Archives for Best Web OpEds
October 2009
Saturday, October 31:
Darren Wolfe: Politicans Are NOT Prostitutes " They Are Pimps
Sheila Samples: No to settlements is yes to peace
Sheila Samples: Malcom Lagauche: IT'S ALL A BIG HAZE
gone: Halloween dangerous says Vatican by Caroline Prosser
gone: A Covert History of the 1960's Era by Ben Best
Margaret Bassett: U.S. Troops are Hostages of Iraq's Broken Democracy
M. Wizard: NY Times Editorial: "This Dismaying Retreat from Mr. Obama's Passionate Campaign Promises..."
Friday, October 30:
Don Smith: The Defining Moment - Paul Krugman
Sheila Samples: The Generals' Revolt : Rolling Stone
Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN: The Defining Moment
Joan Brunwasser: Paul Krugman: The Defining Moment
Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Daily Show under fire for covering Israeli-Palestinian conflict | Raw Story
Sheila Samples: Israeli military gives settlers free rein
Don Smith: How to Save the News (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Afghanistan: Eight Years On & No Direction Home
Darren Wolfe: The Gold Standard and the Great Depression - Robert P. Murphy
Sheila Samples: Forbes Bows to Beck After He Complains About Being Named One Of Magazine's 'Scariest People' | PEEK | AlterNet
Margaret Bassett: McChrystal Doesn't Get It—Does Obama?
Thursday, October 29:
gone: Governor drops f-bomb on the margin
gone: 300 Years of American Terror, Insanity And Awe by Michael Schaub
Sheila Samples: Bill Fletcher, Jr. -- Listening to Justice Golstone
Joan Brunwasser: How the Angelides Commission can crack open the Wall Street scandal—if it dares.
Sheila Samples: Tipping the balance in East Jerusalem
Sheila Samples: AFGHANISTAN: U.S., NATO Forces Rely on Warlords for Security
Sheila Samples: Hamid Karzai: Afghanistan's Diem
Sheila Samples: Inside Bush's Motivational Speech - Leslie Harris (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Afghanistan: A Whole New Approach - Jim Wallis
Sheila Samples: Omar bin Laden -- My Father, the Terrorist
Sheila Samples: Enemy of the public option | Maura Keaney
Stanimal: Chinese Geely Automotive In Lead Bid For Volvo
Wednesday, October 28:
Sheila Samples: Israel targeting grassroots activists
Darren Wolfe: Libelous Leftist Lynch Mobs by Thomas DiLorenzo (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Lori Price: Silence On the Senator
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Bankers Vs. The People: Which Side Is The White House On?
Sheila Samples: The lineup: Harry Reid's toughest votes
Margaret Bassett: DeFOX America - a Video
Margaret Bassett: How the Angelides Commission can Crack open the Wall Street Scandal—if it Dares.
Sheila Samples: Thomas Frank: Obama Is Right About Fox News
Margaret Bassett: I'm a Doctor. So Sue me. No, Really
Tuesday, October 27:
gone: Rats! City to Pay for Informing on Tax Cheats By ANDREW GREINER
Sister Begonia: Ehud Olmert Could Face War Crimes Arrest if He Visits UK
Andreas Umland: Tom Balforth: Rivals in Conciliation ("Russia Profile")
Sister Begonia: Report: Palestinians denied water
Sheila Samples: Obama: How Long Will He Refuse To Fight?
Margaret Bassett: Socialism and the West
Sheila Samples: Is New York Facing a Financial China Syndrome? JONATHAN TURLEY
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert -- Changing the World
Sheila Samples: Conservatives Are Rewriting the Bible to Free It From "Liberal Bias" (2 comments)
gone: Help Wanted, Section 2
John Lorenz: Matthew Hoh, a Senior Official in Afghanistan Resigns in Protest over US Policy and Strategy in Afghanistan
gone: Network Centric Warfare by Govt. Contractors
gone: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets by Noah Shachtman
David Kendall: Who's Afraid of the Independent Press?
Margaret Bassett: Obama's Foreign Policy Report Card
Monday, October 26:
Sheila Samples: Are You Ready to Subsidize Reporters?
Darren Wolfe: “National Emergency†Declarations | Christine Smith's Blog
Clayton Trutor: The Age of Awkwardness (or The Case for Guilt) by Clayton Trutor
Sheila Samples: Calamity of Iraq's orphans & morality of America (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Right-Wing Extremist Group on Active Military Duty? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Continued Incarceration of the Innocent by Andy Worthington
Josh Mitteldorf: Julian Sanchez on Obama's War on Terror
Sheila Samples: Fareed Zakaria - Obama should weigh troop level carefully
Margaret Bassett: America's Real Quagmire | Mark Weisbrot (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The Pay Czar's Pay Cut Ruling: The Hype, the Hoax
Sheila Samples: NYT Editorial - The Cover-Up Continues (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman -- After Reform Passes
gone: Torture Source Code by Congress
Better World Order: MERS Losing! Stop Your Foreclosure, Share with Others
Sunday, October 25:
Joan Brunwasser: Military Waging War Against The White House
OilGuy: The Oil Industry And Its Effect On Global Politics
Grant Lawrence: Great! UN to Investigate US Housing Crisis
Margaret Bassett: President Obama Presented in Prague Ambitious Strategy to Address the Nuclear Threat
Mary Pitt: Americans pull strings in Afghan election
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: In Defense of the ‘Balloon Boy' Dad -
Darren Wolfe: Is Adulation of the Military Really Patriotic?
Saturday, October 24:
Sheila Samples: Craig Murray -- How a Torture Protest Killed a Career
Sheila Samples: After the Billionaires Plundered Alabama Town, Troops Were Called in ... Illegally
Sheila Samples: Insane Neocon to Ron Reagan: Your Father Would Be Ashamed (2 comments)
gone: Human Rights and World Territory by Garry Davis
Friday, October 23:
Sheila Samples: Texas, the eyes of Justice are upon you
Josh Mitteldorf: London Review: Obama's Delusion (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Dahr Jamail: Cyber Resistance
Rob Kall: Matt Taibbi : Elizabeth Warren for President (1 comments)
gone: Freud's Nephew and the Origins of Public Relations by Alix Spiegel
gone: Is Eckhart Tolle the route to God? By Douglas Todd (1 comments)
gone: Torches of Freedom by Allen Butler
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: Why Journalists Shouldn't Be Defending Fox News (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Retired General Slams Cheney As "Incompetent War Fighter"
Ann Garrison: San Francisco recruits, as Obama deliberates surge by Ann Garrison
Sheila Samples: Nat Hentoff -- Obama Every Bit as Bad as Bush/Cheney on Patriot Act (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Administrative Detention in Israel
Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson --Wall Street on the lam
Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN --The Chinese Disconnect
Sheila Samples: Behind the War Between White House and Fox
Richmond Shreve: "The pig loves the attention." -- Cartoonist Keefe
Thursday, October 22:
Sheila Samples: F. William Engdahl -- America's Phoney War in Afghanistan (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: The Construction of the Iran "Threat": The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats
Sheila Samples: Justice Revival is Coming - Jim Wallis
Sheila Samples: Sen. Alexander accuses Obama of building an 'enemies list'
Sheila Samples: President Obama tightens lobbying stance - Mike Allen
Sheila Samples: Why are we still in Afghanistan?
GLloyd Rowsey: Three-Tier Race-Based Wage Scales in Manhattan, by Glen Ford
M. Wizard: Michael Moore's Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now
Peter Dearman: Canadian PM's new speechwriter is a gay rights opponent
Robert Arend: Did Paulson's Secret Meeting with Goldman Sachs Break the Law? By Muriel Kane
Margaret Bassett: Pelosi Steps Up as Champion of the Public Option
Margaret Bassett: Bonus Bandits: Why Are Bank Execs Making a Killing in the Midst of Catastrophe? (1 comments)
Mac McKinney: Engdahl: America's Phoney War in Afghanistan
Wednesday, October 21:
Ginger McClemons: YouTube - Alex Jones asks supporters to redouble efforts to save falling Republic (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Obama Flexes Political Muscle
Leon Thompson: U.S. to Order Steep Pay Cuts at Firms That Got Most "Bailout" Aid
Sheila Samples: GOP Communications Arm In Action: Republican Senator Takes Up Fox News' ‘Enemies List' Attack On Obama
Sheila Samples: My Secret Plan to Overthrow Iran's Mullahs - By Larry Franklin
Sheila Samples: The Right Is Still Clutching Its Beloved Torture Policies
Sheila Samples: Glenn Greenwald -- A Rumsfeld-era reminder about what causes Terrorism
gone: Democrats lock Republicans out of committee room By Susan Crabtree
gone: Cannabis Policy Memo, by Tracy Russo (1 comments)
Darren Wolfe: The Wall Street Journal Defends the Predator State - Robert P. Murphy (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Johann Hari: The three fallacies that have driven the war in Afghanistan
Sheila Samples: Thomas Frank: From John Birchers to Birthers
Margaret Bassett: Take America Back From the Banks - Showdown in Chicago
Margaret Bassett: Bill Moyers: How Can the U.S. Be an Empire and a Democracy at the Same Time? (2 comments)
Tuesday, October 20:
Sheila Samples: War and politics in Afghanistan
Sheila Samples: Defense Department Opposed Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment
David Bloys: Report: 90% of U.S. Border Unsecured
Darren Wolfe: Peace and the "Peace Prize" - Ben O'Neill
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert -- Safety Nets for the Rich
Dan Lieberman: Health is a Socio-Economic Problem
Monday, October 19:
Don Smith: YouTube - Republicans in Congress
Joan Brunwasser: The Baucus Bill: 'Reform' or Legislative Obscenity?
Sheila Samples: Jonathan Turley -- Just say no to blasphemy laws
Darren Wolfe: Why Liberals Kill
gone: Total unrecall " many strange cases of missing memory by RICK FENELEY
Sheila Samples: Bob Woodward and Gordon M. Goldstein -- Lessons on War From McNamara and Bundy
Margaret Bassett: Taxing High-Income Residents: Better than Budget Cuts, Better for Economic Growth
Sheila Samples: National Journal -- Is Obama Tough Enough?
Sheila Samples: E.J. Dionne Jr. - Youth vote is critical for Democrats next year
Darren Wolfe: Let's Make Health Care Inexpensive Again by Harry Browne
Darren Wolfe: Is Timothy Geithner A Roadblock to Regulatory Reform?
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman -- The Banks Are Not Alright (1 comments)
Sunday, October 18:
Sheila Samples: Exclusive: I Helped Richard Heene Plan a Balloon Hoax - Boy in the balloon
Darren Wolfe: Warren Harding and the Forgotten Depression of 1920 by Tom Woods
Darren Wolfe: Climate Change, Socialized Medicine and Population Control by Adam Murdock, MD
Sheila Samples: War Next Door Creates Havoc in Pakistan
Sheila Samples: Media Distortion: Killing Innocent Afghan Civilians to "Save Our Troops"
Margaret Bassett: ‘Blue Cross Is Telling A Lie'
Sheila Samples: James Bamford -- Who's in Big Brother's Database?
Sheila Samples: Mr. Stewart comes to Washington - Patrick Gavin
Sheila Samples: US-Iran: Congress Begins Pressing Sanctions Legislation
Sheila Samples: Pakistan's Double Game
Margaret Bassett: British High Court Rejects U.S./British Cover-up of Torture Evidence (1 comments)
DC Rapier: Monty Python, Colin Powell and the Terror Industrial Complex
DC Rapier: Behind Closed Doors: Our Health-care Future
Saturday, October 17:
Robert Arend: ObamaCare to Include Psychological Counseling for Republicans (2 comments)
Leif Eriksson: Obama, A Window Dresser In A Doomsday Store Or A Real President by Leif Eriksson
gone: Mark Twain was right By dissent
Darren Wolfe: Losing Their Religion: 2009 officially declared year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: CHARLES M. BLOW - Impatiently Waiting
Don Smith: Memo to the media: Fox News is now the Opposition Party | Media Matters for America
Gustav Wynn: More Details About "ACORN Pimp": Past Entrapment Stunts (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Ex-Cons Serve Up Felony Franks
Margaret Bassett: The Rise of the Religious Left -- Why Christianity Isn't Just for Conservatives
Scott Baker: NY Times Editorial: Shale and Our Water
Friday, October 16:
Grant Lawrence: Talker Glen Beck: A Silly Man Crying for an America that Never Was
Leon Thompson: Wall Street Is The Only One Celebrating Today When Compared to Clinton Years
Sheila Samples: William R. Polk -- An Open Letter to President Obama
Margaret Bassett: News Reports from Inside the Financial Coup
Sheila Samples: Roger Cohen -- An Ordinary Israel
Margaret Bassett: Rewarding Failure: The Bail-Out Bonuses on Wall Street Continue
Sheila Samples: Dr. Frankenstein of Fox News Creates Another Right-Wing Monster
Sheila Samples: Hightower: Obama, Time to Work on Creating Jobs for Hardworking Americans
Darren Wolfe: Frustrating Michael Moore
gone: Assholes in America: An Inquiry into WTF Is Wrong With Us by Brantley Hargrove
Sheila Samples: Gen. McChrystal's Credibility Problem
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: A Hatchet Job So Bad It's Good
Margaret Bassett: A perfect logo - Glenn Greenwald (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: 'Most Dangerous Philosopher in the West' Has Speech Cut Short By Bomb Threat in NYC
Sandy Frost: Shriners Swarm Vegas, Jester Girl Code of Conduct Revealed
Thursday, October 15:
Margaret Bassett: Otto Hits Sour Note with Hensley
Margaret Bassett: Stanley McChrystal's Long War
Margaret Bassett: Does the Brain Like E-Books? - Room for Debate Blog
Sheila Samples: McChrystal's 40,000 Troop Hoax
Margaret Bassett: Tom Brokaw - How Obama Can Share His Peace Prize
Sheila Samples: Stanley McChrystal's Long War - NYTimes Magazine
Don Smith: David Horsey political cartoon about insurance greed
Scott Baker: Dylan Ratigan: Huffington Post: Turn Goldman Anger Into Government Action (1 comments)
gone: US Condemns Vietnam's Treatment of non-American Activists
M. Wizard: Michael Moore & Dylan Ratigan on Government Support of Wall Street Fleecing
Sheila Samples: Right-Wing Fringe: A Hard Base to Please
Sheila Samples: Ramzy Baroud -- Abbas and the Goldstone Report: Our Shame is Complete
Darren Wolfe: The Real Problem With ACORN (2 comments)
Wednesday, October 14:
Sheila Samples: Maureen Dowd -- Daisy Chain of Cheneys
Richmond Shreve: The Atlantic: Does the Vaccine Matter? (4 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Citizens Gather to Support Public Health Care
Sheila Samples: Hawks still link Taliban to al-Qaeda
Margaret Bassett: Afghanistan - the proxy war (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Olympia Snowe is boss, Joe Lieberman plunges the dagger, Obama claims victory through retreat, the great liberal revolt
Sheila Samples: At What Cost the Israel Lobby?
Darren Wolfe: Corporatist Pigs! - Pia Varma
Sheila Samples: Right Wing Wackjobs Are Trying to Resurrect Bush's Disgraceful Foreign Policy
Sheila Samples: Why Republicans Are in the Grip of an Apocalyptic Rapture Cult Centered on Revenge and Vindication (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Dick Gephardt's Fall: How a Progressive Stalwart Turned into a Spectacular Political Sellout
Margaret Bassett: Obama Vs. Rupert Murdoch: Fox News' Blatant Transition into GOP TV
R. Francis Rubio: Mancow Congratulates the Late Sen. Kennedy on His Sobriety (2 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Government health care runs up against costs too -- and political solutions can be nasty
Darren Wolfe: Does More Federal Spending = Better Education? (video)
Tuesday, October 13:
Sheila Samples: The audacity of greed: how private health insurers just blew their cover
Kevin Gosztola: Take America Back from the Banks
sometimes blinded: Testing new Afghan war doctrine
Darren Wolfe: Obama and the Nobel Prize: WhenWar Becomes Peace, When the Lie Becomes the Truth
Monday, October 12:
Sheila Samples: Republican Senate Sex Scandals Point Back to Secretive Conservative Christian "Family"
Sheila Samples: What lies beneath the war in Afghanistan | Eric Margolis
Sheila Samples: Critics of “holy Israel†targeted by Christian Zionists
Sheila Samples: Afghanistan - the proxy war
Sheila Samples: Nothing to Fear but the Flu Itself
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman - Misguided Monetary Mentalities
Margaret Bassett: Reasoning Behind Obama's Peace Prize
Sheila Samples: Pelosi Key to GOP 2010 Playbook
Steven Leser: Glenn Beck Goes Global
Scott Baker: What's the Matter with Michigan? The Rise and Collapse of an Economic Wonder, by Mason Gaffney
B. Ross Ashley: Interview: Malalai Joya Talks to London Progressive Journal, by Steven Littlewood
Richmond Shreve: Nothing to Fear but the Flu Itself [NY Times OpEd] (3 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Obama's Nobel Peace Prize | Christine Smith's Blog
Margaret Bassett: Another view: Set flexible timetable - Opinion
Margaret Bassett: Bill Moyers: Was the Financial Bailout Just a Slick, Friendly Takeover of the Federal Government? (2 comments)
Scott Baker: The World's First 'Terrorists' Johann Hari Columnist, London Independent
Sunday, October 11:
Leon Thompson: EDITORIAL: Recap of the Baucus Health Insurance Bill
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: Two Wrongs Make Another Fiasco (1 comments)
Daniel Geery: The Big Lie of Afghanistan
Margaret Bassett: Shrinking the Rust Belt
Margaret Bassett: Lessons Las Vegas can Learn from the Rust Belt
Steven Leser: Michael Moore: Get off Obama's Back - Re: Nobel Peace Prize (7 comments)
Saturday, October 10:
Sheila Samples: Abbas must go
Darren Wolfe: Scenes From a Crackdown
Margaret Bassett: 'Profound' Difference between President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize and those awarded Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Eight Years of Big Lies on Afghanistan by James Bovard
Sheila Samples: Fire McChrystal and Get Out of Afghanistan: The Independent Institute
Sheila Samples: Not The Bible - The Ultimate and Eternal Parody
Sheila Samples: US builds “coalition of like-minded nations†against Iran
Leon Thompson: Solar Power Outshining Colorado's Gas Industry
David Kendall: 'Capitalism' not a love story (4 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Ayn Rand Philosophy Falls Short (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Right-Wingers Respond to Obama's Nobel Prize: Proof that He's the Anti-Christ, and Other Wing-Nut Theories
Margaret Bassett: Rachel Maddow Takes on the Man Doing Corporate Agribusiness's Dirty Work
Margaret Bassett: Why Was a Lightweight Montana Senator on the Finance Committee Tasked to Take on Health Care Reform?
Margaret Bassett: Michael Moore: Congratulations President Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize -- Now Please Earn it!
Margaret Bassett: Watchdog: Obama's Mortgage Relief Efforts Aren't Good Enough
Margaret Bassett: Rural Hospitals Fear Health CareOverhaul Won't Help Them
DC Rapier: Iraq War Resolution Revisited
Friday, October 9:
gone: Government Readies Youth Corps To Take On Vets
Michael Haltman: The Nobel Prize For Appeasement, or, For Not Being George Bush, Michael Haltman
Kevin Gosztola: Congratulations President Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize -- Now Please Earn it!
Steven Leser: Michael Moore on Obama's Nobel Prize - Congratulations President Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize -- Now Please Earn it!
Sheila Samples: Limbaugh: 'Greater embarrassment' than losing Olympics
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: The Uneducated American
Margaret Bassett: The Norway Post - Peace Prize: Surprise Choice (1 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: Why Are We in Afghanistan, by Ron Jacobs
Darren Wolfe: Doug Casey on Global Warming
Joan Brunwasser: Calling 'Em Out: The White House Takes on the Press (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Obama: Nobel Prize for Peace
Margaret Bassett: The Economic Revolution Is Already Happening -- It's Just Not on Wall St.
Thursday, October 8:
Sheila Samples: A Conversation With A Rabid Right Winger
Darren Wolfe: Robocops Come to Pittsburgh by Mike Ferner
Darren Wolfe: Arctic Ice Thickens: NYT Environment Writer Commits Global Warming 'Heresy' Again
Margaret Bassett: Department of Justice Pulls a Whitewash on Siegelman Whistleblower
Margaret Bassett: Senate Finance Health Bill Gets Good Fiscal Marks
Sheila Samples: MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan: Corporate Communists Control (Own) The Economic & Political Structure Of America (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Republican Gomorrah: The Shattered GOP, Taken Over by Authoritarian Radicals, Is Incapable of Compromise (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Op-Ed Columnist - Let Congress Go Without Insurance
Margaret Bassett: Robert Gates on C-SPAN (last 9 minutes) 10-5-09
Joan Brunwasser: Garrison Keillor: Health Care for All - Even Republicans
Margaret Bassett: Wisconsin's Feingold At Risk ... But Only If Thompson Runs
Margaret Bassett: The Suffocatingly Narrow Afghanistan "Debate" - Glenn Greenwald
Jason Paz: The Cost of Corporate Communism - Dylan Ratigan
Camillo "Mac" Bica: An Open Letter to President Barack Obama (1 comments)
Mac McKinney: Stuck in Kabul, with Saigon blues again
Margaret Bassett: Everything Is Bright and Sunny Again, Unless You Have to Work for a Living
Margaret Bassett: Bob Dole Outs Naysayer Mitch McConnell (1 comments)
Wednesday, October 7:
Sheila Samples: Patrick J. Buchanan: The Generals' War
Sheila Samples: Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele - Good Billions After Bad
Rob Kall: Amy Goodman: Watch what you tweet
Sheila Samples: Sack the general; stop the war
Sheila Samples: BUZZFLASH: Conservatives Caught Recreating the Bible in Their Own Image Are Preaching to the Right-Wing Choir
Darren Wolfe: This is what the thuggish redistribution of wealth looks like (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Tortured Language
Sheila Samples: Pakistan's trust deficit
DC Rapier: Skahill Blasts New York Times for War Propoganda
Sheila Samples: Obama's Email Problem
Sheila Samples: A War of Absurdity
Michael Haltman: President Obama Stumbling and Bumbling As Caught On T.V., The Political Commentator
Margaret Bassett: The Joint Post/Obama Defense of the Patriot Act and FISA
Tuesday, October 6:
Sheila Samples: Palin: Send more troops to Afghanistan (3 comments)
M. Wizard: "The Looming Collapse of the American Empire" by Chris Hedges (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Dissident Voice : How Israel Bought off UN's War Crimes Probe
Darren Wolfe: Iran Fidgets in the Middle East: World War III Anybody?
Sheila Samples: Another injustice to Palestinians - Curtis Doebbler
M. Wizard: Paul Krugman, "The Politics of Spite"
Darren Wolfe: Markey Pushes New Net Neutrality Regulations (Video)
Margaret Bassett: John Boehner & the Public Option (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Afghanistan: Eight Years and Counting
Sheila Samples: Jeremy Scahill: An ACORN Amendment for Pfizer
Sheila Samples: Brussels Riddle: Will Blair Become Europe's First President?
Margaret Bassett: "I Cant Stand Those People!"
Margaret Bassett: Thomas Frank Exposes Washington's "Wrecking Crew"
John Lorenz: Does Obama Get It? by Bob Herbert, NY Times
Arun Prabhakaran: Robert Reich: The Phantom Recovery and What To Do About Jobs
Margaret Bassett: Greenwald Film on Afghanistan Destroys the Logic of the War, Leading the New York Times to Whine
Joan Brunwasser: Does Obama Get It? (1 comments)
Monday, October 5:
B. Ross Ashley: The end of Israel? Hannah Mermelstein (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: The UN Must Adopt the Goldstone Report
Sheila Samples: VIDEO: GOP senators: US, not Israel, should attack Iran ‘if necessary'
Margaret Bassett: The 2009 Forbes 400: The What-Me-Worry Gang
Margaret Bassett: WellPoint Sued an ENTIRE STATE to Increase Profits
Sheila Samples: George Galloway: The hawks are circling
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman - The Politics of Spite
Josh Mitteldorf: Frank Rich: The Will to Reform Washington?
M. Wizard: Thomas Franks, "Obama and the K Street Set: Whatever Happened to 'Change'?"
Darren Wolfe: The Anatomy of Blue-State Fascism by Anthony Gregory
Sunday, October 4:
George Faulkner: Bucks Voices for Health Care Reform
Margaret Bassett: Eric Holder's Military Allies
Sheila Samples: Marc Dreier's Crime of Destiny
Sheila Samples: National Security Adviser: Obama won't lift gay ban until Iraq and Afghan wars finished - and even then, if there are mo
Sheila Samples: Eric Margolis - Iran has Passed the Test that Iraq Did
Sheila Samples: Peter W. Galbraith -- U.N. Isn't Addressing Fraud in Afghan Election
Sheila Samples: Pepe Escobar - It's Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran Time
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich - The Rabbit Ragu Democrats
Margaret Bassett: Obama Agrees to Keep Israel's Nukes Secret
Margaret Bassett: Democrats Ponder Health-Care Suicide
Karen Fish: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Jewish by U.K. Daily Telegraph
Eileen Fleming: When Leaders Fail; People Must Lead
Stanimal: U.N. Warns 70% Desertification Of Planet By 2025
Saturday, October 3:
Sheila Samples: The Palestine Chronicle: The Comic Genius of Netanyahu
Sheila Samples: Christopher Bollyn - Why Afghanistan?
Margaret Bassett: India and China Profess Brotherhood
Margaret Bassett: Rachel Maddow Goes After GOP Senators John Ensign And Tom Coburn
Sheila Samples: Israel's killing fields exposed
Sheila Samples: General McChrystal publicly campaigns for Afghanistan “surgeâ€
Sheila Samples: The Right to a Guilty Verdict - Reason Magazine
Darren Wolfe: Even Europe Knows Tax Cuts Work (4 comments)
Friday, October 2:
Sheila Samples: Robert Reich - The truth about jobs that no one wants to tell
Sheila Samples: Obama Agrees to Keep Israel's Nukes Secret
B. Ross Ashley: OPINION: What you don't know about lawful access - Page 1 - Online Retailing and Ecommerce - Enterprise Business Applica
Darren Wolfe: A Free-Market Guide to Fixing Healthcare
Sheila Samples: Exit Afghanistan and Leave Iran Alone by Sheldon Richman
Sheila Samples: “Law & Order†episode makes case for prosecution of Bush administration torturers (1 comments)
R. Francis Rubio: Opinion: Glenn Beck Crying with a Little Help from His Vick\'s Vapor Rub (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: PAUL KRUGMAN -- Mission Not Accomplished (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Nukes aside, the real problem with Iran
Sheila Samples: McCain Campaign Manager: Palin In 2012 Would Be Catastrophe for GOP
Sheila Samples: C Street Scandal, the Media, the Future of the Family: An Interview with Jeff Sharlet
Joan Brunwasser: Paul Krugman: Mission Not Accomplished
Margaret Bassett: Diary from Kabul: Activists in Afghanistan Face Unimagineable Challenges (2 comments)
Thursday, October 1:
Margaret Bassett: Peaceable Assembly Campaign
Grant Lawrence: The Humpty Dumpty Economic Disaster
Sheila Samples: Jeremy Scahill: Bizarro World: Karl Rove Blasts Obama for 'Outsourcing Afghanistan'
Sheila Samples: Iran's Nuclear Theater Meant to Divert Attention
Don Smith: GRITtv with Laura Flanders: Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald on the Media's Wars (1 comments)
Stanimal: Mooncakes & Money: 60 Years Of Change (1 comments)
The Candid Blogger: Five Democrat Whores Sellout American for $19 Million
Sheila Samples: Obama and the Afghan Quagmire
Sheila Samples: The World from Berlin: 'The West Has No Good Options with Iran'
Sheila Samples: For Alan Grayson, a liberal rebel, ‘die quickly' was tame
Don Smith: Patrick Moore's Cartoon about Top Tax Rates over the years
Joan Brunwasser: Stewart Destroys Dems For Not Getting Public Option Passed