Archives for Best Web OpEds
February 2010
Sunday, February 28:
Sheila Samples: The Enthusiasm Gap (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Netanyahu Derailing Peace Effort Using Heritage Sites
Sheila Samples: Editorial - The F.B.I.'s Anthrax Case -
Josh Mitteldorf: Frank Rich on Terrorists and Teabaggers (6 comments)
Saturday, February 27:
Sheila Samples: Ayn Rand, Hugely Popular Author and Inspiration to Right-Wing Leaders, Was a Big Admirer of Serial Killer
Margaret Bassett: CIA Alleged Militant Link In Iran
Margaret Bassett: Two Legal Foes Back Gay Marriage
Grant Lawrence: Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) Says "Tough Shit" to Those About to Lose Unemployment Benefits (2 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: Fidel's Reflections on the Bolivarian Revolution and the Caribbean (4 comments)
Darren Wolfe: American Military Policy and the War on Terrorism by Karen Kwiatkowski
Friday, February 26:
Joan Brunwasser: "We the corporations"
Leon Thompson: Dems Say The Public Option Votes Are Not There - "Take the Damn Vote Now"
Margaret Bassett: Missing the Tea Party - Opinionator Blog
Mac McKinney: Parallels of Conquest, Past and Present
Sheila Samples: Did Woodstock hippies lead to US financial collapse?
Margaret Bassett: Address Jobs Now and Deficits Later (2 comments)
Richmond Shreve: Summited Out | The New Republic
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: What We Learned From the Health Care Summit -
Eileen Fleming: Compassion VS. Antichrists
Robert Arend: Charlie LeDuff: Blue-collar Workers Hanging on by Thread
Thursday, February 25:
Sheila Samples: Reporters with Conflicts of Interest in Israel
Sheila Samples: Odierno requests more combat forces in Iraq -- beyond the Obama deadline
Sheila Samples: Parallels of Conquest, Past and Present
Sheila Samples: Editorial - The Torture Lawyers
Sheila Samples: Hendrik Hertzberg: Decoding Limbaugh's Racism (AUDIO)
Sheila Samples: America Debates Health Care: 'The Process in Congress Is Not Pretty'
Sheila Samples: E.J. Dionne Jr. - Under-30 Americans: The next new dealers
Ted Newcomen: Prices are rising fast, even if the CPI isn't - By Irwin Kellner
Oh: China's Alternative to Communism and Democracy, by Daniel A. Bell (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 24:
Sheila Samples: Marjah: "This is not Fallujah'
Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Feeling the Hate at CPAC 2010 With Andrew Breitbart, Hannah Giles and the Crazy Mob
Margaret Bassett: Supporting Energy Independence and a Cleaner, Low-carbon Environment through Expanded use of Natural Gas and Renewables.
Sheila Samples: Miles Mogulescu: The Real Reason Obama's Plan Doesn't Include a Public Option
Sheila Samples: Robert Reich: Time to Enact Health Care With 51 Votes
PrMaine: Liberalism is ... Evil, Gary Hart
Kathy Malloy: Obama may be key part of this health care plan (1 comments)
Kathy Malloy: Anne Applebaum - Prepare for war with Iran -- in case Israel strikes
Grant Lawrence: Wall Street Bonuses Rose after the Bailouts and Americans Like it that Way
Kathy Malloy: Austin pilot Joe Stack gives the right a headache
Tuesday, February 23:
Sheila Samples: On the Money
Sheila Samples: Gareth Porter: Marjah Offensive Aimed to Shape US Opinion on War
Sheila Samples: Targeted Killing in Dubai: A Mossad Operation Gone Awry?
Sheila Samples: Bruce Ackerman - How to keep future John Yoos under control (2 comments)
Eileen Fleming: Dubai and "Stupid Israeli Spies"
Darren Wolfe: The GOP's "small government" tea party fraud
Arlene montemarano: Dennis Kucinich Prayer for America (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: Lieberman is dying to say it
Margaret Bassett: The NYT on its "Kill more Civilians" Op-Ed Writer
Margaret Bassett: Why so Little Attention to Vernon Hunter?
Angola 3 News: My thoughts on "Showdown in Desire: The Black Panthers take a stand in New Orleans' by Elbert "Big Man" Howard (2 comments)
Monday, February 22:
Joan Brunwasser: New Brady Report: Lack of Leadership Earns President a Failing Grade
Margaret Bassett: Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project
Sheila Samples: The Binyam Mohamed case and the threat of dictatorship
Sheila Samples: Fareed Zakaria - Why Iran's dictators can be deterred
Margaret Bassett: The GOP's "Small Government" Tea Party Fraud
Grant Lawrence: The New Poor: Formerly Middle Class, Now Facing Years of Unemployment (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Corporate Fearmongering About the Deficit Undermines Efforts for Desperately Needed Jobs
Sunday, February 21:
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: The Bankruptcy Boys (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: I Support Terry Nichols' Hunger Strike
Rob Kall: Right Wing (somewhat) Radio Host Michael Smerconish Switches From Republican To Independent (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Dana Milbank - At CPAC, Glenn Beck scolds the Republican Party
Joan Brunwasser: Elizabeth Warren: Shortcomings Of Credit Card Reform Show Need For CFPA
Joan Brunwasser: Click here to find out more! Your request is being processed... Elizabeth Warren: It's Bank Lobbyists vs. Ame
Darren Wolfe: Wilson's War | by George C. Leef
Saturday, February 20:
Joan Brunwasser: The Republican Strategy: Covert Destruction at all Costs
Sheila Samples: Governments From Around the World ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror
B. Ross Ashley: Google: free VP8, and use it on YouTube - Free Software Foundation
Sheila Samples: What Are We Bid for American Justice?
Sheila Samples: Obama's Pentagon Rebrands Iraq War, Rolls Out PR Offensive in Afghanistan
Jennifer Hathaway: Finding Farmworkers
Richmond Shreve: Congress is Dysfunctional?
Margaret Bassett: Terrorism: the Most Meaningless and Manipulated Word
Friday, February 19:
Sheila Samples: Chossudovsky: US will start WW3 by attacking Iran (VIDEO)
Joan Brunwasser: Jim Hightower: Greed Trophy Up for Grabs
Margaret Bassett: Race to the Top of What? Education Is About More Than Jobs
Sheila Samples: Obama appoints panel to slash social programs
Sheila Samples: Eugene Robinson - Cold truths about the Northeast's harsh winter
Michael Thornton: Suit: School spied on students via webcams - Security-
Michael Thornton: Wall Street's Bailout Hustle : Rolling Stone
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: California Death Spiral
Thursday, February 18:
Sheila Samples: Why the Right Doesn't Want the Economy to Improve (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: “A Bad Day for Americaâ€: Anti-Nuclear Activist Harvey Wasserman Criticizes Obama Plan to Fund Nuclear Reactors
Sheila Samples: Thomas Friedman: Global Weirding Is Here
Grant Lawrence: John Cougar Mellencamp for Senate! (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Editorial - A Welcome, if Partial, Fix
Sheila Samples: No, IPCC Climatologists Did NOT Make Sloppy Errors
Sheila Samples: Why Obama Is Getting No Credit for the Stimulus
Rob Kall: Dem Pollster Stanley Greenberg: How to avoid a repeat of 1994. (1 comments)
Rob Kall: Fix Congress First! Help Pass Major Campaign Finance
Margaret Bassett: Wall Street's Bailout Hustle
Joan Brunwasser: Double Standards? Nato's Afghan Errors
Daniel Geery: Obomber's Nukes
Margaret Bassett: Obama's Just Pledged Billions for the 20th Century's Most Expensive Technological Failure -- Nuclear Power
Wednesday, February 17:
Richmond Shreve: Go Get 'em
Margaret Bassett: Judging Stimulus by Job Data Reveals Success
Sheila Samples: The Media's Billion Dollar Ad for Evan Bayh
Sheila Samples: Joe Cirincione: Obama's Nuclear Decision Day
Sheila Samples: Robert Scheer: It's Greek to Goldman Sachs
Sheila Samples: Steve Benen: The Difference Between Talking Tough And Being Tough
Sheila Samples: The Meaning of Marjah
Margaret Bassett: Obama's Nuclear Option (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The End of Obama's Vision of a Nuke-Free World
Tuesday, February 16:
Margaret Bassett: The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America -" Part I - Print
Michael Thornton: Top Five Health Insurers Posted 56 Percent Profit Gains in 2009 | | AlterNet
Richmond Shreve: Road to Recovery
Sheila Samples: Eric Holder and the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial
Kevin Gosztola: Haiti: "We Are Not Getting Help!"
Sheila Samples: US vs. China: a dangerous phase has begun
Scott Baker: Tea Party Agenda Supports Alternative Energy Development By Jeff Siegel (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The Democrats' Response to Citizens United: Not Even Close to Good Enough
Margaret Bassett: Are Corporations Using the Internet to Accelerate Our Cultural, Political and Economic Decline?
Margaret Bassett: Is There Life in Health Care Reform? (3 comments)
Josh Mitteldorf: German Capitalism by Tom Geoghegan (Harpers)
B. Ross Ashley: Harper's political agenda on display -
Monday, February 15:
Rob Kall: We have let Barack Obama down | Clancy Sigal | (8 comments)
Sheila Samples: The Economic Elite Have Engineered an Extraordinary Coup, Threatening the Very Existence of the Middle Class (2 comments)
Eileen Fleming: FEEL the LOVE coming from You Tube
Sheila Samples: Is the Obama administration hoping for regime change in Iran?
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: The Making of a Euromess
Margaret Bassett: Obama's Most Powerful Foe
Joan Brunwasser: The Economic Elite Have Engineered an Extraordinary Coup, Threatening the Very Existence of the Middle Class (1 comments)
Joan Brunwasser: Harry Truman: Limit CIA Role To Intelligence
Joan Brunwasser: Jon Stewart Nails It Again: Health Care Summit and Hawaii's Health Care System
Sunday, February 14:
Margaret Bassett: Rachel Maddow Hit the Nail on the Head
Jim McCabe: The New York County UnDemocratic Committee, by Jim McCabe
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: Palin's Cunning Sleight of Hand (1 comments)
Saturday, February 13:
Darren Wolfe: More Pain for Devastated Haiti: Under the Pretense of Disaster Relief, U.S. Running a Military Occupation
Darren Wolfe: The Quill Pig Chronicles: A Delicious Moment
Margaret Bassett: Michael Mukasey: Then and Now
Sheila Samples: Obama waging economic warfare on several fronts, including Japan (1 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Let's Drug Test those Bankster Welfare Bums
Sheila Samples: How Christian Were the Founders? (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: Watching China Run
zonie: Iran's Defiant Dare = Crunch Time for Obama
Friday, February 12:
Rob Kall: Ted Rall Op-Ed: OBAMA: DUMBER THAN SARAH PALIN (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: The K Street Kickback: The Giveaway That Reid Stripped From The Jobs Bill
Scott Baker: Sen. Bernie Sanders: It's time for a solar revolution. Huffington Post (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Republicans and Medicare
Thursday, February 11:
Joan Brunwasser: 100 year old activist Granny D on recent Supreme Court decision (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Poll Shows Palin's Unfavorability Ratings At All-Time High As Broder Extols Her "Populist' Appeal (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Filibuster Reform: Can We Make Our Government Work Again?
Sheila Samples: Robert Reich: One Free Market System for Wall Street, Another Free Market System for Main Street
Sheila Samples: Tim Dickinson: No We Can't
Sheila Samples: How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America
Sheila Samples: The Jihadist CBRN Threat
Sheila Samples: E.J. Dionne Jr. - What fuels the grass-roots rage (2 comments)
GLloyd Rowsey: Fidel Sends Message of Congratulations to the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade (7 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Obama is no FDR, We're No Mass Movement
Margaret Bassett: GOP Welfare Queens Who Attacked Obama's Stimulus
Wednesday, February 10:
Mac McKinney: "My Country Has Been Hijacked" Munich Peace Rally Speech By Cynthia McKinney
Sheila Samples: Eric Holder and the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial
Sheila Samples: Bolton: Either Iran Gets Nukes Or "Israel Or Somebody Else Uses Military Force To Stop It' (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman Blog: Clueless (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: The National Anthem - and Why We Need Health Care Reform So Desperately
Margaret Bassett: Video/Audio: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)
Darren Wolfe: The Patriot Act Is Up For Revote In Congress
Scott Baker: Reconsider. Think Again. Do More. Evan Handler, Huffington Post
Tuesday, February 9:
Sheila Samples: Obomanomics One Year Out
Sheila Samples: I Don't Mean To Say I Told You So, But...
Margaret Bassett: Without Big Government, Where Would We Be?
Sheila Samples: Our Democracy No Longer Works and the Problem Is Congress
Sheila Samples: Bob Herbert: The Worst of the Pain
Sheila Samples: Dangerous steps in Iran's nuclear dance
Monday, February 8:
Sheila Samples: James Howard Kunstler : We're Weimar (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: When Will Obama Stop Trying to Work with Republicans? (2 comments)
Darren Wolfe: Gene Healy: South of the border, the cult of the presidency
Darren Wolfe: FIRE Files Supreme Court 'Amicus' Brief Supporting Freedom of Association in 'Christian Legal Society v. Martinez'
Sheila Samples: Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Destabilizing Pakistan
Sheila Samples: E.J. Dionne Jr. - On health care: 'Finish the kitchen'
Sheila Samples: We Have A Crisis, Mr. Vice-President
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: America Is Not Yet Lost
Ilene Flannery Wells: DJ Jaffe: Let's Make Kenra's Law Permanent (1 comments)
Andreas Umland: A. Umland: Ukraine's Future: The Precarious Alternatives to an EU Membership Perspective
Andreas Umland: In Ukraine, Democracy's Main Woes Are Structural
Margaret Bassett: Beat the Press
Sunday, February 7:
Sheila Samples: Beginning Of The End: Sarah Palin Hijacks The Tea Party Movement (3 comments)
Sheila Samples: Frank Rich: Smoke the Bigots Out of the Closet (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Activist Historian Howard Zinn's Obit Causes a Firestorm (2 comments)
Margaret Bassett: Surge in Women's Employment Brings Unemployment Rate Down to 9.7 Percent
Margaret Bassett: The Winter of America's Discontent
Margaret Bassett: White Racial Resentment Bubbles Under the Surface of the Tea Party Movement
Darren Wolfe: Jake Towne - Common Sense Fixes the Job Market
Margaret Bassett: The Truth About Conservative "Journalism" (1 comments)
Saturday, February 6:
Sheila Samples: Senate Shark Jump Announced
Mac McKinney: OpEdNew's Bruce Gagnon on Youtube: on The Drive Towards Empire and Endless War (4 comments)
Grant Lawrence: Cap and Trade This! More on Climategate
Friday, February 5:
Sheila Samples: Robert Reich: Who's Killing Financial Reform?
Sheila Samples: Dan Froomkin: How Do You Talk About Politics? TELL US ABOUT IT
Joan Brunwasser: Bush, Cheney and the Great Escape
Sheila Samples: Pentagon Won't Hand Over Dead Prisoner's "Missing Throat," And Other Disturbing Revelations
Margaret Bassett: The Ethics of Undercover Journalism
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Fiscal Scare Tactics (2 comments)
Thursday, February 4:
Ilene Flannery Wells: DJ Jaffe: Health Care Reform Keeps Mentally Ill Uninsured
Sheila Samples: Hightower: GOP Is the Party That Thinks Helping the Poor and Hungry Is Like Feeding 'Stray Animals' (2 comments)
Sheila Samples: Bring on the Filibuster
Sheila Samples: Shadow Elite: How the World's New Power Brokers Are Upending Our Democracy
Sheila Samples: McConnell Claims Larry King Is "Better' Than U.S. Interrogators At Questioning Terrorists
Josh Mitteldorf: Secret, Domestic Assassinations: It's Official by Glenn Greenwald (4 comments)
Sheila Samples: E.J. Dionne Jr. - Off-message, Biden recasts the Obama agenda (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: Obama's surge: killing spree on both sides of AfPak border
Margaret Bassett: CIA and Intelligence Community Mythologies (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 3:
Mac McKinney: WOMEN SPARTANS BEATING THEIR HELOTS: Israeli Women Soldiers Break the Silence
Sheila Samples: Polls Suggest Everything You Think You Know About Iran's "Tainted" Election Is Wrong
Your Friend Fairpay: Prof Michael Hudson on Why The Debt Crisis Keeps Deepening (1 comments)
Sheila Samples: David Ignatius - Revenge on the Taliban, from 10,000 feet
Margaret Bassett: Tell the House Armed Services Committee to Read Eikenberry's Warning
Margaret Bassett: The Right Gets Itself 'Wired'
Margaret Bassett: Why Bipartisanship Can't Work: the Expert View
PrMaine: Obama and House GOP Bring Question Time to US (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: President Obama and the CIA: What Must Be Done (1 comments)
Tuesday, February 2:
Mac McKinney: America's Scapegoat of the Month: "Shock, Horror, Drama" That You Won't Read In The New York Times
Mac McKinney: PREDATORS: Ten Arrested after Abducting 33 Haitian children
Philip Knab: Blood Money: Wall Street's Twilight Feeding Frenzy - P. Knab
Margaret Bassett: Negative Ad of the Year?
Margaret Bassett: Common Sense on Budgets
Sheila Samples: Stanley Fish: What Is the First Amendment For?
Sheila Samples: Why Are Americans Passive as Millions Lose Their Homes, Jobs, Families and the American Dream? (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: How the British Empire is Striking Back
Monday, February 1:
Joan Brunwasser: Paul Krugman: Good and Boring
Margaret Bassett: Bill Moyers and Richard Trumka: Americans Needs Jobs -- Does Obama Finally Get It?
Margaret Bassett: How to Accommodate an Uninfomred Electorate
Sheila Samples: E. J. Dionne Jr.: Justice Alito's candid response to Obama's rebuke (1 comments)
abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Why 'Active Neutrality' Can Hasten Iran's Revolution ,The Huffingto Post
Darren Wolfe: The Precarious State of Our Union by Peter Schiff
Margaret Bassett: Five Years, $5.08 Trillion in Debt (1 comments)
Margaret Bassett: The Dangerous Dozen
Sheila Samples: Paul Krugman: Good and Boring
Darren Wolfe: AP Conceals US Govt. Role in Haiti-Relief Plight