark E. Smith: Truthdig - Reports - U.S. Military Keeping Secrets About Female Soldiers' "˜Suicides'?
ibrahim turner: The Final Solution for Gaza – Congratulations to Europe and USA! (2 comments)
Peter Dearman: One man's China crusade
John Lorenz: Obama Asks Dept of Justice To Block Swiftboat"Terrorist" Ad And Investigate (1 comments)
Rob Kall: John NIchols: The Right Speech -- For Clinton and Obama
Tuesday, August 26:
Sheila Samples: 'Russia Is Preparing for the Endgame in the Caucasus'
Sheila Samples: The battle within: Redeployment Again and Again
Sheila Samples: Beyond The Dog Days Of Summer: After August, Reality
Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Tensions Boil Over at MSNBC as Shuster, Scarborough Feud (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: War With Russia Is On The Agenda (1 comments)
sometimes blinded: A dangerous crisis of invisible refugees: Bernd Debusmann | Special Coverage | Reuters
John Lorenz: Networks Sleep While Democracy Burns (1 comments)
mhenriday: Georgia and Kosovo: A Single Intertwined Crisis
Rob Kall: Why the GOP has a crush on Hillary
Rob Kall: How Bush Destroyed the Republican Party : Rolling Stone
Margaret Bassett: The Rise of the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party
Margaret Bassett: Michelle Introduces Who the Obamas Really Are
Margaret Bassett: Can Arianna Huffington Really Make Politicos More Self-Aware?
Darren Wolfe: The Biden Betrayal (2 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Social Security Increases Poverty (69 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Joe Biden and the political establishment's overriding goal
mhenriday: Joe Biden and the Myth of Foreign Policy Experience (5 comments)
Robert Arend: Glenn Greenwald: AT&T Thanks Democrats With A Lavish Party
Monday, August 25:
Kathlyn Stone: Why we love 'America's Outrageous War Economy' - MarketWatch (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Don Siegelman Calls on House to Hold Karl Rove in Contempt
Sheila Samples: Anti-War Protesters Have Every Right to Yell "Fuck FOX News!" (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: The Three Dumbest Neocon Predictions Since the Disaster in Iraq
Sheila Samples: Spiegel: Biden Choice Is 'a Good Thing for Europe'
Margaret Bassett: Jackson Jr.: Obama "can't hit back"
Laudyms: America's Truth Deficit (2 comments)
Sunday, August 24:
Rady Ananda: Warning on voting machines reveals oversight failure (4 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Media Sees Biden Pick as Big Plus for Dem Ticket
Margaret Bassett: Biden, an impressive choice for VP
Margaret Bassett: Assessing Joe Biden by Familiar Political Types
Margaret Bassett: Last Call for Change We Can Believe In
Margaret Bassett: Obama's Biden pick plugs holes
Andreas Umland: Russian Citizenship: Moscow's Tool for Recollecting the Empire's Lands (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Jones took Obama, 'pushy' organizer, under his wing
Iris Brooks: Video - Shocking Investigation Continues - ABC News (2 comments)
Darren Wolfe: The End Does Not Justify The Means
Saturday, August 23:
Sheila Samples: Bush's Bureaucratic Dark Arts: Why the Federal Register Is the Most Important Publication in America Right Now (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Gail Collins: Digging Ourselves a Black Hole (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: NYT Mag: Dexter Filkins: My Long War
Hargrove: Joe Biden's Not Barack's Vice President - The VP Is General Wesley Clark! (5 comments)
chris rice: 'America's Outrageous War Economy!' (3 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Who Will Crash the Democratic and Republican Conventions?
Margaret Bassett: How Corsi Became a Top GOP Anti-Obama Point Man
Amanda Lang: Jukebox John keeps changing his tune
Ashin Mettacara: Why did Aung San Suu Kyi not show up?
sometimes blinded: mohamed_full210808.pdf (application/pdf Object)
chris rice: Ghandi: General Strike
Darren Wolfe: Socialism and Medicine, Part 2 (1 comments)
John Lorenz: Media repeat Limbaugh's baseless charge that claimed Obama got "sweetheart deals" from Rezko Without Noting Rebuttal
sometimes blinded: MI5 criticised for role in case of torture, rendition and secrecy | UK news | The Guardian (1 comments)
John Lorenz: The AP has a Ron Fournier problem (4 comments)
sometimes blinded: Louise Christian: Britain should be ashamed of MI5's role in torture case | Comment is free |
chris rice: Hunger4Truth Hunger Strike Joins General Strike 9/11
Friday, August 22:
Sheila Samples: Michel Chossudovsky: The Eurasian Corridor: Pipeline Geopolitics and the New Cold War
Sheila Samples: Mike Whitney: Bush to Putin: "Get out now!" Putin to Bush: "Nyet!" (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Jamison Foser: Coverage of candidates' ability to relate to voters ignores their policy positions
Rob Kall: Smears and Slurs without Legal Consequences: How the Law Protects Jerome Corsi's Malicious Attacks on Barack Obama (1 comments)
Laudyms: Why Not Simply Abolish NATO?
Sheila Samples: NYT Editorial: A New Rush to Spy
Sheila Samples: Krugman: Now That’s Rich
Sheila Samples: The REAL problem the Democrats face this year
Sheila Samples: Rove intimidating Republicans into silence (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: US oil pipeline politics and the Russia-Georgia conflict
JC Garrett: Republicans Who Live Off Their Wives' Money (1 comments)
Thursday, August 21:
Camillo "Mac" Bica: This Is Not the Change We Hoped For: House Concurrent Resolution 362
Darren Wolfe: Why we love 'America's Outrageous War Economy'
waldopaper: US Mercenary Chickens Will Come Home To Roost
Darren Wolfe: I Resign From the Mont Pelerin Society
Robert Arend: Poverty IS NOT An Adventure
Laudyms: Made Man: How Cindy Hensley invented John McCain
Sheila Samples: Greenwald: The decay of serious journalism and Rachel Maddow's new show
Sheila Samples: WaPo Wins BuzzFlash "Media Putz of the Week" Award
Sheila Samples: John McCain and Senile Dementia (8 comments)
Sheila Samples: Why Not Simply Abolish NATO?
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Carville's Advice to Obama
Rady Ananda: The "Loopy" Zogby Polls
Margaret Bassett: John McCain, and His Finger Should Not Be Near the Red Button
Margaret Bassett: Why T. Boone Pickens' 'Clean Energy' Plan Is a Ponzi Scheme (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Do Obama's Sinking Poll Numbers Signal History Repeating for Democrats?
Margaret Bassett: The Other Political Drama Next Tuesday Night
JC Garrett: Does air conditioning make people vote Republican? (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: US falters on NATO's failure
Wednesday, August 20:
Sheila Samples: Republicans Have Handed Democrats a Winning Election Issue
Sheila Samples: The Most Dangerous Man in America (2 comments)
Peter Dearman: Video: Inside the Neocon war lobby (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Russian Foreign Minister: America Must Choose Between Georgia and Russia
Sheila Samples: Presidential Campaign: Pastor Rick's Test (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Anthrax Investigation: 'Spore on the Grassy Knoll'
Sheila Samples: Joe Lieberman Will Speak At GOP Convention (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: McClellan's next step: Changing D.C. (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Jack Cafferty: Is McCain another George W. Bush? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Jerome Corsi and Mary Matalin team up for an old-fashioned swift boating
Joan Brunwasser: Why I will not vote for McCain, by Phillip Butler (5 comments)
Josh Mitteldorf: Gorbachev Exposes Bias in Reporting of Georgian War
Margaret Bassett: Debunking anti-Obama e-mails Sentence by Sentence
David Bloys: Should Obama Have Trademark His Name? Should You?
chris rice: George Bush Has Stolen $2,300,000,000,000.00 From U.S. Tax Payers (7 comments)
JC Garrett: The Fall of Bush's Man in Pakistan
chris rice: General Strike 9/11 Now in Canada
chris rice: do you know this?
Darren Wolfe: Anti-immigrant hatred breeds discrimination, mistreatment, harassment and death (9 comments)
Sheila Samples: Half of Poles Fear Russian Attack
Sheila Samples: Russia's Return Bites the Neocons' Grand Energy Scheme in the Ass
Sheila Samples: Why are Corporate Media Giving Fat Paychecks to Former Bush Aides? (1 comments)
Tuesday, August 19:
Meryl Ann Butler: "Caroline: Pull a Cheney!" by Michael Moore (2 comments)
Rob Kall: Patrick Buchanan: Who started Cold War II?
Sheila Samples: The US missile defence system is the magic pudding that will never run out (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: McCain: Does being a jerk work?
Sheila Samples: The War Within: Bob Woodward's Iraq War Book Title Announced
Amanda Lang: Washington's Hypocrisy : Confronting Georgia's Misguided Nationalism
Monday, August 18:
Sheila Samples: The Plot Against Liberal America (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Swift Boat Economics
Sheila Samples: Broad New Domestic Spying Measures Are Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
Rady Ananda: Ohio Election Officials Whistle Past the Graveyard of 2004 (5 comments)
Rady Ananda: XKCD on Voting Machines (1 comments)
Joel S. Hirschhorn: Chinese Summer Olympics Paid for by USA
Hans Bennett: Can a Handful of International Activists and Two Boats Break the Siege of Gaza?
Darren Wolfe: President Musharraf of Pakistan Resigns
Leon Thompson: Who Made Russia Attack? (4 comments)
Peter Dearman: Why no investigation by the IOC or IGF into China's under-age Olympic gymnasts?
Laudyms: Social Origins of the American Corporate Predator State (2 comments)
Laudyms: Six Questions about the Anthrax Case
Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: Fear, Procurement, Profit: Permanent War and the American Way
Sheila Samples: Ernest Partridge: The Fix is In – Again!
Sheila Samples: McCain: "POW! POW! POW! Take that Obama!"
Sheila Samples: THE DANGEROUS NEIGHBOR: Putin Takes on a Powerless West
Sheila Samples: At JFK Airport, Denying Basic Rights Is Just Another Day at the Office (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Why Obama Lost and McCain Won Saturday Night's Forum (1 comments)
Darren Wolfe: BATFE: Any Semi-Auto Can Be A Machine Gun (7 comments)
Sunday, August 17:
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: The Candidate We Still Don’t Know
Sheila Samples: Putin's Winning Hand: Once the Atlantic Alliance is shattered, America's lifeline to the world is kaput (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: 'We Are All Georgians'? Not So Fast
Darren Wolfe: The War on Terrorism Brings Mass Surveillance "" In Sweden (2 comments)
John Lorenz: McCain's 'Cross In The Dirt" anecdote stolen from Solzhenitsyn? (1 comments)
sometimes blinded: Jason Burke reports on the critical changes transforming Pakistan | World news | The Observer
Judy Swindler: McCain Speaks for Every American? - by Gordon Prather (2 comments)
John Lorenz: How Anti-Intellectualism Is Destroying America (and electing John McCain) (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The whole Obama story: He's too clever by half :: (2 comments)
Saturday, August 16:
Sheila Samples: Ray McGovern: Out Damn Blot: A Letter to Colin Powell (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: The Voice of the White House: Making Mischief With Russia (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush admin. disconnected from reality: Paul Craig Roberts
Sheila Samples: Missile Defense: Washington and Poland just moved the World closer to War (1 comments)
M. Wizard: "If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines"
Norla Antinoro: Proposing the Journal of Inconvenient Truths by Jerry Lobdill
sometimes blinded: Lights are on, but banks increasingly closed: James Saft | Special Coverage | Reuters
sometimes blinded: Guantanamo trial may proceed without defendant | Reuters
Robert Arend: New Crew Crashes Denver Detention Center/Video
K Sen: Energy Independence
Margaret Bassett: Bush Family Pastor Attacks McCain and Endorses Obama
Margaret Bassett: Our Hospitals as Disaster, People with MBAs Running Them (4 comments)
Rob Kall: The October Surprise Shouldn't Come as One (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The extreme-right way to make a buck
Darren Wolfe: On Thin Ice
Friday, August 15:
Sheila Samples: CNN's five new "top political reporters and commentators" include reported McCain adviser, former RNC official, CBN's Br (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: The Tragic Arkansas Shooting and Conservative Hate Speech (1 comments)
Laudyms: Blowback From Bear-Baiting
Sheila Samples: The New York Times, Again, Tells It Like It Ain’t
Sheila Samples: Mark H. Gaffney: Was 9/11 an Inside Job? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Neo-cons dream of global dominance
Margaret Bassett: Bill Moyers Journal . Bill Moyers interviews Andrew J. Bacevich | PBS
Sheila Samples: Georgia's Recklessness
Sheila Samples: Paul Craig Roberts Interview: “The Neocons Are Dying to Nuke Iran”
Sheila Samples: The Lobby Like No Other Wants a War Like No Other (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Even the Right Gets it Right on Swiftboat author, Obama Attacking Author Jerome Corsi
Kevin Gosztola: Blowback from Bear-Baiting
Margaret Bassett: McCain-s Mob Connections
Margaret Bassett: Who Orchestrated the Fall of Bear Stearns?
Margaret Bassett: We're on the Road to Extinction and in Denial
Margaret Bassett: Bob Benenson's Jigsaw Politics Top 5 Senate Vulnerables
Josh Mitteldorf: War Doesn't Pay - When Will We Learn? (2 comments)
Ed Encho: Empty Drums
MikeZimmer: The Russo-Georgian War and the Balance of Power (1 comments)
PeterJ: Straight from the horses mouth! (1 comments)
Thursday, August 14:
Polidoc: Greens Not Turning Blue this Election
chris rice: Detention camp Setup for DNC Protestors and Mass Arrests (6 comments)
Hans Bennett: Communication Breakdown: How Cell Phones Hurt Communities
Sheila Samples: SS Free Gaza & SS Liberty Set Sail
Sheila Samples: Froomkin: Bush's Risky Move
Sheila Samples: The Clinton Memos: The Front-Runner’s Fall
Sheila Samples: The Long War: How Many Iraqs and Afghanistans Lie Ahead?
Sheila Samples: McCain to Send Lieberman to Georgia (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Wag the Dog: How to Conceal Massive Economic Collapse
Philip Knab: Better Gas Mileage Is Your Decision
Darren Wolfe: Venezuela to allow 100% home loans (3 comments)
Darren Wolfe: The Minimum-Wage Terror (18 comments)
mhenriday: The Caucasus -Washington Risks nuclear war by miscalculation
Darren Wolfe: Neo-Con Hypocrisy on Georgia and Iraq
Darren Wolfe: The Lobby Like No Other Wants a War Like No Other (2 comments)
Wednesday, August 13:
Sheila Samples: The Depleted Uranium Threat (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Scott Horton: The Mukasey Doctrine
Sheila Samples: Michael Moore: How the Democrats Can Blow It ... in Six Easy Steps (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Flight Rage Incident Reveals the Dark Side of Osteen's 'Prosperity Gospel' (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: President 'Vacation' Bush Criticizes Congress for Taking Time Off
Margaret Bassett: Efforts to Promote Clinton at Convention Heat Up (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Is Iraq Important? What About Conservative Sex Scandals? (4 comments)
Tuesday, August 12:
Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: Marching Through Georgia IV: The Butt Thumper and the Bear
Sheila Samples: McCain Campaign Officially Endorses Lieberman's Claim That Obama Hasn't "Put Country First" (3 comments)
Laudyms: Investigating the Pentagon's pundits
Sheila Samples: Lame Duck Russia Expert Condi Rice Out of the Picture on Georgia Assault. State Dept. Terms Absence a 'Personal Leave' (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Warrior John McCain: Far More Dangerous Than Bush
Sheila Samples: Putin Outmaneuvers the West
Darren Wolfe: Obama World Tour 2008
Mike Kuykendall: House Democrats Likely to Buckle on Offshore Drilling
Sheila Samples: Mikhail Gorbachev: Path to Peace in the Caucasus (2 comments)
Better World Order: The Peak Oil Crisis: Masking the Peak
Karen Fish: The Most Sickening Congress MSM Military Industrial Complex Article Ever
chris rice: General Strike
Better World Order: Arabesque: 9/11 Activists, Start Your Own 9/11 Blog! (If you are fed up with the silent Corporate Media) (2 comments)
Amanda Lang: Richard George: An environment of repression at climate camp
Amanda Lang: JUAN COLE: Russia & Georgia, US & Hamas, Cheney & Musharraf
Better World Order: Meryl Nass, M.D.: Conclusive evidence of means, motive and opportunity are missing [against Ivins in the FBI's Anthrax c
John Lorenz: For Hillary--Smart Dems Want Hillary on Ticket (20 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Candidates for Sale
Darren Wolfe: Olympic Games
Monday, August 11:
Sheila Samples: Krugman: Can It Happen Here? (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Russia bids to rid Georgia of its folly
Sheila Samples: Whispers of a Watergate for Bush (5 comments)
Sheila Samples: Georgia Set the Perfect Trap
Laudyms: Ron Paul Affirms: Iran Attack Plan Has 'Green Light' (3 comments)
Rob Kall: Jane Smiley: My Edwards Diary, Day Two
Laudyms: Where, oh where, are the issues? (2 comments)
Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Who Should Pay the Price? (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: How to Put Karl Rove Away for Years
Margaret Bassett: Why You Want a Progressive to Be Running the Economy (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Give Edwards a Break - Craig Crawford's Trail Mix
Margaret Bassett: Why isn't Obama crushing McCain? (13 comments)
Sheila Samples: Washington Post Admits Bungling Obama Quote (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Ex-CIA Official Says He May Sue Suskind For Taping Interview Without Permission (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Using Troops as Campaign Props
Sheila Samples: In Georgia Clash, a Lesson on U.S. Need for Russia
Sunday, August 10:
Better World Order: "Mad Scientist" Ivins, and Other 9/11 Legends (2 comments)
Laudyms: The day before 9/11 (6 comments)
Better World Order: What's the answer to this? - Glenn Greenwald (3 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Taxation as Vandalism (6 comments)
M. Wizard: Naomi Klein: The Olympics Officially Unveil "Police State 2.0" (6 comments)
Meryl Ann Butler: Flush With Energy: Danish Clean-Power Industry Flourishes
Rob Kall: Old media dethroned
Len Hart: Impeachment Won't Help; Only Revolution Will Save America (37 comments)
Rob Kall: Michael Moore gives the Democratic party some hints on how they might lose the US elections again (1 comments)
Saturday, August 9:
Kevin Gosztola: What's Sex Got to Do With It? (7 comments)
Better World Order: The Elections Are Coming. Is Al-Qaeda? -[Obama Advisor] (4 comments)
Darren Wolfe: P.G. County Police: Overkill as the Default Setting (1 comments)
Better World Order: Cynthia McKinney - Inventing Terror at Home
Sheila Samples: Jamison Foser: Obama coverage finds dark lining around silver clouds (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bush Administration Putting Immunity For Blackwater Over The Lives Of Our Troops
Laudyms: A race between education and disaster (1 comments)
Amanda Lang: Lessons of the Ossetian War: Don't Bait the Bear and Stop Making a Fetish Out of Borders
Better World Order: Thought Crimes Agenda Already Being Implemented (2 comments)
Better World Order: The Anthrax Follies and the Bizarro Effect- by Justin Raimondo (1 comments)
sometimes blinded: Eric Margolis: Blaming Pakistan's Spies For A War Gone Wrong
PrMaine: Those Awful Democrats
Josh Mitteldorf: Anthrax - 9/11 - Convenient Suicides - "Terror" as a Ruse (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Caucasus Violence Took Europe By Surprise (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Krugman: Know-Nothing Politics
Sheila Samples: 'You Can Only Hope that Musharraf Plays by Democratic Rules'
Sheila Samples: How is John McCain's Affair Different than John Edwards'? (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Why TV news in the US is utter rubbish (3 comments)
Friday, August 8:
Better World Order: Salon Radio: Anthrax edition - Glenn Greenwald
Hans Bennett: One year after Jena tree was cut, little progress has been made
Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: Marching Through Georgia: Cold War II Proxy Conflict Turns Hot
Laudyms: Why Climate Activists Welcome Peak Oil
Sheila Samples: McCain Adopts Cheney's Energy Plan
Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Bolton: Regime Change In Iran ‘Would Lead To Greater Stability In The Region’
Sheila Samples: American Conservative: It was Feith’s office, not CIA, that forged the Habbush letter. (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran (1 comments)
Better World Order: WTC 7 Emergency Head Was Building Collapse Specialist [Jerome Hauer; Kroll, Anthrax, 9/11, SAIC, etc.] (2 comments)
Better World Order: THERE IS NO LAW making the typical working American liable for any income tax. (2 comments)
Mac McKinney: Information Clearing House Website Operator Threatened By Armed Thugs
Darren Wolfe: The Struggle Over Egalitarianism Continues
Better World Order: Arabesque: Paul Thompson's Complete 9/11 Timeline: A Short Review
John Lorenz: Know-Nothing Politics (1 comments)
David Bloys: 5 Things Every Homeowner Should Know About the Hope for Homeowners Act
Margaret Bassett: Michelle Obama's military strategy - in Norfolk VA
Margaret Bassett: Battle Against Worker Campaign to Roll Back Assault on Middle Class
Len Hart: The Beijing Olympics: Another Vulgar Celebration of Greed and 'Corporatist' Values (4 comments)
Thursday, August 7:
Better World Order: BRAD BLOG : Missouri Voter Refuses Illegal Demand to Show Photo ID at Poll, Gets Thrown in Jail
Sheila Samples: Kucinich Fights for Iraq Against U.S. Oil Companies
Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Baghdad 5 Years On: City of Walls
Sheila Samples: Satire? The Secret Diaries of Dick Cheney
Leon Thompson: Coalition in Pakistan Moves to Impeach Musharraf
Better World Order: Who pays when lenders fail? / Don't foreclose - keep borrowers in their homes
Better World Order: Meryl Nass: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
Amanda Lang: Bushonomics: How We Got Into This Mess In The First Place
Margaret Bassett: How conservative greed and corruption destroyed American politics (6 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The FBI's selective release of documents in the anthrax case
Better World Order: George Washington: Hey, Hot-Shot (3 comments)
Better World Order: Arabesque: 9/11 Truth: No Speculation Required: 9/11 Was an Inside Job (5 comments)
Better World Order: The FBI's New Anthrax Evidence | Kevin Fenton
Sheila Samples: Hillary Clinton: No Crisis Is Immune From Exploitation Under Bush (2 comments)
Wednesday, August 6:
Laudyms: The Audacity of Contempt
Laudyms: Hiroshima Day reality check- video
Amanda Lang: Banning birth control (1 comments)
John Lorenz: Riding the warhorse: Introducing President McCain
Better World Order: Refusing to be silenced (by MD police spying on protests)
Better World Order: Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: How Washington's Right-Wing Wrecking Crew Robbed Us Blind
Better World Order: The Anthrax Attacks: Sunlight Is the Best Disinfectant
Better World Order: Stop the 'war' on terror: Calling it a 'war' is a boon to terrorist recruiters. (1 comments)
Better World Order: Should ABC News Reveal Anonymous Sources in Anthrax Probe? Bloggers Say Yes
richard: Obama And The Empire (1 comments)
Better World Order: Additional key facts re: the anthrax investigation - Glenn Greenwald
Tuesday, August 5:
Sheila Samples: Glenn Greenwald: The FBI's emerging, leaking case against Ivins
Better World Order: The FBI's emerging, leaking case against Ivins - Glenn Greenwald
scott creighton: The FBI's "Circumstantial" Case (as currently reported) Against Dr. Ivins; Here Are the Facts
Better World Order: How to Perform a Citizen's Arrest of A Bush Administration Official
Hans Bennett: Angola death case hinges on '63 ruling (1 comments)
Darren Wolfe: American Foreign Policy Brought to You by China: Advisers to Obama, McCain Tied to US Multinationals that Profit from Be
Sheila Samples: Wall Street Journal: Bruce Ivins Wasn't the Anthrax Culprit
Sheila Samples: Sidney Blumenthal: The Strange Death of Republican America
Amanda Lang: TEDDY PARTRIDGE: Why Bayh?
Sheila Samples: Krugman: A Slow-Mo Meltdown
Amanda Lang: Evan Bayh: Change You Can't Believe In
Sheila Samples: GOP Candidate Fears for His Life, Calls FBI, All Because Al Jazeera Wants an Interview? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Ron Suskind: The Forged Iraqi Letter: What Just Happened?
Amanda Lang: BOEHLERT: Trust me, John McCain doesn't know what bad press looks like
Laudyms: Anthrax Attack on U.S. Congress Covered Up by FBI, Expert Says
Meryl Ann Butler: Vital Unresolved Anthrax Questions and ABC News by Glenn Greenwald (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Both of My Grandfathers Were Illegal Immigrants (and Lou Dobbs' Would Be Today) (2 comments)
Dan Alter: Why we are a "Three Monkey Society" that is destroying us.
Darren Wolfe: China's One-Child Disaster (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: How to Survive the Triple Whammy of Energy, Food and Climate Crises
Michael McCoy: Allegations of antisemitism - against a prominent Jew
sometimes blinded: Why is Habeas Corpus Such a Threat to those in Power?
Sheila Samples: From the Frying Pan. . .
Sheila Samples: Perle returns to the scene of the crime--seeks cut of Iraqi oil deal
Monday, August 4:
Sheila Samples: Corporate Media Ignores White House Planning of "False Flag" Operations to Trigger War with Iran (1 comments)
Dan Lieberman: The U.S. Military Presence in Iraq
Better World Order: What is a "False-Flag"?
Better World Order: Journalists, their lying sources, and the anthrax investigation - Glenn Greenwald
Better World Order: Democracy Now! | Anthrax Mystery: Questions Raised over Whether Government Is Framing Dead Army Scientist for 2001 Attac
Margaret Bassett: Going to the gasroots Oil Industry & Quality of Life
Amanda Lang: KEN SILVERSTEIN: Will Bush Administration Let Oil Companies Skate on Money Paid to African Dictator?"
Better World Order: Violent Acres: Self Imposed Insomnia
Robert Arend: Jean C. Duley... tell us again...
Margaret Bassett: Fear and loafing in the Green Zone & Being a Reporter
Margaret Bassett: Perspire to retire! Sweating Details Brings Apoplexy
Margaret Bassett: Can Obama Turn the Democratic Party Upside Down with the Biggest Voter Mobilization Drive in History?
Better World Order: Meryl Nass, M.D.: Looking closer at Jean Duley's statements [Anthrax & Ivins]
Sunday, August 3:
Sheila Samples: Margolis: US Vilifies Faithful Old Ally
Sheila Samples: Why is Habeas Corpus Such a Threat to those in Power?
Sheila Samples: Where Are the World's Nuclear Weapons?
Sheila Samples: Why Israel Won’t Change (2 comments)
Leon Thompson: Scientists Question FBI Probe On Anthrax
Better World Order: Ivins's suicide makes anthrax case a "slam dunk"???
Amanda Lang: COL. ANN WRIGHT :: Sexual Assault in the Military: A DoD Cover-Up?
Darren Wolfe: Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism (13 comments)
Amanda Lang: A Bad Electronic Voting Bill (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Wayne Madsen: Fort Detrick Scientist "Commits Suicide" as Anthrax investigation closes in (6 comments)
Saturday, August 2:
Sheila Samples: Karl Schwarz: Phew! Bush Dirty Diapers! (3 comments)
Richard McGinn: Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Turley: Speaker Pelosi’s Latest Justification for Barring Impeachment: Bush Would Never Cooperate With His Own Impeachm (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Glenn Greenwald: Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News
Sheila Samples: Joe Conason: Wanting the White House in the worst way
Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: Road Visions: Adventures in the Poison Factory
Sheila Samples: Wal-Mart to Employees: Don't Vote for Democrats (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Is Karl Rove Trying to Sell McCain as a Bad Boy?
Sheila Samples: Talk Radio and the Conspiracy to Kill
M. Wizard: America's Economic Free Fall
Margaret Bassett: Talk Radio and the Conspiracy to Kill
Margaret Bassett: Tax-Factless Wall Street Journal-omics
Darren Wolfe: The Arrogance of Greenspan
Better World Order: Smart People, Stupid Networks: The Internet's Equalizing Influence on Political Discourse and Engagement
Better World Order: How US can get its groove back [transparency & accountability]
Sheila Samples: Kucinich's Impeachment Resolution, the Parallel to Nixon, and Why Even Nixon's Defenders Finally Abandoned Him (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Jamison Foser: The media debunk McCain smears, then promote them (1 comments)
Friday, August 1:
Mac McKinney: Meet Nadia, Raped by Bush America
Laudyms: When Extremists Attack - by Joe Klein
Darren Wolfe: The Role of the Constitution in the Current Debate on "National Health Care" (5 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Radio Debate with a Socialist (& photos from Venezuela) (1 comments)
Better World Order: BRAD BLOG : Media Fail to Report on 'Liberal' Targets of 'Anthrax Killer'
Better World Order: "It's My Country, Too." [ACLU on the sham Guantanamo trials
Daniel Geery: How to Recognize a Human Scumbag
Sheila Samples: Iran seeks entry to the lion's den
Sheila Samples: Mercenaries at work: military-industrial complex
Sheila Samples: Jim Lobe: The 'down side' to an attack on Iran
Sheila Samples: Is a Government Shutdown Ahead?
Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson: So Much for St. John
Sheila Samples: Krugman: Can This Planet Be Saved?
Sheila Samples: Doug Thompson: John McCain is a racist
Sheila Samples: Bush & conservatives: The affair is over
Sheila Samples: As the World Burns...The Bush Family Calls Rush
Amanda Lang: FROOMKIN: Waiting for Rove
Margaret Bassett: Judy Miller Protected Scooter Libby, and Now She's a Saint?
Margaret Bassett: America's Economic Free Fall
Josh Mitteldorf: An Israeli academic recommends Nuking Iran on the OpEd page of the NYTimes (2 comments)