Archives for Best Web OpEds

February 2009

Saturday, February 28:

Sheila Samples: Glenn Greenwald: Obama's efforts to block a judicial ruling on Bush's illegal eavesdropping

Sheila Samples: Obama 'gearing up for a fight'

Joan Brunwasser: Power Shift Brings Young People to Washington to Lobby for Climate Action (2 comments)

chris rice: THEY LIVE

mhenriday: The Geopolitical Great Game: Turkey and Russia Moving Closer

chris rice: Layoffs, Recession, Depression,

chris rice: Impeach Obama (4 comments)

Andreas Umland: Tatiana Kosinova: Battle for Russia's past

Andreas Umland: Susan Richards: Russians don't much like the West (1 comments)

Darren Wolfe: Robert Higgs on War, Taxes and Economic Crises

chris rice: Global Civil Disobedience

Sheila Samples: It's Outrageous That Gaza Depends on Secret Tunnels for Access to the Outside World (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: ABC's Tapper joins media advancing small business falsehood

Sheila Samples: Mark Morford: Obama vs. The Fear

Sheila Samples: Jamison Foser: Asymmetrical class warfare

Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: Climate of Change

Friday, February 27:

Laudyms: Israeli Officials Claim Unelected Former General "Running The Country" (1 comments)

Laudyms: Buchanan: Return of the War Party  

Gene Messick: Excellent Summary: State of our Economy at end of 2008

Darren Wolfe: The speech Jindal should have given (2 comments)

The Candid Blogger: The Bankers Manifesto

Amanda Lang: Beyond Recovery: America's Public Investment Deficit

Amanda Lang: Rush from Reality: Limbaugh Employs Birch Society's "Principle of Reversal"

Jason Paz: Charles Krauthammer Respects Obama Proposals

Better World Order: How a [14 year old] Outsmarted a Governor

Darren Wolfe: Obama's Karn Evil

Darren Wolfe: The Silence of the Liberals

Margaret Bassett: 10 Reasons Why Conservatives' Fiscal Ideas Are Dangerous

Margaret Bassett: James Galbraith: Obama Isn't Doing Enough to Solve the Financial Crisis

Margaret Bassett: Americans in Appalachia Are Living in a State of Terror

Thursday, February 26:

Mike Kuykendall: Bobby Jindal is Batshit Insane

Joan Brunwasser: BBV: New Holt Election Reform Bill Would Allow 'Surreptitious Dismantling of Self-Government'

Sheila Samples: Behind the budget: Rahm's brother (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Max Blumenthal: Bobby Jindal's Secret Past (2 comments)

Jason Paz: Egyptian Sexual Offenders in Profile

Jason Paz: Prudes at Dinner, Gluttons in Bed

Better World Order: Pelosi: Bush Administration lawbreakers should face prosecution, not immunity

Better World Order: Obama administration defends telecom immunity in new brief

Amanda Lang: Scott Paul: 'Late Show' Economics 101

Laudyms: Yes, A Massive Ideological Shift Has Happened (1 comments)

The Candid Blogger: A Solution for the Obama Birth Certificate Nutcases (1 comments)

Darren Wolfe: The green energy fantasy (6 comments)

M. Wizard: David Brooks: Jindal's Response "Disaster For the Republican Party," "Nihilism," "Insane"

Wednesday, February 25:

Rob Kall: The road to American nuclear disarmament begins with the generals

Gustav Wynn: Bush Shrugged As FBI Warned Of Economic Meltdown in 2004 (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: War Criminals, Including Their Lawyers, Must Be Prosecuted (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Norman Solomon: Freeing Up Resources...for More War

Sheila Samples: Disappeared in the Name of National Security

Sheila Samples: Chris Hedges: A Choice Between Peace and Peril

Sheila Samples: Uri Avnery: The great gamble

Darren Wolfe: Economic Recovery Requires Capital Accumulation, Not Government "Stimulus Packages"

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Death to Money Vampires

Margaret Bassett: Experts Say Pakistan is on Trajectory to Failure

Darren Wolfe: Race Cowards? In Academia, Certainly

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Obama's Address and Jindal's Bomb ... er ... Response

Sheila Samples: How the US Economy Was Lost

Tuesday, February 24:

Sheila Samples: The Gatekeeper: Rahm Emanuel on the job

Sheila Samples: BOB HERBERT: That Can’t-Do Spirit

Sheila Samples: Robert Kuttner: The Deficit Hawks' Attack on Our Entitlements (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Richard Cohen: Whose Israel Shall It Be? (4 comments)

Better World Order: Of Pork and Payback by Jeff Flake-R, AZ

Mikhail Lyubansky: How Words Could End a War

Darren Wolfe: Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

Better World Order: Obama is right to take on the very rich

The Candid Blogger: Papa Bush and JFK Assassination - Part 2 (4 comments)

Josh Mitteldorf: Cockburn: The Parable of the Shopping Mall

Better World Order: 10 Years of Bin Laden Statements: Leaked to FAS from the CIA

Monday, February 23:

Sheila Samples: Veterans Organization: 'More Soldiers Will Only Lead to More Death; Not Stability and Peace'

Sheila Samples: Sibel Edmonds - Video Documentary: Kill the Messenger (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Norman Finkelstein: The Cleanser (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Will TV news ever apologize for the Gary Condit hoax?

Margaret Bassett: How long do we wait for clean coal?

Margaret Bassett: Decriminalizing Drugs Could Stop the Violence on the Border

Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: Banking on the Brink

Joan Brunwasser: Your request is being processed... Ira Forman Ira Forman Executive Director of the National Jewish Democratic Council P

Scott Baker: Your request is being processed... Ryan Grim Ryan Grim | HuffPost Reporting From DC Become a Fan

Margaret Bassett: Janet Napolitano Is Just Finessing Bush's Crackdown on Migrant Workers

Margaret Bassett: Screw Big Chain Franchises: Support Your Local Bar!

Margaret Bassett: 10 Dirty Tricks Wall Street Con Artists Will Pull to Keep the Rip-offs Going

Margaret Bassett: Irresponsible, Thy Name Is Peterson

Mark David: 3D Test of Anti-Semitism: Demonization, Double Standards, Delegitimization (1 comments)

The Candid Blogger: Papa Bush and JFK Assassination

Jason Paz: Winslet, 'Waltz,' the Jews in Hollywood (6 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Iran Not in a Position to Make Nuclear Bomb

Sunday, February 22:

Sheila Samples: Partisanship, by the Bye

Sheila Samples: Jane Mayer: Will Obama institute a new kind of preventive detention for terrorist suspects?

Sheila Samples: Why so many Holocaust films now, and for whose benefit? (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Dead In Its Tracks: An Anatomy of Norm Coleman's Failed Effort to Contest MN's U.S. Senate Election

Darren Wolfe: Separation of Television and State

Laudyms: Ramzi Kysia: The Team Obama Should Have Picked (1 comments)

The Candid Blogger: Ron Paul: America Must End the War on Drugs (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Gov. Doyle (Wisconsin): On the road to recovery

Margaret Bassett: Health-care Holes Make Iowan Suffer

Margaret Bassett: Stimulus is the Right Medicine for Missouri Now

Saturday, February 21:

Jason Paz: Armenia: Remembering the Budapest Murder

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: Fabled Enemies

Darren Wolfe: Wake Up And Smell the PR

Mark David: Global Re-awakening of Anti-Semitism (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: BOB HERBERT: The Invisible War (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: On Capitol Hill, Money Is the Root of All Hypocrisy

Margaret Bassett: Krugman: Who Will Stop the Economic Pain? (1 comments)

Kitty Antonik Wakfer: Economic Fascism and the Bailout Economy

Better World Order: Barack Obama Administration Continues US Military Global Dominance by Peter Phillips

Better World Order: Banking on Credit Unions by Ralph Nader

Sheila Samples: The dark circus of Limbaugh, Santelli and Keyes

Sheila Samples: Obama Beats Down Another Big Bush Lie

Joel S. Hirschhorn: How American Economy Must Change

Darren Wolfe: Hollywood Movie and Bestselling Book Parrot Castroite Propaganda

Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: Who’ll Stop the Pain?

Sheila Samples: Fearing a One-State Solution, Israel’s President Serves Pabulum to Washington

Friday, February 20:

Sheila Samples: Jamison Foser: In support of shunning

Sheila Samples: Schumer: Failed 'Zombie' Banks Should Be Nationalized

Sheila Samples: Dana Milbank: Prince of Darkness Denies Own Existence

Sheila Samples: Is the U.S. Paying Off the Italian Government for Forging the Niger Documents?

Sheila Samples: We need a truth commission to uncover Bush-era wrongdoing (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Commentary: Kinetic illusions

Darren Wolfe: Discrimination Is Not a Bad Word

Joan Brunwasser: With malice aforethought

Amanda Lang: Phil "The UBS Shill" Gramm Rehabilitation Tour Is Underway (1 comments)

Jason Paz: Information War Between Russia and Georgia

Amanda Lang: Aaron Task: Americans' Standard of Living Permanently Changed (3 comments)

Rady Ananda: Jailing Kids for Cash: Amy Goodman (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Medea Benjamin: Once You See What Truly Happened in Gaza, it Will Change You Forever

Sheila Samples: Christine Bowman: Mad as Hell, But We Took It Anyway for Eight Long Years

Sheila Samples: Democrats strike different tone on Katrina

Thursday, February 19:

Amanda Lang: Simon Jenkins: Bonus culture is skim, bribery, theft. Pay for performance is called salary

Amanda Lang: UBS Aides Tax Cheats: Where's Phil Gramm? What Did He Know? When?

Amanda Lang: Alex Dalmady, The Man Who Exposed Fugitive Financier Allen Stanford

Mac McKinney: Turning Scorpions into Butterflies - Israeli Propaganda at Work

The Candid Blogger: The War on Drugs - a Bush Family Production (1 comments)

Jason Paz: Laissez Faire Capitalism Has Failed

Amanda Lang: Mohamed Farag Bashmilah: Disappeared in the Name of National Security (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: 'Afghanistan Hasn't Yet Become NATO's Vietnam'

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan: Corruption and incompetence cripple reconstruction effort

Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Putting Out Fire -- With Gasoline?

Amanda Lang: Crisis of Capitalism or Death Wish?

Daniel Geery: Ultimate Depravity: Israel in Gaza

Darren Wolfe: Venezuela's Bright Side (1 comments)

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: The Pentagon (11 comments)

Hans Bennett: ILWU unites antiracist activists (2 comments)

chris rice: CEO's and Banksters run the country (1 comments)

carola perritte: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government (pt.1) |

Mark David: Courageous Indians Muslims stand against Terror

Mark David: Bigotry & thye Baseliner

Josh Mitteldorf: Euro Central Banks in Trouble

Wednesday, February 18:

Sheila Samples: Karzai Faces Life - and Elections - without American Friends

Sheila Samples: Obama on Torture & Wiretapping (6 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel Should Forget About Bombing Iran

Sheila Samples: Dems 'Truth Commission': Just more partisanship? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: "Looking Ahead" or Overlooking Crimes Against Humanity?

Sheila Samples: It's time to rethink Zionism (1 comments)

Darren Wolfe: Chavez Reminds Us that Democracy Is Not Freedom (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Howard Dean: The Far Right's All Out Offensive Against Medical Research

Sheila Samples: New York Post Chimp Cartoon Compares Stimulus Author To Dead Primate (2 comments)

Laudyms: Social Collapse Best Practices

Margaret Bassett: Soup-Kitchen Accounting

Margaret Bassett: The Real Grand Bargain on Social Security

Margaret Bassett: More support for Commission | John Conyers blog

Margaret Bassett: Attack of the Killer Robots: Pentagon Plans to Deploy Autonomous Robots in War Zones

Barry Werner: The new anti-Semitism (4 comments)

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: What Happened to Flight 93? (5 comments)

Mark David: BBC NEWS | Middle East | Clerics urge new jihad over Gaza (1 comments)

Barry Werner: Anti-Semitism in the UK: The Banality of Evil (1 comments)

Jason Paz: More Republican Obstructions versus Whistle Blowers

Darren Wolfe: Why demote Lincoln?

Margaret Bassett: Meet the New Republican Leaders (Video)

Tuesday, February 17:

Mark David: Middle East and Terrorism: Britain's surrender

Jason Paz: Conservative Ideological Idiocy

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: What About bin Laden? (2 comments)

Mark David: The New Anti-Semitism

Sheila Samples: Robert Parry: Obama and the Media Dilemma

Sheila Samples: A setback for Obama's promise of open government

Sheila Samples: P. M. Carpenter: Afghanistan, not Againistan

Sheila Samples: A reality check for Obama in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: US general stresses need for time

Sheila Samples: Obama's Caterpillar Visit a Thumb in the Eye for Human Rights Activists (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Way to Rig Elections on Scale Unimagined - Right Here Right Now

Laudyms: Bank insolvency: tips & tricks

Barry Werner: The first casualty of war: Truth | Editorials | Jerusalem Post (1 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: Why Is This Still Timely?

Darren Wolfe: The Looting Bush Family (2 comments)

Curtis Walker: The architects of California's budget impasse and the Canary for the Nation

Darren Wolfe: The Left in Power (2 comments)

The Candid Blogger: Alternate Fuel Technology Banned in America

Barry Werner: An urgent memo for the next government of Israel (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: High Noon: Geithner v. the American Oligarchs (1 comments)

Brett Paatsch: Anti-terror tactics 'weaken law'

Monday, February 16:

Sheila Samples: Bill Berkowitz: Newt Gingrich - Drilling for Power

Sheila Samples: Mike Whitney:Eastern Europe is about to Blow

Sheila Samples: An American Foreign Legion

Sheila Samples: Israel’s Rationale for Murder: No One is Innocent (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: Decade at Bernie’s

Sheila Samples: Deep Inside the Grim ‘24,’ Two Comics’ Inside Joke

Darren Wolfe: Limbaugh-Leninism

Barbara Peterson: Is the break up of the "United States" at hand?

Darren Wolfe: Chavez Wins: "Socialism" Or Death!

Laudyms: Musical Prophecy: 27 years ago, poet Gil Scott-Heron nailed it

Margaret Bassett: | OBAMA RENEGES ON A BIG ONE

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: 19 Hijackers?

Margaret Bassett: To Kill or Not to Kill

Kitty Antonik Wakfer: Taxing times for US tax payers

Jason Paz: Israel Should Forget About Bombing Iran

Kitty Antonik Wakfer: Committee on Doubt and Uncertainty

Margaret Bassett: America's Shame: Can Jim Webb Fix the Prison Gulag?

Margaret Bassett: Nationalizing the Banks Seems Inevitable: How Bad Does It Have to Get First?

Sunday, February 15:

Rob Kall: Obama has picked the wrong hero for our times

Sheila Samples: A Torture Report Could Spell Big Trouble For Bush Lawyers

Laudyms: Radical surgery is required to save this patient

Amanda Lang: Brits show Yanks how a police state is done (2 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: What Freedom of Expression?

Barry Werner: YouTube - Hamas puppet: I declare war on the Zionists (2 comments)

Darren Wolfe: Roots of the Banking Crisis

Joan Brunwasser: Frank Rich: They Sure Showed That Obama

Saturday, February 14:

Gustav Wynn: Pentagon's PR Spending Increased To Combat Rising Anti-War Sentiment (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: William Rivers Pitt: Dump the GOP

Sheila Samples: Dahr Jamail: Iraq From an Armored BMW: Where U.S. 'Reconstruction' Funds Are Really Going

Sheila Samples: Obama Will Fight with Us to Quash the Campaign to Loot Social Security -- Right?

Sheila Samples: State Secrets and Deceit: Obama Embraces CIA Torture

Sheila Samples: Obama's Defense Department appointees – The $3.4 Trillion Dollar Question

Sheila Samples: Gaza: Inside the world's biggest prison

Mike Kuykendall: Why Aren't We Calling Republicans Obstructionists?

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: What Did the Bush Family Know?

Darren Wolfe: Battling Christian Terrorists

Darren Wolfe: The Myth of the Laissez-Faire Bush Years

John Lorenz: How Banks Are Worsening the Foreclosure Crisis

GLloyd Rowsey: As It Was Before Gaza, And Still Is. (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Obama and liberals: a counter-productive relationship

Sheila Samples: Nato is deeper in its Afghan mire than Russia ever was

R.H. Smith: Myth of the 'San Francisco Mouse'

Friday, February 13:

Sheila Samples: Jamison Foser: Putting the "partisan" in "bipartisanship"

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: Who Provided Security? (1 comments)

Darren Wolfe: The Great College Hoax

Laudyms: Looting Social Security (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: USA TODAY POLL: Most want inquiry into anti-terror tactics

Gene Messick: Congressional Republicans in destructive MELTDOWN

Margaret Bassett: Cut the Military Budget (2 comments)

The Candid Blogger: Bush Must be Prosecuted for War Crimes

Eileen Fleming: The Bell Tolls: A Review of We can have Peace in the Holy Land, by Jimmy Carter

Thursday, February 12:

Amanda Lang: The Bush Legacy: An Assault on Public Protections

Sheila Samples: Next flash point over terror detainees: Bagram prison

Sheila Samples: Blinded by greed, oblivious to need: How socially irresponsible Republicans are killing America (1 comments)

The Candid Blogger: 9/11 Questions: Who Knew in Advance? (8 comments)

Darren Wolfe: Bipartisan "Stimulus" Nonsense

Darren Wolfe: A 'Lincoln Scholar' Comes Clean

Alan James: 2009 Poverty Olympics provides hilarious and serious preview for 2010

Hans Bennett: PhillyIMC: Draft report calls for shake-ups in low-performing schools

Laudyms: Tell the ADL to stop defending Avigdor Lieberman!

Sheila Samples: E. J. Dionne: Lost in the Middle

Sheila Samples: Jim Wallis: The Best Thing for the Economy, the Right Thing for the Poor

The Candid Blogger: Obama Urged to Decriminalize Marijuana (1 comments)

virginius "gin" arnold: Open our doors to India and the problem goes away

Better World Order: : Will You Help Me With My Next Film? (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: How Economists (and Pundits and Politicians) Helped Steer America Off a Cliff

Rob Kall: Top Obama Aides Embrace Bush's War on Terror Rhetoric and Enemy Combatant Policy: JONATHAN TURLEY (4 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Marc Ambinder Grants Anonymity to "Officials" to Defend the Obama DOJ

chris rice: Chasing our Tails

The Candid Blogger: Conspiracy Theories (part 2) (7 comments)

Mark David: Charming Barbarians

Joan Brunwasser: New York -- Transparency vs. Certification: Fact & Friction (1 comments)

Wednesday, February 11:

Sheila Samples: Chris Floyd: Shock Absorbers: Progressives Stunned by Obama Non-Surprises (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Hunger Strikes Continue at Guantánamo

Sheila Samples: Stephen Lendman: Obama's "War on Terror"

Margaret Bassett: ACORN Saves Homes While Feds Flounder

Mark David: Who are the real Nazis? (4 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Source: Petraeus Leaked Misleading Story on Pullout Plans

The Candid Blogger: Conspiracy Theories Given a Bad Rap

Tuesday, February 10:

Sheila Samples: GOP on Stimulus: First, Do Harm

Sheila Samples: Chuck Baldwin: President And Congress Grovel Before The Fed

Sheila Samples: Why Is Obama Adopting Bush’s Blustery Stance on Secret Documents about Rendition?

Joan Brunwasser: Mississippi Republicans Push For Disenfranchising Polling Place Photo ID Restrictions

Joan Brunwasser: WA State Seeks to Use Military and Overseas Voters as Internet Voting Guinea Pigs

Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson: Roll Over the Republicans

Darren Wolfe: The Audacity of Dopes

Laudyms: Asia: The coming fury

Richmond Shreve: Leon Wieseltier (TNR) decries Obama Junk Mail

Mark David: Victor Davis Hanson on Appeasement

Darren Wolfe: What is Seen and What is Unseen: Government "Job Creation"

The Candid Blogger: Will War Ever End? Ask the U.S. (2 comments)

Mark David: Tarek Fatah - Chasing a Mirage

Mark David: President Jimmy Carter - Dennis the Menace? (1 comments)

chris rice: Petition for the Prosecution of GWB

Mark David: A-Rod - should he be called A-Roid? (1 comments)

Monday, February 9:

Sheila Samples: Glenn Greenwald: Obama fails his first test on civil liberties and accountability -- resoundingly and disgracefully (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: E. J. Dionne: The Fighting Conciliator (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama Undermines Jobs Mandate For the Sake of Bipartisanship

Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: The Destructive Center

Sheila Samples: A Hard-Liner Gains Ground in Israel

Sheila Samples: Will improved military enlistment last?

Sheila Samples: Cheney's Dark Heart Pumps Lies, Treachery

Margaret Bassett: Stimulus Would Boost Digitizing Health Records

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Exploding the Myth that Progressive Talk isn't Profitable

Scott Baker: U.S. Taxpayers Risk $9.7 Trillion on Bailout Programs (Update1)

Darren Wolfe: Obama's Wealth Destruction (7 comments)

William Cormier: Commentary: Free trade has sold out the American worker (1 comments)

Scott Baker: Your request is being processed... Progressives Call For Democrats To Abolish The Filibuster

Laudyms: A primer on Israeli elections

Dr Michael Salla: NSC power increases in effort to regain control of X-Files

Joan Brunwasser: Is Howard Dean Getting Screwed Over? (5 comments)

Sunday, February 8:

chris rice: Zeitgeist Revolution

chris rice: Strike updates for France

John Lorenz: The Fairness Doctrine: Why We Need It Back

Michael Collins: All of Them Must Go

Laudyms: Naomi Klein: Public Revolt Builds Against Rip-off Rescue Plans

Darren Wolfe: Police State Keynesianism: Stimulating Tyranny (7 comments)

Sheila Samples: I must be on crazy pills (1 comments)

The Candid Blogger: Thank You Barack Obama

chris rice: Petition to support French strikers

Bob Sommer: Further thoughts on the great response of Shawnee Mission East High School students to Fred Phelps

Kitty Antonik Wakfer: Show Trials with Capitalist Defendants in Shackles (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: National Lawyers Guild: What We Found in Gaza

Sheila Samples: Eric Margolis: Time for America to get small: U.S. citizens must retrench, stop borrowing, and save their way back to pr

Laudyms: A "New" Bailout Plan? Hardly. (1 comments)

Laudyms: Fundamentalist Consumerism and an Insane Society

The Candid Blogger: Why General Motors Deserves NOTHING

Amanda Lang: Frank Rich: Slumdogs Unite!

Sheila Samples: FRANK RICH: Slumdogs Unite!

Margaret Bassett: Tie Education Funding To Corporal Punishment Ban (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: AP CEO Urges Better Press Access to Military Ops

GLloyd Rowsey: To America, about Israel: Boycott, Sanction, and Divest (1 comments)

Saturday, February 7:

Sheila Samples: Bibi? I believe him

Sheila Samples: New GOP Standard Bearer Rush Limbaugh Is Less Popular Than Jeremiah Wright (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Paul Krugman: What the Centrists Have Wrought (2 comments)

The Candid Blogger: The Federal Reserve is Destroying America (5 comments)

Darren Wolfe: The Coming Fascism

Dr Michael Salla: Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy

Sheila Samples: Partisanship Is a Worthy Foe in Debate on Stimulus

Sheila Samples: Give Us Netanyahu. Please

Sheila Samples: Joseph Stiglitz: Nationalized Banks Are "Only Answer" (3 comments)

The Candid Blogger: Here's Your Miracle, President Obama

The Candid Blogger: Thank You, Michael Phelps

cosmogenium: Bob Cesca: Operation Zero Cred

Dan Merica: Despite Obama's promises, rival views are scrubbed from White House

Friday, February 6:

Dan Lieberman: Can the Obama Plan Revive the U.S. Economy? (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Jamison Foser: Fundamentally flawed stimulus coverage

Kitty Antonik Wakfer: Why Did This Happen? (3 comments)

chris rice: Oscar Grant we will never forget

Sheila Samples: ISRAELI ELECTIONS: Netanyahu Poised to Return to Power

Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: On the Edge (1 comments)

Dr Michael Salla: 55th anniversary of Eisenhower meeting with extraterrestrials? (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Denial As Political Strategy

Margaret Bassett: Executive Pay: Obama's PATCO Moment

Margaret Bassett: They Just Don't Get It

Margaret Bassett: Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan (Thanks for Ruining America)

Margaret Bassett: Facing Foreclosure? Don't Leave. Squat.

Sheila Samples: Bush paid too much for bailout (1 comments)

Darren Wolfe: Smoot and Hawley Return

Thursday, February 5:

Darren Wolfe: The First Hundred Days

Mac McKinney: Israeli Veteran: Gaza Attacks Marked My Military's Moral Low

Rob Kall: Countdown video : Olbermann: Cheney doing the work of terrorists

Margaret Bassett: Curtailing Executives' Pay? Good Luck with That

Joan Brunwasser: Seat Al Franken Already

Sheila Samples: E. J. Dionne: Time to Play Hardball

Sheila Samples: Bulldog Dick: Cheney Is Already Attacking Obama (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Why the GOP's Help for Homeowners Won't Help One Bit

Sheila Samples: Seat Al Franken Already

Sheila Samples: Jim Hightower: Why Is the Government Hell-Bent on Rewarding Greed, Incompetence and Narcissism?

Sheila Samples: President Obama: The Action Americans Need

Laudyms: High-Level CIA Officer: It Is Time to Re-Open the 9/11 Investigation (3 comments)

Peter Dearman: Megaphone: Israel's other war weapon

Andreas Umland: The beginning of a new Russian 'thaw'?

Wednesday, February 4:

Viki_FL: Bulldog Dick: Cheney Is Already Attacking Obama (6 comments)

Robert Arend: Judges Sentenced: Kids For Cash

Sheila Samples: Ian Williams: Defying logic

Sheila Samples: Robert Scheer: Runaway Wall Street

Sheila Samples: George Mitchell and the end of the two-state solution

Sheila Samples: Daniel Hopsicker: Carlos Slim and the Narco-Politicos

Sheila Samples: The Whole World Is Rioting as the Economic Crisis Worsens -- Why Aren't We?

Margaret Bassett: Why Are We Still at War? (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Talking to Israelis, the PLO and Hamas

Amanda Lang: Norman Solomon: Is Peace No Longer an Option?

Margaret Bassett: Fannie Mae's Overpaid Board: Can President Obama Turn Words Into Action?

Laudyms: Dalrymple: Pakistan in Peril

Laudyms: Blum : Change (in rhetoric) we can believe in

Laudyms: The Guernsey Experiment

Margaret Bassett: We're Disappointed in TVA Negligence, Rising Power Rates

Barry Werner: Not the one, or two, or three state solution but the stability solution

Tuesday, February 3:

Robert Johnson: Global Financial Crises And Hugo Chavez

Mark David: President Obama and the Muslim World (3 comments)

Mark David: What should the Mets' new stadium be called (1 comments)

Barbara Peterson: The Demoralization of America (1 comments)

Laudyms: Chalmers Johnson: Economic Death Spiral at the Pentagon

Laudyms: Americans are Clueless

Barbara Peterson: Are the States Really Broke or Hiding Assets?

Darren Wolfe: Generals Seek to Reverse Obama Withdrawal Decision

DC Rapier: Rep Conyers Calls Investigation of Bush Crimes 'Our Responsibility'

Joan Brunwasser: The Travails of Tom Daschle

Joan Brunwasser: Risking the Future

Joan Brunwasser: John Conyers: Our Responsibility - to get the facts (7 comments)

Monday, February 2:

Mac McKinney: Israeli War Crimes: Under the Black Flag By URI AVNERY (1 comments)

Jason Paz: Israel Coping with Aftermath of War (1 comments)

Kitty Antonik Wakfer: Economic Recommendations for President Obama (2 comments)

Mark David: Another Week, Another Controversy

Dr Michael Salla: Real X-files hidden as trade secrets

Sheila Samples: The silence of the jurists

Sheila Samples: Senate GOP's 'Stimulus Plan' Costs 3.5 Times as Much as Obama's

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Conservatives Work Hard to Bring About the Econopocalypse

Sheila Samples: Poll: Majority Of Republicans Want Party To Be More Like Palin

Sheila Samples: ABC's Note: Senate controls a make-or-break week for Obama agenda

Sheila Samples: Chris Hedges: It’s Not Going to Be OK

Amanda Lang: U.S. Military Civil Disturbance Planning [Origins of Operation Garden Plot: The Kerner Commission] (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: President Obama -- It's time to stop illegal spying on all Americans (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Four Less-Reported Pieces Of Hugely Good News

Steven Leser: Obama Releases Aid For Gaza

Amanda Lang: Shock Doctrine Revisited: Reconstructing Gaza - Let the "No Bid" Bidding Begin

Laudyms: The Daschles: feeding at the Beltway trough

Sheila Samples: ROGER COHEN: The Other Iran

Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: Bailouts for Bunglers

Margaret Bassett: Xenophobic Attempt to Put "English First" in Nashville Fails

John Lorenz: Bailouts for Bunglers

Sunday, February 1:

Mike Kuykendall: Let's Pressure NH Governor to Seat a Democrat (1 comments)

Amanda Lang: Newsflash: Ronald Reagan Raised Taxes (You Idiots) (1 comments)

Amanda Lang: How the U.S. Government Is Footing the Stimulus Bill (1 comments)

Laudyms: Will the FDA Finally Get Out of Bed With Big Pharma?

Amanda Lang: Barney Frank: "The largest spending bill in history is going to turn out to be the war in Iraq." (1 comments)

Amanda Lang: Obama: The next step on global warming (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: Larry Beinhart: Torture, War Crimes & Must Watch Media for 2009

Sheila Samples: FRANK RICH: Herbert Hoover Lives

Gustav Wynn: Spending, Skimming & Debt: 30 Years of GOP Economics - Thom Hartmann (1 comments)

Jason Paz: Attacks on Press Freedom of Expression

Amanda Lang: A long-overdue chance for working people to catch up

Amanda Lang: Thomas Frank: Toll Roads Are Paved With Bad Intentions

chris rice: Strike updates for France

chris rice: Riverside Community Hospital sucks

Leon Thompson: AP Investigation: Banks sought foreign workers

chris rice: Message to Obama and Congress

chris rice: Strike updates for Iceland

Jason Paz: The Biggest Slaves Think Falsely They are Free

Darren Wolfe: Under Obama, 'war on terror' catchphrase fading

Joan Brunwasser: Herbert Hoover Lives

chris rice: Strike updates for Russia


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